Weekly News for Jan. 24, 2021
Oops! Earlier message said "Jan. 17" here. Sorry for any confusion. No other information has changed.
Worship-at-Home Service
January 24 at 10:30 a.m.
Pastors' Weekly Message: From Pastor Pat
We are a reconciling congregation!
But what does that mean? I would imagine for some it is the long awaited declaration that all are welcomed. For others it becomes the identifier that invites the unknown. Yet for some it is the sound of the door closing on what “church” has been. Beloved, every one of these feelings are valid. We each bring our own traditions and experiences to the table of understanding what it means for us at St. Paul's.
Having recently remembered the reconciling work of the late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., it seems timely to embrace the fullness of what it means to be reconciling.
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary definition says to reconcile is to restore harmony. I discovered that one of Webster's definitions of harmony is an interweaving of different accounts into a single narrative. Bingo! In other words, reconciling is to be about the work of creating a beloved community, where the uniqueness of our individuality is celebrated as the necessary part of our wholeness!
We declare that we are intentional about the work of weaving the many different threads of our community into the story of Christ’s love! That’s what it means to be reconciling. It is not an indictment against anything we are not. It is the purposeful declaration of how we intend to live out our faith, by seeking out the voices of others to be added to the story of our congregation. It is about the work of reconciling that extends beyond our congregation, spilling over into our community, and our homes.
So let us be about the glorious work of restoring harmony in places where the sound of joy is just waiting to be released. We have sung the songs of lament long enough, let us sing a new song!
-- Pastor Pat
January 25
7:00 pm
via Zoom
St. Paul's crafters continue to meet on Zoom twice a month and enjoy a time of fellowship. (We have even had a few conversations about planning a Craft Fair in 2021. Here's hoping!)
Please contact Karen Codner directly or email the church office ([email protected]) for the Zoom invite.
You can find all the meeting dates for the first half of 2021 at
Thursday, Jan. 28
6:00-7:00 p.m. (Note this time! Previously listed as 6:30 start.)
via Zoom
All are welcome to join this Book Club sponsored by St. Paul's Justice & Compassion Team as we discuss The Beautiful Things That Heaven Bears by award-winning author Dinaw Mengestu. Email Travis Stalcup directly or contact Erin Steele in the church office ([email protected]) to participate.
The book follows the character Sepha Stephanos who settles in Washington, DC after fleeing war in his native Ethiopia. His life running a failing grocery store in a poor African American neighborhood is a lonely one, but hope and challenges both lay ahead as new neighbors arrive and Sepha's community changes all over again.
Over a period of several months, St. Paul's clergy and staff, with some generous advice from consultants, have engaged in a process to conceive and design a new logo that is distinct and original for our church. Thanks largely to the ongoing work of Micah Smartt, we are entering 2021 with a new, fresh set of graphics. We are excited to have a design that is unique to St. Paul's and reflects that we are a church that has been "Journeying together since 1885."
You can soon expect to see the new designs appear in our print communications, YouTube, website, newsletters, letterhead, in-house signs, and other places. It will take a little time to transition so all of our materials have one of the new logos, and we thank you for your patience.
Sign-up deadline Jan. 27
Classes start Feb. 2
via Zoom (for now)
Confirmation is getting ready to kick off soon. We will start out virtually using Zoom, and depending on public health news and the comfort of our Confirmation families we may transition to in-person meetings later. If you are interested in more information or have questions about Confirmation this year (or next year), please contact Micah Smartt ([email protected]).
10:00 a.m.
Our prayer team meets weekly by telephone conference call to lift up the prayers of St. Paul's people. We've moved from our previous Tuesday morning schedule to a new time on Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m.!
Here’s what we do: Each week, Erin Steele in the church office sends out an email with prayer requests and call-in instructions. First we each call into the conference call number. Then, using the prayer list, we take turns offering brief prayers as people have requested. Often we dip into the list from previous weeks when we know that a concern or joy is persisting. Many times one or more of us knows the person making the request, other times not. People request prayers for themselves, for relatives and friends, for our church, community, country, and the world. We feel honored and privileged, even empowered that people ask us to pray along with them, and we often give thanks for their trust and faith.
All who wish to join us in prayer are welcome. To receive the prayer requests by email, contact Erin at [email protected]. On Wednesday, please dial in a few minutes before the scheduled meeting so we are ready to begin on time. Prayerwaves sessions usually last about half an hour. The call-in phone number is 425-436-6326. Then enter access code 774042 followed by the # sign. If you get a wrong-number message when you dial, please try again. If there is a problem, you can contact Bill Butz on his cell phone at 240-205-0964.
While we are working to get our secure online prayer request form back up and running, you can still share your joys and concerns to be lifted up in prayer. If you would like all the members of our Prayerwaves Team and the pastors to pray your prayer request, please email your prayer requests to Erin in the church office ([email protected]). If you wish to share a prayer request confidentially with only the pastors, please email them directly ([email protected] or [email protected]). You may also include your contact information and a request for pastoral care follow-up if you so desire.
11:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
Saturdays, Jan. 23 & 30
via Zoom
This study uses the BibleProject’s Church at Home: Small Group Bible Study. All are welcome on a regular or drop-in basis, no advance prep work required! Each session includes a brief audio talk, a short video about a biblical theme, and a time of interactive Bible study and discussion. The topics for each week in January are listed at stpaulsk.org/community/adult-education Click here to sign up or contact Meg Baker ([email protected]) with questions.
Wednesday, Jan. 27
4:00-5:00 p.m.
via Zoom
All are welcome to join the final session of this guided Bible study, accessible for drop-in visitors as well as regular participants. Pursuing a godly life involves action, and this DVD-based study by Nick Cunningham focuses on 2 Peter 1:3-11 to help participants grow in Christian faith, knowledge, and actions. Click here to read more and sign up: stpaulsk.org/community/adult-education For more info, contact Meg Baker at [email protected] or 301-933-7933 ext. 104.
Middle High: 4:30pm
Senior High: 7pm
via Zoom
St. Paul's Youth (open to all in grades 6-12) will be sticking with our weekly Zoom meetings for the immediate future. (We have plans to eventually move to in-person masked meetings on alternating weeks but we're not quite there yet.) The SPY Zoom link is sent out in the Weekly SPY Email. Add yourself to the SPY list by entering your email in the form found HERE, or contact Micah Smartt, Youth Pastor ([email protected]).
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays
Use your social media time for good! Tune in and you might find Pastor Kate or Pastor Pat offering a short meditation, music led by Tom Pedersen, a reading from Micah Smartt, a reflection from Meg Baker, or even a guest speaker.
Lydia Circle women are holding a Zoom meeting every other Friday, now at 1:30 pm (new time). We invite any woman interested in joining us to contact leader Susan Schwarz at [email protected] or call 301-339-8242.
Jan. 17- Feb. 1
Human Relations Day, one of the designated Special Sunday Offerings in the United Methodist Church, is observed annually at St. Paul's on the Sunday before Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday. The online donation form will remain available until February 1 for those who wish to contribute. Special Sunday funds support Methodists across the UMC engaged in community development and outreach to at-risk youth through the Community Developers Programs, United Methodist Voluntary Services Programs, and Youth Offender Rehabilitation Programs. Please click here for our online giving form.
Ongoing Activities - Click on each heading to learn more.
Still Wednesday: Wednesdays, 7pm. - All are welcome for this time of prayer, connection, and quiet contemplation in a busy world. We are meeting each week by Zoom. Email [email protected] or call Kenzie Raulin at 301-237-1520.
Prayerwaves: Wednesdays, 10am - During this time of Prayer over the Air Waves, we pray together over the phone. Call 425-436-6326 at 9:55 each Wednesday morning. When prompted for the “access code," type in 774042 followed by #.
Upper Room Mailing List - To receive paper copies of The Upper Room daily devotionals, please contact Erin Steele in the church office ([email protected]) with your mailing address and whether you prefer the pocket-sized or large print version.
Scripture for January 24, 2021
Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10
1[A]ll the people gathered together into the square before the Water Gate. They told the scribe Ezra to bring the book of the law of Moses, which the Lord had given to Israel. 2Accordingly, the priest Ezra brought the law before the assembly, both men and women and all who could hear with understanding. This was on the first day of the seventh month. 3He read from it facing the square before the Water Gate from early morning until midday, in the presence of the men and the women and those who could understand; and the ears of all the people were attentive to the book of the law.
5And Ezra opened the book in the sight of all the people, for he was standing above all the people; and when he opened it, all the people stood up. 6Then Ezra blessed the Lord, the great God, and all the people answered, “Amen, Amen,” lifting up their hands. Then they bowed their heads and worshiped the Lord with their faces to the ground.
8So they read from the book, from the law of God, with interpretation. They gave the sense, so that the people understood the reading.
9And Nehemiah, who was the governor, and Ezra the priest and scribe, and the Levites who taught the people said to all the people, “This day is holy to the Lord your God; do not mourn or weep.” For all the people wept when they heard the words of the law. 10Then he said to them, “Go your way, eat the fat and drink sweet wine and send portions of them to those for whom nothing is prepared, for this day is holy to our Lord; and do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”
Luke 4:14-21
14Then Jesus, filled with the power of the Spirit, returned to Galilee, and a report about him spread through all the surrounding country. 15He began to teach in their synagogues and was praised by everyone.
16When he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, he went to the synagogue on the sabbath day, as was his custom. He stood up to read, 17and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him. He unrolled the scroll and found the place where it was written:
18“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
because he has anointed me
to bring good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives
and recovery of sight to the blind,
to let the oppressed go free,
19to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”
20And he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant, and sat down. The eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on him. 21Then he began to say to them, “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.”
New Revised Standard Version