Weekly News & Updates From Los Alamos County

Published February 3, 2023

Upcoming Events

Community survey results presented to County Council Feb. 7

Los Alamos County, in partnership with its contractor National Research Center (NRC), will present the results from the 2022 National Community SurveyTM this Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2023, at 6 p.m. at the County Council meeting. Held in Council Chambers (1000 Central Ave., Los Alamos), the public may attend in person or virtually. Information on how to join via Zoom is available on the Los Alamos County calendar.


Los Alamos officials thank residents for their time and valuable feedback. The survey is designed to provide a comprehensive picture of citizen perspectives on community livability. County councilors and officials use the survey results to help guide strategic planning efforts, identify priority goals, and dedicate necessary resources to improve services, facilities, and initiatives.


While the County has been regularly conducting community satisfaction surveys for almost 30 years, in 2020 it moved to the National Community SurveyTM. Unlike previous survey instruments, the National Community SurveyTM benchmarks responses against other communities nationwide, adding another layer of understanding. The presentation to Council will highlight areas of interest from the survey results.


Visit the County’s Open Gov webpage to view the full 2022 Community Survey Results. For more information or any questions, contact Leslie Bucklin at 505-663-1726 or email le.bucklin@lacnm.us.

Hazard mitigation meeting reminder

Los Alamos County Emergency Management will hold two in-person public meetings next week to learn about the importance of hazard mitigation: 

  • February 8, 5-6:30 p.m. at Fuller Lodge 
  • February 9, noon-1 p.m. at the White Rock Fire Station #3

The public will receive an overview of the Hazard Mitigation Plan, see the results of the Hazard Mitigation Survey, and learn about mitigation actions citizens can take to ensure their homes and families are prepared.

Light refreshments will be provided.

February 15th Public Open House for managing Short-term Rentals in Los Alamos

Los Alamos County Community Development Department (CDD) will host the first public open house for community input to the Short-term Rental (STR) Program on Wednesday, February 15 from 6-8 p.m. at the White Rock Fire Station #3 (129 NM-4, White Rock). The public is encouraged to attend a project presentation and Q&A session planned for 6:15-6:45 p.m. Light refreshments will be served.

Short-term rentals, also known as vacation rentals, are now a mainstay in most communities and Los Alamos is no exception. The purpose of the Los Alamos STR program project is to define the market in the County, assess benefits and drawbacks, and incorporate public input. The ultimate goal of the project is Council adoption of an ordinance that establishes a mechanism for STRs to legally operate in Los Alamos County as part of a program that effectively manages neighborhood impacts.

CDD Planning Division has partnered with short-term rental program experts Wilson & Company to help develop this program. At the meeting, County staff and consultants will present the project purpose, schedule, and initial research prior to public comment and input and will be available to answer questions, address concerns, and take comments throughout the event.

To learn more about STRs in Los Alamos, go to livehostvisitlac.org. If you have questions, please contact a member of the project team:

Los Alamos County/CDD 

Desirae Lujan,

Associate Planner Manager


505-662-8097 (office direct)


Wilson & Company

Noah Berke, AICP,

New Mexico Planning Manager


505-348-4187 (office direct)



Scam alert!

The Los Alamos Police Department would like to warn the community about a new scam. Officers have received reports that individuals are getting called from Express Scripts asking for personal identifying information such as birthdates and Social Security numbers.

In December, many LANL retirees were notified that Smith’s/Kroger Pharmacies would no longer be affiliated with Express Scripts because of a breakdown in contract negotiations over medical prescription prices. Scam artists are using this information to try and get information from those affected. Phone calls are made to our citizens pretending to be an Express Scripts representative stating they can explain how Express Scripts could work best for the customer. The representative will state they cannot provide the information about how Express Scripts could help without personal identifiable information.

Because so many people in Los Alamos County are affected by this contract rift between Smith’s/Kroger and Express Scripts, we would like the community to be aware of this possible scam. If you have a question about Express Scripts and the areas they cover, please reach out to them directly.

If you believe you are a victim of a crime, call LAPD at (505) 662-8222, or stop by the Department at 2500 Trinity Drive.

Library Announces Yoga Book Club at the White Rock Branch Library

Los Alamos County Library System staff are pleased to announce that the second quarterly Yoga Book Club will take place at the White Rock Branch Library. The program will be facilitated by certified yoga therapist Jacci Gruninger, MS, C-IAYT. The session will be held on Thursday, Feb. 9th from 6:00 to 8 p.m. The program is suitable for adults of all ages and abilities. This series is free to the public thanks to the generous support of Friends of Los Alamos County Libraries.

Participants can expect to spend up to 45 minutes breathing, moving, and being still, and will then have the opportunity to engage in discussion about the book The Stories Behind the Poses: the Indian mythology that inspired 50 yoga postures by Dr. Raj Balkaran. Multiple copies of the book are available for checkout from either library ahead of the program. The discussion title is also available as an electronic book through both Libby and Hoopla. It is not necessary to have read the text to participate. Simply attending the program and learning about the concepts through discussion will help yogis deepen their practice and decide if they’d like to read the book later.

Patrons can also check out a limited number of yoga supply kits. Each kit includes a yoga mat, two blocks, and one 8-foot strap packed into a mesh bag for convenient transport. The yoga kits are offered in support of the yoga book club but are also a part of a larger Library initiative that focuses on making non-traditional library materials available to the community. The concept is called “Library of Things” and is a trend that is gaining traction in public libraries everywhere. Patrons should look for more kits in 2023 including several energy efficiency kits created in an exciting collaboration with Los Alamos Department of Utilities and a brand-new seed library debuting at the Mesa Public library branch in March. The Library already offers some “Library of Things” items including a telescope available for check out at the White Rock Branch Library, museum passes, book discussion kits, and circulating framed art.

Registration for the yoga program is required. Please visit the event calendar at LosAlamosLibrary.org or call (505) 662-8257 for more information.

Tidbits and Treasures

County seeking Social Media Coordinator

Do you know how to research, plan, organize, and execute a marketing and social media campaign? Are you a creative person who can develop an idea on social media that encourages others to participate? Are you skilled at a variety of social media platforms? If so, apply for the Social Media Coordinator position with the County Communications and Public Relations office! Click here to learn more and apply: https://lacnm.com/apply

Los Alamos County is hiring! With numerous openings in a variety of areas, we’re sure to have a position that’s right for you. Come join our team! Apply today at www.losalamosnm.us/jobs

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