Weekly News & Updates From Los Alamos County

Published February 10, 2023

Upcoming Events

Council Work Session canceled

A meeting cancellation notice for the February 14, 2023, County Council – Work Session has been published and is available online here.

Meeting Reminder— February 15th Public Open House for managing Short-term Rentals in Los Alamos

Los Alamos County Community Development Department (CDD) will host the first public open house for community input to the Short-term Rental (STR) Program on Wednesday, February 15 from 6-8 p.m. at the White Rock Fire Station #3 (129 NM-4, White Rock). The public is encouraged to attend a project presentation and Q&A session planned for 6:15-6:45 p.m.

Light refreshments will be served.

Public Hearings to be held for Gas Adjustments

Two public hearings are scheduled for proposed changes to the natural gas rate ordinance by the Department of Public Utilities (DPU). The proposed changes don’t increase the fixed rates adopted last fall. Instead, they include an increase to the variable rate cap, an additional recovery rate component and a compensatory minimum value for the variable portion of the gas rate.

The first public hearing will be held at the regular monthly Board of Public Utilities (BPU) meeting on February 15 at 5:30 pm. If approved by BPU, a second public hearing will take place at the March 28 County Council meeting at 6:00 p.m. Both meetings are held in a hybrid fashion so the public may attend in person in Council Chambers or online via Zoom using the link ladpu.com/ratehearing. The ordinance changes must be adopted by the County Council before they can be put in place. If adopted, they will take effect in April 2023.

The proposed changes are in response to rapidly escalating commodity costs paid by the utility. DPU uses a pass-through gas rate, meaning customers pay a variable rate that changes monthly based on the actual costs paid by DPU to receive the commodity that is provided to customers. The variable rate has been in place since 2013 and did not reach the do-not-exceed variable rate cap of $0.99/therm until two years ago. It has now been reached five times.

Cap increase

Each time the cap is enacted, a portion of the commodity expense recovery is shifted to a later date. When the cap is not enacted, over and under collections are calculated as part of the variable rate through a prior month adjustment calculation. Currently, rising gas prices that exceed the cap cause prior month under-collection amounts to spread over several months. The proposed ordinance increases the cap from $0.99/therm to $4.00/therm. The variable cost of gas that DPU has paid over the past two years, based on San Juan Index pricing, has ranged between $0.24/therm and $3.30/therm.

Recovery rate component

Escalating costs that are not being fully recovered under the current ordinance’s not-to-exceed cap of $0.99/therm have caused a $7.5 million shortfall in DPU’s natural gas fund. To address this shortfall, the proposed ordinance includes a $0.44/therm sunsetting recovery rate mechanism. If approved, this rate will be applied to gas billings until expenses are fully recuperated or until two years from adoption—whichever occurs first.

Compensatory minimum

When gas prices are especially volatile, the pass-through rate can drop to $0.00/therm. The proposed ordinance sets a minimum value of $0.11/therm for the variable portion of the gas rate to soften month-to-month rate swings caused by volatile commodity costs.

More information about the proposed rates, including a detailed FAQ document, can be found online at: https://ladpu.com/rates under the folder “Proposed & Pending Rate Changes.”

Glow Skate

  • February 17
  • Los Alamos County Ice Rink
  • 7:00 - 10:00 p.m.

Glow skate is a stadium lights-out event for all ages who want to experience a night of glowing ice disco lights, music, and black light activated giveaways to wear on the ice.

General Admission Applies

Ice Rink RC King of the Ice Challenge

  • February 18
  • 12:00 - 3:00 p.m.
  • Los Alamos County Ice Rink

The RC Challenge is for those who want to show their skills at driving their Radio Controlled Vehicles on the slick surface of the ice. Compete in different driving skill events and heat races for 2wd and 4wd cars and trucks powered by both gas and battery! Do you have what it takes to be the king of the Ice?!

General Admission Applies

County to hold two town halls on capital improvement projects

Los Alamos County invites the community to attend one of two upcoming town halls designed to update residents on various capital improvement projects (CIP) and solicit feedback that will inform the fiscal year 2024 budget preparation. 


The first town hall is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 21, at 6 p.m. at the Municipal Building, 1000 Central Ave., Los Alamos, in Council Chambers. A second town hall is scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 23, at 6 p.m. at the White Rock Fire Station 3, 129 NM State Road 4, White Rock. Both meetings will be in a hybrid format. Citizens participating via Zoom may use the following https://lacnm.com/CIPTownHalls


CIPs identified for discussion range from fire mitigation efforts for increased public safety to various road, infrastructure, and recreation projects to improve economic growth and quality of life. Additionally, this week the results from the 2022 National Community SurveyTM were shared on the county’s website. This survey gauged citizen perception of the livability of Los Alamos County and included an open-ended question that asked citizens to identify the one CIP the county should prioritize over the next few years. County staff plans to share resident responses at the town halls, review a list of projects already slated, and ask those in attendance to prioritize projects based on available resources for the upcoming year. 


The town halls are open to all members of the community. For those unable to join in person or via Zoom, the meetings will be recorded and available online to be viewed after the fact. For more information email or call Julie Williams-Hill at Julie.williams@lacnm.us or 505.662.8083.


Open-ended responses for the 2022 Community Survey are available online

Open-ended responses to questions in the Los Alamos 2022 National Community SurveyTM (NCS) are now posted on the Los Alamos County website, along with the final NCS Report, the Statistical Significance Thresholds, and the Demographic Comparison reports. Individuals can view or download a PDF by visiting the Open Government portal at https://lacnm.com/OpenGov and clicking the links under the heading “Community Survey Results.”

Los Alamos County officials thank residents for their time and valuable feedback. County councilors and officials are using the survey results to help guide strategic planning efforts, identify priority goals, and dedicate necessary resources to improve services, facilities, and initiatives.

For more information or any questions regarding the survey, contact Leslie Bucklin at 505-663-1726 or email le.bucklin@lacnm.us.

Eco Station and Overlook Convenience Center announce holiday hours

The Eco Station and Overlook Convenience Center will be closed Monday, February 20, in observance of the President's Day holiday.

Additionally, there will be no residential trash collection provided Monday, February 20th. If the observed date falls on your normal trash day, please place your materials out on Wednesday, February 22nd.

Tidbits and Treasures

AARP Foundation Tax-Aide back at Senior Center

AARP Foundation Tax-Aide is pleased to be back to offer free income tax preparation services for seniors, and low or moderate-income people in Los Alamos again this year. The Senior Center will allow us to work in person this year sitting with the taxpayers while we complete their returns. We will be at the Senior Center, with few exceptions, on Monday, Thursday, and Friday afternoons starting Thursday, February 9 through Monday, April 17. Visit www.AARP.org/taxaide for an appointment or call 505-695-1211

County seeking Social Media Coordinator

Do you know how to research, plan, organize, and execute a marketing and social media campaign? Are you a creative person who can develop an idea on social media that encourages others to participate? Are you skilled at a variety of social media platforms? If so, apply for the Social Media Coordinator position with the County Communications and Public Relations office! Click here to learn more and apply: https://lacnm.com/apply

Los Alamos County is hiring! With numerous openings in a variety of areas, we’re sure to have a position that’s right for you. Come join our team! Apply today at www.losalamosnm.us/jobs

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