Weekly News & Updates From Los Alamos County

Published December 16, 2022

Upcoming Events

Did you get your paper Community Survey?

Los Alamos County Community Surveys were mailed this week!

Residents who received a postcard invitation to take the survey should receive a paper copy very soon if they haven't already.

Invited individuals should simply fill in the paper survey and mail it back in the envelope provided. To access the online survey option, enter your unique URL included on the postcard invite or with the paper survey.

An open participation period will be extended to all residents and businesses starting January 2, 2023. A link will be provided at that time.

For more information or any questions, contact Leslie Bucklin, le.bucklin@lacnm.us

Leisure Lagoon opens for winter break

The long-awaited opening of the Leisure Lagoon is here, just in time for Christmas! Starting December 20, 2022, through January 3, 2023, the Leisure Lagoon will be open to the public from 11 a.m.–3 p.m., Monday through Friday. Capacities will be limited to 75 people within the Leisure Lagoon at once.

This winter break schedule will allow staff to fine-tune the operations of the new facility and work through any unknown issues that may arise. A grand opening event is planned for later in January of 2023 along with the announcement of a more accommodating schedule for patrons wanting to play in the Leisure Lagoon.

Please note that the hours of operation of the Aquatic Center may change due to lifeguard availability, in order to help ensure that everyone using the facility has a safe and fun experience. Also, if you or someone you know is interested in a full-time or part-time job, please consider applying for a lifeguard position. You can find out more by calling the Aquatic Center or visiting the Los Alamos County Human Resources (HR) page.

Skate with Santa Dec. 23rd

Santa always takes time during his busy holiday schedule to visit the ice rink. Why not join him for some ice skating on December 23rd from 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. at the Ice Rink? He is bringing his elves to greet boys and girls, and hand out candy canes! Santa and his elves will pose for pictures on and off the ice.

$6.50 - Ages 6+

$2.50 - Ages 5 & Under

Includes skate rental and admission.


COVID-19 testing resumes in White Rock

Pathology Consultants of New Mexico (PCNM) will resume their drive-through PCR COVID-19 testing service beginning Monday, Dec. 19, at White Rock Town Hall (139 Long View, White Rock) Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

No appointments are necessary, but individuals are asked to bring their insurance card. For those who are uninsured, PCNM does charge $99 per test. PCR test results are provided within 48-72 hours. For more information, visit https://PCNM.com.

Curative rapid PCR testing will end Friday, Dec. 16. The company will be discontinuing all COVID-19 testing services across the country as of December 28, 2022.

For more information regarding testing options for Los Alamos County, visit the County website at www.lacnm.com/covid.

High-speed, high-quality internet service is essential for participation in modern life. The FCC has created a new map showing where high-speed service is – and is not – available across the country. Consumers, state, local, and Tribal government entities, and other stakeholders can help verify the accuracy of the data shown on the map by filing challenges. This is very important in New Mexico because an accurate map will help identify the UNSERVED and UNDERSERVED communities most in need of funding for high-speed internet infrastructure investments. Click to find out more: https://www.fcc.gov/BroadbandData

Check the National Broadband Map here - https://broadbandmap.fcc.gov/home - to see what services are available in your area. Consumers can easily dispute, or challenge inaccurate information shown using tools built into the map.

HELP IMPROVE THE MAP by raising awareness in the community! Whether you are a small business owner or a consumer advocate, you can help spread the word about FCC’s new broadband data map. Share, share, share!

MESSAGE FROM THE ZERO WASTE TEAM: guide to your holiday superpower: reducing food waste!

The holidays are here! We're betting that few of us have time, energy, or money to waste. Good thing that Zero Waste Los Alamos is here to help you save all three and help the planet and feed those who might otherwise go without!

Hopefully, you’re already aware of the staggering problem of wasted food. Overall, 35% of available food in the US goes uneaten (wasting water, land, chemicals, and labor) and most of that ends up in the landfill where it generates methane, a potent greenhouse gas. Consumers (that’s us) are the biggest generators of food waste and on average, a US family of four spends $1800/year on food they throw away. Here in Los Alamos, we send 6 million pounds of food per year to the Rio Rancho landfill, including more than 16,000 pounds of food *every single day*! This gets worse over the holidays as huge meals are cooked, piles of leftovers are generated (and accidentally shoved to the back of the fridge to become “science experiments”), and grocery store sales (especially the notorious “BOGO” offers) all add up to waste. Fortunately, a little planning and attention can dramatically reduce this, saving you time and money.

Now’s the time to cultivate a new Superpower and become a Hero of Food Waste Prevention! Please try out some or all of these ideas as you plan, shop, cook, and recover from your holiday feasts:

• Plan your meals carefully. Concerned about not having enough for your guests? Banish those worries by using the “Guest-Imator” a handy calculator that estimates how much food you need to keep your guests full and happy. Buy just what you need, and save money!

“Shop” your refrigerator and pantry first: Be sure to see what you already have on hand, and need to use up, before making a shopping list.

Skip the sales, BOGOs and impulse purchases: Stick to your shopping list or have a plan for the extra food you just can’t pass up.

Serve less…but make it look like more! Studies have shown that using smaller serving dishes, plates and serving spoons will encourage people to take less food (reducing plate waste). Of course, they can always come back for seconds.

Plan a “Bonus Food” meal or two: Those leftovers are gold, saving time and money! Plan for a meal or two to use them up. Remember to label containers and store them correctly (freezers are great). Check out this great resource for using leftovers: 25 Christmas Leftovers Recipes You’ll Love

The gift that keeps on giving: Have some to-go containers ready to send leftovers home with your guests.

Share your bounty: Did you find food in your pantry search that you didn’t use? Did you buy too much? Donate your non-perishables to the Food Depot (bins at the Aquatic Center and Senior Center) or local “little food pantries” (Unitarian Church, Trinity on the Hill Episcopal Church, Job of Pochaiv Orthodox Church, First United Methodist Church, and La Vista Methodist Church in White Rock)

Compost the remainder: Yes, you will likely have food scraps from all this. Compost them at home, or post them on the “Los Alamos Compost Exchange” Facebook group.

Learn more about food waste prevention and saving all year long! Great resources include SaveTheFood.com, the US EPA, and the LAC Environmental Services webpage.

The holidays are the very best time of the year to celebrate and honor the bounty we enjoy. Learn some new skills now and use them throughout the holidays and beyond!

For more information, check out the Los Alamos County Environmental Services webpage at www.losalamosnm.us/gogreen. For those with questions or concerns, please contact Environmental Services at 505-662-8163 or solidwaste@lacnm.us

County Parks Division reminds the public to stay off the ice at Ashley Pond Park

Los Alamos County Parks Division would like to remind the public to stay off the ice at Ashley Pond Park. Parks employees have received calls and complaints regarding children out on the ice, including one report of a child falling in, prompting the reminder.

Parks Superintendent Wendy Parker explains, “It is a safety concern for everyone involved. During the winter months, the inconsistency of our temperatures, which occasionally climb above 50 degrees in the winter, creates thin ice at the pond. The pond is not designed for people to safely walk, skate, or ski on during the winter months when it freezes.” The Parks and Open Space division has placed signs around the pond as a reminder to stay on the sidewalks or boardwalks and off the ice.

Los Alamos County has the only NHL regulation outdoor ice rink, located just down the road in Los Alamos Canyon. Public skating is available seven days a week during the season, and rental skates and lessons are available. Visit the website at www.lacnm.com/icerink for more information about hours of operation and coming special events, or call 505-662-4500.

Parker adds, “Don’t walk on thin ice! Keep yourself and those around you safe and stay off Ashley Pond.”

Tree/vegetation trimming on Canyon Rd and Bathtub Row begins Monday, December 19th

Weather permitting, Traffic and Streets crews will be trimming trees and vegetation that obstruct the view of vehicle and pedestrian traffic beginning Monday, December 19th.

The work will be along Canyon Road in front of the Nature Center and along Bathtub Row.

Crews will begin work daily at 8:00 a.m. and finish by 3:30 p.m.

Crews will be working along the shoulder. Traffic cones will be set up to protect crews, please watch for and obey all devices and slowdown in the work zones.

For questions regarding this project, please contact Daniel Campos, Streets Superintendent, 505-500-7321.

Road striping project on Central Ave. begins Monday, December 19th

Weather permitting, Traffic and Streets crews will be laying out and striping the roadway on Central Ave., between 15th Street and Oppenheimer beginning December 19th until complete.

Crews will begin work daily at 8:00 a.m. and finish by 3:30 p.m.

There will be a flagging operation in place. Please obey the flaggers and crew as they guide you through the work zone.

Please watch for wet paint, avoid driving on the striped areas.

For questions regarding this project, please contact Aaron Park, Traffic Operations Manager, at 505-709-0949.

Sidewalk closure on Canyon Rd at 39th begins Tuesday, December 20th


Weather permitting, Traffic and Streets crews will be closing the sidewalk at the intersection of Canyon Road and 39th Street. Pedestrian traffic will be detoured to the North side of Canyon Road at the intersection of Canyon Road and Diamond Drive.

Crews will be repairing a section of the sidewalk. Heavy equipment will be located along the shoulder. Please approach the work zone with caution and obey all traffic devices.

Crews will begin work daily at 8:00 a.m. and finish by 3:30 p.m.

For questions regarding this project, please contact Daniel Campos, Streets Superintendent, 505-500-7321 or email daniel.campos@lacnm.us

Customer Care Center to close early Dec 23rd

If you have business to do at the Customer Care Center next week, please take note that it will close early on Friday, Dec. 23. Otherwise it is open M-F, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., in the Municipal Building. Phone: 505.662.8333. Email: CustomerCare@lacnm.us.

Tidbits and Treasures

Los Alamos County is hiring! With numerous openings in a variety of areas, we’re sure to have a position that’s right for you. Come join our team! Apply today at www.losalamosnm.us/jobs

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