
St. Sava Boston Weekly news & updates

April 14, 2023


  • Guardians of Christ's Tomb - Still needed!
  • Easter eggs/desserts donation
  • Important Announcement
  • Advertise Your Business via The Desanka Maksimovic Choir Program Booklet
  • The Desanka Maksimovic Choir Concert
  • Lazarus Saturday/Vrbica/Palm Sunday Photo Album
  • Teenager's Summer Camp in Studenica Monastery
  • Serbian Language Summer School in Montenegro
  • Kolo Corner - Sunday Luncheon
  • Community Corner
  • Library
  • Schedule of Services
  • Gospel


  • Чувари Христовог гроба - потребно још волонтера
  • Донација Васкршњих јаја и колача
  • Важно обавештење
  • Спонзори концерта хора Десанка Максимовић
  • Концерт Хора Десанка Максимовић
  • Лазарева субота/Врбица/Цвети фото албум
  • Кутак КСС - Недељни ручак
  • Заједнички кутак
  • Библиотека
  • Распоред Богослужења
  • Јеванђељe

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Пратите све Службе уживo:


Guardians of Christ's Tomb on Good Friday

We still need more volunteers as a Guardian of Christ's Tomb on Good Friday. Please use this link to register:

Чувари Христовог гроба за Велики петак

Још увек су нам потребни волонтери за дежурство Чувари Христовог гроба за Велики петак. Молимо вас да се региструјете преко овог линка:

Easter eggs/desserts donation

Dear Parishioners,

We are asking for donation of eggs and desserts for this Sunday’s Easter Service.

Please remember to cut up desserts into serving portions and drop them off in the kitchen before service.

You can drop off Easter eggs in the church's entrance.

Please bring both dessert and eggs in disposable containers as we cannot guarantee they will find its way back to you.

Thank you,

Anita Zilic

Easter Team Leader

Important Announcement / Важно обавештење

Church and the church office will be closed on April 20th and 21st.

For urgent matter, please contact Fr. Aleksandar at 781-771-2030.

Црква и црквена канцеларија ће бити затворене 20. и 21. априла.

За хитне случајеве, молимо вас да позовете оца Александра на 781-771-2030.


Lazarus Saturday/Vrbica/Palm Sunday Photo Album

Click on the cover photo for the entire album

Teenager's Summer Camp in Studenica Monastery: July 15 - July 25, 2023

Read More

Serbian Language Summer School 2023

Niksic and Budva, Montenegro

With the blessing of His Grace the Right Reverend Irinej, Bishop of the Eastern American Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church, the Department of Christian Education is delighted to introduce the Serbian Language Summer School, organized by the Serbian Cultural Association Matica Srpska in Montenegro, scheduled to take place from July 7th until July 30th 2023 in Niksic and Budva, Montenegro.



Sunday Luncheons Schedule

April - May

THANK YOU to all our volunteers for hosting a lunch. Contact Stanislava at [email protected] with any changes.

ХВАЛА свим волонтерима на организацији недељног ручка. За све промене, молимо вас да контактирате Станиславу на [email protected].

April 16

Pascha / Vaskrs

Anita Zilic

Event Group 2

April 23

St. Sava Folklore Parents

April 30

Zvonko Ilic

May 7

Slavica Krstic

Tamara Catanzano

May 14


Djordje Koldzic

May 21

Ines Cirkic

Brana Grujic

May 28

Our Community Announcements


If you have family news you would like to share with our community, please submit your listing to [email protected] by Thursday in order to be published in our weekly news on Friday.

*No Business Advertisement*

St. Sava Cathedral Library Page Link

Schedule of Services:

April 14 - Great and Holy Friday - Vespers - 6 pm

Passion Vigil Service - 7 pm

April 15 - Great and Holy Saturday - Divine Liturgy - 9 am

Resurrection Matins - 11 pm

April 16 - Pascha - Paschal Liturgy - 9 am

Paschal Vespers - 4 pm

April 17 - Resurrection Monday - Divine Liturgy - 9 am

April 18 - Resurrection Tuesday - Divine Liturgy - 9 am

April 22 - No Vespers

Распоред Богослужења:

14.април - Велики петак - Вечерње - 18 ч

Бденије страдање Христово и опело - 19 ч

15.април - Велика субота - Света Литургија у 9 ч

Васкршње јутрење - 23 ч

16.април - Васкрс - Литургија у 9 ч

Вечерње у 16 ч

17.април - Васкрсни понедељак - Света Литургија у 9 ч

18.април - Васкрсни уторак - Света Литургија у 9 ч

22.април - Нема Вечерње

Bright Sunday

Then, the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in the midst, and said to them, “Peace be with you.” When He had said this, He showed them His hands and His side. Then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord. So Jesus said to them again, “Peace to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” And when He had said this, He breathed on them, and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.” Now Thomas, called the Twin, one of the twelve, was not with them when Jesus came. The other disciples therefore said to him, “We have seen the Lord.” So he said to them, “Unless I see in His hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe.”

Недеља Светла

А кад би увече, онај први дан недеље, и врата беху затворена где се беху ученици скупили од страха јеврејског, дође Исус и стаде на среду и рече им: Мир вам. И ово рекавши показа им руке и ребра своја. Онда се ученици обрадоваше видевши Господа. А Исус им рече опет: Мир вам; као што Отац посла мене, и ја шаљем вас. И ово рекавши дуну, и рече им: Примите Дух Свети. Којима опростите грехе, опростиће им се; и којима задржите, задржаће се. А Тома, који се зове Близанац, један од дванаесторице, не беше онде са њима кад дође Исус. А други му ученици говораху: Видесмо Господа. А он им рече: Док не видим на рукама Његовим рана од клина, и не метнем прста свог у ране од клина, и не метнем руке своје у ребра Његова, нећу веровати.


Fr. Aleksandar Vlajkovic - [email protected]

Boris Kusturic - [email protected]

Stanislava Ristanovic - [email protected]