Missions Team:
The Missions Team invites you to support our Christmas offerings this year. Each year, on your behalf, we choose a charitable organization to receive the proceeds of our offerings over the Christmas season. With many crises breaking around the world, this year we decided to focus once again on the plight of the refugee. We invite you to support ShelterBox USA this Christmas. ShelterBoxes help people who have lost everything – not just their home and belongings, but practical tools and equipment that create a framework for everyday life. Since each disaster is different and each affected community is different, they customize their aid to suit the needs of the affected population. You can visit their website to learn more at: www.shelterboxusa.org.
There are other opportunities as well including:
Alternative Gift Market is a longtime tradition led by Julia Wistran and supported by the
Mission team, where you may purchase meaningful gifts that benefit people here in the United States and around the world. Julia will be available on December 17 in Clarke Hall. For more information, check out the opportunities table outside of Clarke Hall for Alternative Gift Market catalogs or visit www.alternativegifts.org.
Gift cards for guests of My Brother’s Table (requested amount is $20) for grocery stores, CVS, Walgreen’s, or Dollar Stores: The Missions Team will deliver the cards to My Brother’s Table and offers two options. You can purchase the gift cards and leave them in the collection plate, or the Missions Team will happily take donations to buy the cards.
Also, read above about Coats Donations below.