The Passing of a life well lived - Deborah Senig
This Sunday, April 14, we will take time to be with Becky and Debbie's family, especially her son Brian and her grandchildren, to give thanks to God for her life, and commend her to God's care.
We will have our usual worship service on Sunday morning at 10am, followed by coffee "hour" afterwards. At around 11:30 we will start to invite those who would like to join us, to return to the sanctuary for a memorial service for Debbie. I expect the memorial to formally start at 11:45. If folks are travelling to church for the memorial service, I suggest they arrive soon after 11am to take some time to meet and greet friends and family in the Hall.
We will also have the service available on Zoom and FB Live. Zoom details will be in the Zoom/Bulletin Weekly Email.