This Week’s Service Schedule
Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost
Morning Prayer Services
8:40-9 a.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in the Chapel
Saturday, August 19
5 p.m. Evening Prayer and Holy Eucharist in the Celtic Tradition in the Chapel
Sunday, August 20
9:30 a.m. Choral Eucharist in the Sanctuary
We will livestream the 9:30 a.m. Sunday service on YouTube and Facebook. View worship bulletins on the St. Bart’s App or on the Worship Schedule page of our website in addition to this weekly newsletter.
ReGeneration Alternative Eucharist services with meal are held the first and third Wednesdays of the month.
In this week’s newsletter, you’ll find the following items:
A Note from the Rector:
The Gospel According to Little Bites
- Mother Nina’s Installation, Sept 16
- UK Choir Sings Choral Eucharist
- Music Ministry Fair, Aug 19 & 20
- St. Bart’s Weekend, Aug 25-27
- Family Movie Night, Aug 25
- Cornhole Tournament, Aug 26
- Quilting Workshop, Aug 26
- Altar Guild Training, Aug 26
- Pie Sale, Aug 26
- Cake Walk, Aug 27
- Parish Potluck, Aug 27
- Ushers & Greeters Training, Aug 29
- Flower Offering Calendar
Children’s & Youth Ministries
- Be Prepared for the Splash Pad, Aug 27
- Acolyte Training, Aug 20 & Sept 10
- Youth Crew Day Retreat, Aug 26
Young Adult Ministry
- Young Adult Event, Aug 26
Service & Outreach
- Feeding San Diego Update
- Help for Hawaii
Upcoming Events
- Chair Yoga, Aug 22 & 29
- Prayers & Squares Meeting, Aug 22
- Friday Men’s Ministry, Aug 18
- Diocesan Season of Creation Book Study, Sept
- Morning Bible Study, Sept 14
Season of Creation
- Sock Recycling
- Sustainability Tips Tables, Sept 2
Film: The Biggest Little Farm, Sept 3
- ReGen Dinner Church, Sept 6
Parishioner News
- Brayden Salvadori Wins Cooking Award!
Community Events
Diocesan News
- St. Mark’s Back-to-School Bash Reflection
The Greater Episcopal Church
- Episcopal News Service
- The Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray on Quarter
Weekly Ministries Calendar
Fall Service Schedule
The Gospel According to Little Bites
The Reverend Mother Nina Bacas
Last Sunday, I participated in my first acolyte training at St. Bart’s. We had seven in attendance. While they were entirely serious and committed to the process, they were also playful. Not goofy. Not unfocused. But a bit wild with the Holy [...]
Mother Nina’s Installation
Sept 16
Mother Nina will be officially installed at St. Bart’s on Saturday, September 16, at 10 a.m. This formal Eucharist service will be led by Bishop Susan, with Canon Allisyn Thomas preaching and clergy from the diocese in attendance. Everyone is requested to wear their “Sunday best” and encouraged to wear red. There will be no 5 p.m. service that evening.
UK Choir Sings Choral Eucharist
Our UK Choir just sang for the Choral Eucharist at St. Albans Cathedral on the tenth Sunday after Pentecost. Click the button below to watch/listen to the service and see familiar faces from across the globe!
Music Ministry Fair
Aug 19 & 20
Interested in learning more about St. Bart’s music ministries? There will be a music ministry fair this Saturday and Sunday! Tables will be set up after both church services with information about the various music ministries that St. Bart’s offers and how you can get involved. In the meantime, check out our music website at stbartsmusic.org.
Family Movie Night: Elemental
Aug 25
Join us in the sanctuary on Friday, August 25, 6-8 p.m., as we watch the Disney/Pixar movie: Elemental and enjoy pizza, snacks, candy, drinks, and crafts for the whole family. This is NOT a Parents Night Out; it is a free activity for all ages to kick off our St. Bart’s Weekend celebration. Come and enjoy fellowship with our church and community members! Attendees are encouraged to wear PJs and bring a stuffed animal. RSVP to Christine Sleeper.
Saturday, August 26, is a VERY busy day on campus! In addition to our St. Bart’s Weekend festivities, various trainings and workshops are being held. Be prepared to park in the lower parking lot.
St. Bart’s Weekend Cornhole Tournament!
Aug 26
St. Bart’s is hosting a Cornhole Tournament on Saturday, August 26, 9-11 a.m., in the upper parking lot. The tournament will have three tiers of participation: Adult Competitive (follows official cornhole regulations), Mixed Novice (more laid back, with all ages) and Children & Youth. Contestants will be placed in groups depending on their interest and abilities. Each tier will have an opportunity to compete to win prizes! Water, lemonade and tea will be provided.
We need people to sign up to enter, as well as to loan us your cornhole boards and bags. Please let us know if you: (a) want to participate in the tournament; (b) can loan us a game (remember to label your equipment); or (c) both. Thank you so much for participating in this event and making our weekend extra special!
RSVP to JD Cowart by 9 p.m. on Thursday, August 24.
Quilting Workshop
Aug 26
The Quilting Ministry will have a workshop in the MPR on Saturday, August 26, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. No previous knowledge or skills needed, but please bring your own sewing machine and supplies if you have them. RSVP to Holly Gray if you would like to join us.
Altar Guild Training & Meeting
Aug 26
The Altar Guild will meet in the sanctuary on Saturday, August 26, 9-11 a.m., for a training session and meeting to prepare for the new worship service schedule and changes taking place this fall. Light refreshments will be provided. Contact Cyndi McClelland to RSVP.
St. Bart’s Weekend
Pie Sale
Aug 26
St. Bart’s is holding a Pie Sale on Saturday, August 26, with our very own Senior Warden as the host. Join us on the chapel patio after the 5 p.m. service to bid on a pie! This fundraiser will benefit our children’s and youth ministries for the 2023-24 school year.
We need volunteers to bake or purchase pies and drop them off in the MPR on Saturday between 4:30 and 5 p.m. We request that bakers avoid making cream-based pies or pies that require refrigeration, as there will be no refrigerators available to store them. Please include an ingredient list with your pie, as well as the recipe if you would like to share it. Sign up after church this weekend, or contact Colleen Chapin and let her know what kind of pie you will bring.
Thank you so much for participating in this event and making our weekend extra special!
St. Bart’s Weekend
Cake Walk
Aug 27
Our St. Bart’s Day celebration this year includes a Cake Walk on Sunday, August 27, after the 9:30 a.m. service. To participate in the Cake Walk, you can donate money in exchange for a ticket that will be placed in a basket. If your ticket number is drawn, you will win a designated cake! This fundraiser will benefit our preschool for the 2023-24 school year.
We need volunteers to bake or purchase cakes and drop them off on Sunday morning at the back of the church, between the statues of St. Bartholomew and St. Francis. We request that bakers avoid making cakes that require refrigeration, as there will be no refrigerators available to store them. Please include an ingredient list with your cake, as well as the recipe if you would like to share it. Contact Christine Sleeper and let her know what kind of cake you will bring. Thank you so much for participating in this event and making our weekend extra special!
St. Bart’s Day Meal
Bring a Dish to Share
Aug 27
As part of our St. Bart’s Day celebration meal, parishioners are asked to bring a potluck item to share. To ensure there is plenty of diverse food to go around, families with last names A-M, please bring a salad or side dish; families with last names N-Z, please bring a dessert. Please include an ingredient list with your dish for food allergy inquiries.
Ushers & Greeters
Training & Potluck
Aug 29
Steve Natoli and Mike Jewett will host a third Ushers and Greeters training and potluck on Tuesday, August 29, 5-7 p.m. If you didn’t attend one of the first two trainings, it’s important that you to attend this one.
Please bring your dish and gather in the MPR to start. Attendees will tour the campus and sanctuary to learn safety protocols, then wrap up in the MPR to share a meal. RSVP to Steve Natoli.
Flower Offering Calendar
Starting this month, the Flower Guild will have an altar flower offering calendar, along with donation envelopes, available on the chapel patio on Saturdays and in the narthex on Sundays. For more information about flower offerings, click the link below. Questions? Contact Bobbie Davis.
Children’s & Youth Ministries
Be Prepared for the Splash Pad!
Aug 27
A reminder to all families that on Sunday, August 27, Mother Nina is encouraging all young children to wear their swimsuits to Sunday school (which starts at 9:15 a.m.), as we will have the splash pad running after the 9:30 a.m. service as part of our St. Bart’s Day celebration!
Acolyte Training Dates
Aug 20 & Sept 10
The next acolyte training dates are August 20, 10:45-11:45 a.m. (after the 9:30 a.m. service) and
September 10, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. (for those scheduled for Mother Nina’s installation)
All training sessions will be held in the sanctuary and will include a meal. Please RSVP to Neenie Castner, our new Acolyte Coordinator. For those who can’t make it, an updated acolyte manual will be provided.
Youth Crew Day Retreat
Aug 26
The St. Bart’s Youth Crew will host our annual day retreat on Saturday, August 26, 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Come and enjoy games, art, journaling, a service project, a movie and more! Lunch and snacks included. Following the retreat, youth are invited to join the Saturday service crowd on the chapel patio for cheese and crackers and the pie sale. RSVP to Lauren Sleeper.
Young Adult Event
Aug 26
Do you have any young adults (we’ll say ages 18-40) in your life? If so, please encourage them to come to campus from 6 to 9 p.m. on Saturday, August 26, for a special St. Bart’s Weekend event catered just to them. We will gather on the chapel patio for fellowship with other parishioners at the pie sale, then head to the MPR for pizza and salad and get acquainted with one another. Then we’ll go on a scavenger hunt/tour to explore the campus and discover places we possibly didn’t know existed at St. Bart’s. We’ll wrap up our evening at the cross on the hill for a small prayer service, then head back down to the chapel patio for a bonfire with music and s’mores. RSVP to Lauren Sleeper so we can order enough food and drinks. Let’s get this crowd of folks excited about being here and making new connections!
Feeding San Diego Update
In our recent listening sessions, Mother Nina heard your hope for our church to once again be a location for Feeding San Diego. The Outreach Committee has been in contact with Feeding San Diego, and the organization has informed us that we don’t have enough cold storage to resume participation. Until we are able to extend our campus resources, we invite you to participate in other feeding ministries supported by St. Bart’s:
Interfaith Recovery Center: 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays
Haven House: 4th and 5th Sundays
St. Luke’s North Park Outreach: Thursday mornings
Thanksgiving Baskets: November
Help for Hawaii
Many of our parishioners have ties to Hawaii, and the recent wildfires have personally affected us. If you are wondering what you can do to help, visit Episcopal Relief & Development to learn more and donate.
Chair Yoga Updates
Join us in the MPR on Tuesdays, 10:30-11:30 a.m., for Chair Yoga. Class dates for the rest of this month are August 22 and 29. Please note: There will be no classes on September 12 and 19. Classes will resume on September 26.
Prayers & Squares Meeting
Aug 22
The Prayers & Squares ministry will meet on Tuesday, August 22, 1-3 p.m., in the Quilt Room. We will discuss plans for making some extra bags for the cornhole tournament, in addition to our regular quilting activities. If you have extra denim or cotton duck cloth, please bring it with you. Contact Holly Gray with any questions.
Friday Men’s Ministry
Aug 18
The Men’s Bible Study group will continue its new book study on Mere Christianity, by C. S. Lewis, on Friday, August 18, 7:45-9 a.m. on Zoom. For more information, contact Bob Leiter.
Diocesan Season of Creation Book Study in September
Save the dates and register now for a diocesan-sponsored Zoom book study of Sacred Nature: Restoring Our Ancient Bond with the Natural World. The four-week study will meet 7-8:30 p.m. on the following Tuesdays: September 4, 11, 18 and 25. For more information, contact Parth Domke.
Morning Bible Study Resumes Sept 14
Bob Capettini and Deacon Bill Zettinger will resume their morning Bible study series on Thursday, September 14, 10 a.m.-noon on Zoom, with a study of the Trinity. In this course, uniquely developed by Bob, we’ll take a deep dive into how the concept of the Trinity evolved and why it is unique and important to Christianity and to each of us. More info to come!
The Season of Creation begins on September 1, the Day of Prayer for Creation, and runs through October 4, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. During this annual ecumenical celebration, faith communities around the world pray and act together to honor and protect the earth, our common home. St. Bart’s has planned a full schedule of events and activities to commemorate the Season of Creation; a few of them are highlighted below.
Sock Recycling Event
Throughout the Season of Creation, we will be collecting old socks to be recycled. Bring your CLEAN mismatched, holey socks and drop them in our sock recycling box. All brands accepted, but no stockings, tights, or pantyhose, please.
Sustainability Tips Tables
Sept 2
After the 5 p.m. service on September 2, there will be sustainability tips tables set up along the walkway from the chapel to the upper parking lot. Stop by for helpful tips on living more sustainably, from making your home more energy efficient to reducing plastic use.
Film Screening:
The Biggest Little Farm
Sept 3
Please join us after the 9:30 a.m. service on Sunday, September 3, for a showing and discussion of The Biggest Little Farm! Featuring breathtaking cinematography, captivating animals, and a positive ecological mesage, this kid-friendly documentary provides a vital blueprint for better living and a healthier planet for all. Munchies will be provided, as well as activities to keep younger children occupied.
ReGen Dinner Church
Sept 6
To celebrate the beginning of the Season of Creation, the ReGen service at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, September 6, will have a special “Dinner Church” format, with a meal incorporated into the liturgy. The Environmental Stewardship Team will provide a meal made from locally sourced ingredients. You won’t want to miss this unique experience of celebrating the Eucharist just like Jesus and his disciples did—at the table over a shared meal!
Many other events are planned throughout the month, so be sure and click the button below to view the full schedule!
Parishioners are invited to send in photos and short announcements about their families that they would like to share with the congregation: graduations, marriages, birth of a child, promotions, transfers, new house, upcoming performances or games that the congregation can attend and support. We all missed years of connecting with one another in person. Here is an opportunity to build back our community and help us learn about each other and share the Good News! Please send photos and stories to news@stbartschurch.org.
Brayden Salvadori Wins Cooking Award!
While vacationing in Northern California this summer, Brayden Salvadori, one of our Youth Crew members and grandson of Larry and Jeanne Salvadori, attended the California State Fair in Sacramento on July 26. His friends had entered him in the Junior Chef Cooking Contest, and Brayden was ready to compete with his version of a Philly Cheese Steak Pizza. Brayden was awarded third place and received an 18-inch-long ribbon. His family is trying to talk him into making them a PCSP, but Brayden wants to know how long a ribbon they’ll give him!
Save the Date: Next Blood Drive
Sept 18
Reserve a spot on your calendar and plan to stop by the MPR on Monday, September 18, between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m., to donate blood to the American Red Cross.
Back to School Bash:
Blessing More than Backpacks
by Chris Tumilty, Director of Communications
At the Back to School Bash held at St. Mark’s on August 12, volunteers handed out over 250 backpacks—some of which were donated by St. Bart’s parishioners—to students in need and treated families to a day of fun and community bonding. To learn more about this annual event, click the button below.
The Greater Episcopal Church
Episcopal News Service
Did you know the greater Episcopal Church has a news service that keeps us up to date on all things happening within the church and around the country and world? Click the button below to learn more about what we are doing to help victims of the wildfires in Hawaii and more!
The Reverend Dr. Pauli Murray to Be Featured on US Quarter
The first Black woman to become an Episcopal priest will soon be featured on the US quarter! Click the button below to learn more about this honor and the Rev. Murray’s contributions and accomplishments!
Noon. Brown Bag Lunch on 1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month. Contact Rev. Nancy Burnett
1-3 p.m. Quilting Ministry on 2nd & 4th Tuesday. Contact Holly Gray
2-3 p.m. Book Study on Zoom (on hold for the summer). Contact Jerry Blanton
5 p.m. Centering Prayer on Zoom. Contact Parth Domke
6 p.m. EfM Class in the MPR. Contact Trent Hall
6-8 p.m. Youth CREW, 6th-12th grade in the MPR. Contact Lauren Sleeper
6-7:30 p.m. Women’s Bible Study in the Main Office (on hold through September). Contact Anne Snyder
8-10 a.m. Food Bank Delivery to St. Luke’s. Contact Jerry Blanton
- 10 a.m.-noon. Bible Study on Zoom (new study starts September 14). Contact Bob Capettini
7:45-9 a.m. Men’s Ministry on Zoom. Contact Bob Leiter
2-4 p.m. Daughters of the King in the MPR. Contact Sandy Morrison
- Fellowship & Service activities throughout the summer
9:15-10:15 a.m. Sunday School for ages 3-12 in the Ed Building. Contact Christine Sleeper