Fourth Sunday of Easter
Saturday, May 6
5 p.m. Evening Prayer and Holy Eucharist in the Celtic Tradition
Sunday, May 7
9:30 a.m. Choral Eucharist
We will livestream the 9:30 a.m. Sunday service on YouTube and Facebook. View worship bulletins on the St. Bart’s App or on the Worship Schedule page of our website in addition to this weekly newsletter.
Bargain Boutique This Saturday, May 6
It’s finally here: Bargain Boutique weekend!!! We hope you’ll join us this Saturday to help out, shop and enjoy fellowship at this event! See the “Upcoming Events” section for all the details.
Bishop Visit
May 14
Please plan to attend service this Sunday, May 14. The Bishop will be with us to celebrate Mother’s Day and confirm, receive and renew members into our church. If you plan to participate in one of these rites, contact Fr. Bill and Ivey Merrill ASAP. Dress your best as we will be taking lots of photos!
Bishop Q&A
May 14
The Bishop will be hosting a Q&A session following our Mother’s Day and confirmation celebrations. A microphone will be set up to allow parishioners to ask any impromptu questions that might come to mind. This is a wonderful opportunity for our parishioners.
Vestry Meeting
May 16
The next vestry meeting will be in the main office on Tuesday, May 16, at 6 p.m. As always, the meeting is open to all; however, if the vestry goes into executive session, guests may not be able to stay for the entire meeting.
Men’s Ministry on Hold
The Friday Men’s Ministry will be on hold for a couple weeks, resuming May 19. Once the group has selected a new book to study, more information will be posted in the purple sheets and in next week’s eNews.
Episcopal Youth Event Fundraiser #2
May 21
Save the date! On Sunday, May 21, at 5:30 p.m., St. Luke’s will host another fundraiser for the EYE delegation. You’ll enjoy a three-course dinner on their beautiful outdoor garden patio and hear from each of our youth about why this upcoming experience will be so meaningful for them. More info to come.
Sack Lunches for Interfaith
May 10
The Youth Crew will be making sack lunches at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 10, in the MPR. Contact Christine Sleeper to RSVP. If you can’t join us but would like to contribute to this ministry, please click the button below to sign up to donate items or gift cards. We will need items dropped off by noon on May 10 before we head to the store to shop for what we still need to make this service event possible. Thank you in advance to anyone who donates or joins us.
Snacks Needed for St. Luke’s Food Pantry
St. Luke’s shared recently that they could really use shelf-stable snack items for their parishioners, which include a large number of refugees, as well as others served by their food pantry. If you have items you would like to donate, get in touch with Jerry Blanton at (858) 229-5649. He will be making his next delivery on Thursday, May 9.
Tijuana House Build
May 6
St. Bart’s and Incarnation Lutheran are joining forces once again on Saturday, May 6, to build a permanent home in Tijuana for a family in great need—the Ramirez-Urrola family. We still have room for 3-4 more people. Contact JD Cowart if you want to join the trip or need more information. We would also love your help in purchasing household supplies for the family; click the button below for a list of supplies needed.
Moonlight Ball Fundraiser
May 13
Episcopal Community Services’ annual fundraiser will be held on Saturday, May 13, 5:30-9:30 p.m., at Humphreys Half Moon Inn (2303 Shelter Island Dr., San Diego, CA 92106). This is a wonderful event to help raise money for an amazing organization. For more details, click the button below.
Bargain Boutique
May 6
Remember the days when we had a thrift store? The Bargain Boutique is the next-best thing, and we’re hosting it right on our church campus this Saturday, May 6, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. The proceeds will support our church, our ministries and our mission, so please find a way to be part of it: attend and purchase items; help out before, during and/or after the event; or tell your friends and neighbors to come check it out!
Parishioners are invited to send in photos and short announcements about their families that they would like to share with the congregation: graduations, marriages, birth of a child, promotions, transfers, new house, upcoming performances or games that the congregation can attend and support. We all missed years of connecting with one another in person. Here is an opportunity to build back our community and help us learn about each other and share the Good News! Please send photos and stories to news@stbartschurch.org.
Costa Dillon’s Movie Has Been Novelized!
Senior Warden Costa Dillon is pleased to announce the release of the novelization of his first movie, Attack of the Killer Tomatoes. Written by Jeff Strand, the book is based on the original screenplay by Costa and his partners. It is available in multiple formats, including as an audiobook, on Amazon and in other bookstores. Costa reports that he is in talks to have one or more of his other four movies novelized.
Cathie Roy’s Knee Surgery a Success
Cathie Roy, our staff Chaplain and former Pastoral Care Coordinator, had a secondary knee surgery on March 31 and has been at home recovering. She attended the May 3 staff meeting with more mobility and energy than she has had in years! She is full of gratitude to everyone who has kept her in their prayers.
Don Norris Memorial
May 20
The memorial service for beloved friend and parishioner Colonel Don Norris, USMC (Ret.), husband of Diane Norris, has been set for Saturday, May 20, at 11 a.m. in the sanctuary. A reception will follow on the patio. Contact Ivey Merrill in the church office at (858) 487-2159 or Carla Morrisey with any questions.
Art on View Reception
May 10
Celebrate the arts at the Poway Center for the Performing Arts! A reception for “Inner Expressions,” a vibrant exhibit featuring a collection of expressive works capturing emotion, will be held on Wednesday, May 10, 4:30-6:30 p.m. Enjoy lite-bites along with wine and beer discounts. Entry and parking are FREE!
Next Chaparral Chapel
May 27
Save the date! On Saturday, May 27, 1-3 p.m., Pastor Brian Petersen will lead another Chaparral Chapel for our diocese at Buena Vista Park in Vista. Come and learn how to better listen to and understand the unique voices of our local ecosystems. The trails are fairly flat and kid-friendly, and leashed dogs are welcome. [Photo credit: Kelly Petersen]
10 a.m.-noon Bible vs. Qur’an Study on Zoom. Contact Bob Capettini
5-6 p.m. Schola Cantorum in the Choir Rm. Contact John-Luke Addison
6-8 p.m. Youth CREW, 6th-12th grade in the MPR. Contact Lauren Sleeper
6-7:30 p.m. Women’s Bible Study in the Main Office. Contact Anne Snyder
8-10 a.m. Food Bank Delivery to St. Luke’s. Contact Jerry Blanton
7-9 p.m. Parish Choir for Adults and Teens in the Sanctuary. Contact John-Luke Addison
7:45-9 a.m. Men’s Ministry on Zoom. Contact Bob Leiter (on hold)
2-4 p.m. Daughters of the King in the MPR. Contact Sandy Morrison
9:30-11:30 a.m. UK Choir in the Sanctuary. Contact John-Luke Addison
9:15-10:15 a.m. Sunday School for ages 3-12 in the Ed Building. Contact Christine Sleeper
10:45-11:30 a.m. Choir School for ages 6-13 in the Choir Rm. Contact John-Luke Addison