9:30am - Godly Play Sunday School for kids. Grounded in the Montessori tradition, Godly Play uses special materials and storytelling to invite children into scripture and church tradition. For more info, contact Laura Myers. | |
Advent Bible Study with our Neighbors - Starts Tonight!
At 6:00pm tonight, join First Congregational Church (FCC) for Journeying Through Advent With Dietrich Bonhoeffer. We'll read Bonhoeffer's profound reflections in God is in the Manger. While we will learn a bit about Bonhoeffer’s life and legacy, we will explore the Advent themes of mystery, redemption and incarnation to deepen our faith and anticipation during this sacred season. The study will be facilitated by our pastor, Dr. Wes Ellis. Don’t miss this opportunity to reflect, share, and grow in your spiritual journey this Advent.
Pledge Campaign Update
We're 86% of the way there!
We are happy to report that we are 86% of the way to our goal of $75,775! Currently 21 families and individuals have pledged to support St. Mary's in 2025. That's wonderful! If you missed the Ingathering, please return your pledge card as soon as you can either online or to the office. Updated numbers regarding our progress will be shared at announcements during worship.
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Christmas Tree Lighting
St. Mary's plans to have a booth at the annual Christmas Tree Lighting on Saturday, December 7, 5pm-9pm. 645 Main Street. Tree lighting takes place at 7pm. Come, help represent St. Mary's to the people of Ramona. If you can help load or unload our crafts, or staff the booth please contact Mtr Hannah.
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Visit Comunidad de Luz
Thursday, December 19, 9:00am - 2:00pm
Join our diocesan migration minister, Robert Vivar, for a trip to Tijuana to visit the new diocesan shelter, Comunidad de Luz. Built to house women and children escaping violence, the shelter is also available for retreats, classes and more. Learn more and email Mother Hannah to sign up.
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Giving Tree
Our Giving Tree is up with ornaments that have the name, age, gender and Christmas wish for children in Ramona. Please support the Giving Tree by taking home an ornament and bringing it back with gifts we can give to people who otherwise wouldn't have any. If you have questions, please contact Connie Bley or Dawn Kezer.
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New Recovery Bible Study
Thursdays, 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Are you seeking hope, healing, and a deeper connection with God? Join us for a supportive and welcoming Bible study designed for anyone in recovery—no matter the journey you’re on. Come as you are and discover how God’s Word can guide and sustain you. For more info, contact Danny Caster.
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Join the Bishop's Committee (BC)
The BC serves as St. Mary's board of directors and governs the business of our church. It represents the congregation in every area of decision-making and welcomes ideas and feedback at any time. We elect members to three-year terms at the annual meeting in January. We're looking for at least three people to serve. To learn more, contact Mother Hannah or our bishop's warden Deb Lewallen. Thank you for your prayerful consideration.
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New Diocesan Magazine
Download and share the EDSD News 2024 Annual Magazine. Read the message from Bishop Susan, or about the new shelter, Comunidad de Luz, in Tijuana, or about the Mission Real Estate efforts of the Diocese—offing solutions to the real problems our communities face.
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The Season of Advent
Each Sunday during the Season of Advent the EDSD Social Media channels will offer an opportunity to spend a few minutes of quiet connection this Advent. Exploring the themes of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love through prayer, scripture, reflection, and music, each slide is designed to provide a deeper connection in this season where we wait for the birth of Jesus. The series will post on Instagram and Facebook on Sundays throughout Advent. We invite you to join us and share these reflections during this season of anticipation.
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Children’s Epiphany Camp 2025
Children in grades 3-6 are invited to explore the joy of Camp Stevens… in WINTER! Participants will stay in Blum lodge, eat delicious Camp Stevens food, make new friends, and grow in faith and love. Together we will think about all of the ways we let our light SHINE as we hike, roast s’mores, play games, and laugh with new friends. Maybe there will even be SNOW! Learn more.
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Please remember the following in prayer:
- Richard Zimmerman, for the repose of his soul
- Jorge, new moving truck
- Charlene, recovery from sickness
- Shirley Comfort, breast cancer
- Sue, cancer treatment
- Jim, health concerns
- Colton, child with cancer
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- Our new 12-step Bible study
- Laura, health
- Molly, health
- Jude, mental health
- Stanley Smith, health
- Bob Kezer, blindness and depression
- Sherri, macular degeneration
- Tom Callard, eye issues
To add a request, email Mother Hannah.
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December 7 - Christmas Tree Lighting
December 14 - Craft Fair, Ramona Oaks Park, 10am - 2pm
January 26 - Annual Meeting
February 9 - Bishop's Visitation
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Mailing Address: St. Mary's Episcopal Church, PO Box 491, Ramona, CA 92065 | |
Visit our website
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Livestream services Sunday at 9:30am
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