This Weeks Service Schedule

Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany

 Saturday, February 3

5 p.m. Holy Eucharist in the Celtic Tradition in the Chapel


Sunday, February 4

8 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II in the Sanctuary

Seasonal Bulletin, Readings & Music Sheet

10 a.m. Choral Eucharist in the Sanctuary


Wednesday, February 7

6 p.m. ReGeneration Contemporary Eucharist in the Chapel


Morning Prayer Services

8:40-9 a.m. Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday in the Chapel

Thursday, February 8

Noon Midday Healing Eucharist in the Chapel

We will livestream the 10 a.m. Sunday service on YouTube and Facebook. View worship bulletins on the St. Bart’s App or on the Worship Schedule page of our website in addition to this weekly newsletter.

ReGeneration Contemporary Eucharist services with meal are held the first and third Wednesdays of the month at 6 p.m. in the Chapel.

Prayer Cycle

EDSD: Clergy and people of Trinity, Escondido

Military: USNR SEAL Team 17, NAB Coronado

World-wide Anglican Communion: The Diocese of Calabar – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion); The Diocese of Calcutta – The Church of North India (United); The Diocese of Caledonia – The Anglican Church of Canada; The Diocese of Calgary – The Anglican Church of Canada; The Diocese of California – The Episcopal Church; The Diocese of Northern California – The Episcopal Church

In This Issue

In this week’s newsletter, you’ll find the following items:

Rector’s Weekly Note: What? No Rector's Cross?


  • Rector's Annual Address
  • Guest Preacher & Adult Forum: Kathy Wilder
  • 2024 Flower Sponsors
  • Save the Date: St. Bart's Annual Gala, Apr 27

Ministry Spotlight

  • Altar Guild

Music & Worship

  • Shrove Tuesday Zydeco Service & Cajun Potluck, Feb 13
  • Ash Wednesday Services, Feb 14

Service & Outreach

  • Lunch-making for Interfaith Community Services

Children & Youth

  • EDSD Children's Camp Reflection
  • Parents Night Out, Feb 16
  • Volunteer Chaperones Needed

Upcoming Events

  • LGBTQIA+ Listening Session, Feb 4
  • CAT Family Art Night, Feb 5
  • ReGen Service & Potluck, Feb 7
  • Newcomers Welcome Brunch, Feb 11
  • Sacred Ground Informational, Feb 15
  • Rummage Sale Update, May 18

Parishioner News

  • The Rev. Dr. Judith Allison Memorial

Community News

  • Poway Today's January Issue

Diocesan News

  • EDSD Flood Relief

Weekly Ministries Calendar

Rectors Weekly Note

Rowing image

What? No Rector's Cross?

The Rev. Mother Nina Bacas

We had a wonderful Annual Meeting. I’m so in awe of all of you who bring such life to the church. A large part of our shared life is our shared traditions. In my address, I spoke of the joy that comes from reviving St. Bart’s traditions. But during the meeting, I skipped one. Did you notice? [...]

Read More
Rectors Annual Address

Rector's Annual Address

At the Annual Meeting, Mother Nina made many important announcements. You may review her address by click on the button below!

2024 Rector's Annual Address

If you missed the Annual Meeting, you can watch and listen to it by clicking this link below:

Annual Meeting
Kathy Wilder

Guest Preacher: Kathy Wilder

Feb 3 & 4

Kathy Wilder will be our guest preacher at all services this weekend as well as lead our Adult Forum from 9-9:45 a.m. A lifelong camp and youth development professional who has dedicated her life to advocating for justice and compassion, Kathy is also the Executive Director of Camp Stevens, a diocesan property nestled in the hills of Julian, CA. Camp Stevens is the site of the Children’s Epiphany Camp, which our Sunday school children had the opportunity to attend this month, and the Youth Epiphany Retreat, which our Youth Crew members have the opportunity to attend in February. Kathy’s wife is Hannah Wilder, St. Bart’s former Communications Manager and a diocesan clergy member who is often the chaplain at our camps and retreats. These two are great friends of St. Bart’s!

Church flowers donated by

2024 Flower Sponsors

The Flower Sponsor calendar will be out for weekly altar flower sponsors for 2024. The flowers for January 27-28 were given by the Johnston girls in loving memory of Johnny, husband and father. The flowers for this weekend, February 3-4, were given by Holly and Jerry Gray in thanksgiving for the birth of their granddaughter, Sloan Rose.

Consider sponsoring flowers for an upcoming weekend. It’s a great way to remember or celebrate a special person or day in your life. For more information, contact Bobbie Davis, (858) 775-2624.

2024 Gala Save the Date

Save the Date: St. Bart's Annual Gala

Apr 27

Reminder to mark your calendars for Saturday, April 27, 6-9 p.m. for this year St. Bart's Gala! It will be spring-themed, so break out your pastels and creative black-tie attire. If you would like to donate items to the silent or live auction, please contact Judy Macemon or Anne Hand.

Ministry Spotlight: Altar Guild

Altar Guild

Altar Guild

The St. Bart's Altar Guild is an integral part of all worship services. Currently, Altar Guild has 18 active members with one on leave. They setup bread and wine, serve and cleanup after four to five services each week. They also setup the chapel and sanctuary to reflect each liturgical season. In 2023, Carla Morrisey took on the role as Altar Guild Assistant Director to assist Cyndi McClelland, our director as we have added a multitude of services to our monthly schedule including the bi-monthly ReGen Services and Thursday Healing Services. This ministry is always open to having new members and they have opportunities to be trained throughout the year. To learn more, read the upcoming 2023 Annual Report or contact Cyndi McClelland.

Music & Worship

2023 Zydeco Collage

Shrove Tuesday Zydeco Eucharist & Potluck

Feb 13, 6 p.m.

Join us for our version of a Mardi Gras celebration as St. Bart's hosts our annual Shrove Tuesday Zydeco Service with Holy Eucharist. Bring a dish to share in our Cajun Potluck Dinner and check out the pancakes that Mother Nina makes for our children, youth and all come up to her station. Sign up for potluck items below:

Cajun Potluck Dinner Signup

Ash Wednesday Services with Holy Eucharist

Feb 14, Noon, 5:30 p.m. and 7 p.m.

St. Bart’s will have three services on Ash Wednesday this year. There will be a service at noon in the chapel, a children’s service at 5:30 p.m. in the chapel and a 7 p.m. service in the sanctuary. All are welcome!

Service & Outreach
Youth and volunteers make sack lunches for InterFaith

Lunch-making for Interfaith Community Services

Feb 14, 6:30-7:30 p.m.

Feb 20, 12:15-1 p.m.

There are two opportunities to make lunches for those less fortunate than ourselves this month. The first is on Wednesday, February 14, 6:30-7:30 p.m. with the Youth Crew and the second is Tuesday, February 20, 12:15-1 p.m. with the Wisdom Circle after Brown Bag Lunch. Both opportunities take place in the MPR. All supplies needed are provided, so come and join us on either of those dates to make a local difference in the world.

Children & Youth

EDSD Childrens Camp


By: Leighton Jones

I’m listening. How often could we catch ourselves saying this but not really be present in the space of listening. I know that I am guilty of saying it as I multitask throughout the day, most especially during dinner preparation--while I am cooking and answering emails, homework is being done, sports equipment is being searched for, and tales from the day are being shared. In these moments, I realize that listening seems to have become something we all do, while doing something else. [..]

Click Here to Read More

Parents Night Out

Feb 16


The Youth Crew will be hosting a Parents Night Out for children ages 3-13 on

Friday, February 16. We will watch the movie Tangled, have pancake-flipping races, do crafts, and enjoy dinner, drinks and dessert. Goodwill donations of $30 for one child and $10 for each additional child will go toward the Youth Crew’s fun trip at the end of the school year. To RSVP your child(ren) for this event, or to volunteer as a youth helper, email [email protected].

We also need volunteers to help chaperone. If you are available, please click the blue “Volunteer for Special Events” button below.

Volunteer on Sunday Mornings
Volunteer on Wednesday Evenings
Volunteer for Special Events
Upcoming Events

LGBTQIA+ Listening Session

Feb 4 in the Youth Room


Following the 10 a.m. Choral Eucharist service, Kathy Wilder will join Mother Nina at an LGBTQIA+ listening session for St. Bart’s in the Youth Room (accessible via elevator) in the Education Building. If you identify with this community, please join us for brunch and conversation to share what brought you to St. Bart’s and how our church can better serve you and your family. RSVP to [email protected].

Feb 5 Cat Art

CAT Family Art Night

Feb 5

CAT (Cats, Art & Tea) Creative Chaos Collective meets this Monday (February 5th) from 6-8pm in the MPR for our 1st Monday of the month FAMILY NIGHT SPECIAL. There will be story time, hot chocolate, cookies, adoptable kitties and a guided art project that's sure to be fun for all who attend! This event, individuals 12 and younger may join their families to create an art piece. 13+ are welcome too as this project is also fun for teens and adults! Feel free to bring a friend with you! All are welcome NO EXCEPTIONS!

This week's family night project is a painting telling the love story between a cat and a bird. The bright colors, cute cat and sweet story bring us all together in remembering that love and friendship have no bounds. All art supplies are provided. We hope to see you and your family there and Happy Creating!

ReGen Black and blue Logo

ReGen Service

Feb 7

Next Wednesday we will have our first ReGeneration Contemporary Worship Service of the month. The theme is Candlemas. Please bring any candles you would like to be blessed and click the button below to signup for the potluck item you would like to bring and share.

Potluck Signup 
Newcomer Brunch

Newcomers Welcome Brunch

Feb 11

Following the 10 a.m. Choral Eucharist service on Sunday, February 11, Mother Nina will host a brunch for our newest and most recent returning members of St. Barts. If you identify with this community, please join us for brunch and conversation to share what brought you to St. Bart’s and how our church can better serve you and your family. RSVP to [email protected].

March 2024 Sacred Ground

Sacred Ground Informational

Feb 15

A new circle of Sacred Ground is starting on March 7. To learn more about this experience, click the button below and consider attending the informational meeting via Zoom on Thursday, February 15, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Contact Jill Henderson with questions.

Sacred Ground Info
Rummage Sale

Rummage Sale Update

May 18

Mark your calendars for May 16-18 to volunteer to help prepare and facilitate the upcoming Rummage Sale (previously called the Bargain Boutique) which will take place on Saturday, May 18, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. We will have a preview night the Friday before so you can come and shop early! Tell your friends!

Until then, the committee asks that parishioners please save hangers, plastic and paper bags with handles, starter plant clippings and any other donations we can use for the sale. Also consider loaning any clothing racks you might have. Collections begin April 20. Click the button below to see the list of acceptable donations and items that will not be accepted. Contact Cheryl Roop with questions.

See the Donation List

Parishioner News

Rev Dr Judith Allison

The Rev. Dr. Judith Allison's Memorial

For those of you who remember the Rev. Dr. Judith Allison, we want to update you that her memorial service will be at St. Timothy’s on February 24, 1 p.m. with reception to follow. Prayers for her son, Chad and family.

Community News

Jan 2024 Poway Today

Poway Today's January Issue

Click the link below to check out the happenings around Poway including weather, awards, community youth events, home tips, apps to download and more!

Read Full Newsletter Here

Diocesan News

EDSD Flood Relief

Flood Relief Fund

In the wake of the recent devastating floods that have impacted our communities, the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego is stepping forward to offer support and aid to those in crisis. We are establishing the EDSD Flood Relief Fund, a dedicated resource for providing immediate assistance to those affected by the floods.

This fund embodies our commitment to being a compassionate and responsive presence in times of need. We invite you to share this with everyone who feels called to help. Let’s work together to bring relief, hope, and healing to our neighbors and communities during this challenging time.

Click Here to Help

Weekly Ministries



  • 7:30 a.m. Tuesday Morning Book Review - Starbucks (12469 Rancho Bernardo Rd., San Diego, CA 92128) - Contact Jerry Blanton
  • 10:30-11:30 a.m. Chair Yoga & Meditation - MPR - First class free - Contact Lisa Oakes for pricing
  • Noon. Brown Bag Lunch on 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of the month - MPR - Contact Marsha Bryan
  • 1-3 p.m. Quilting Ministry on 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of the month - Ed Building, Quilt Rm - Contact Holly Gray
  • 5 p.m. Centering Prayer - Zoom - Contact Parth Domke
  • 6 p.m. EfM Class - MPR - Contact Bill Doehr


  • 10 a.m.-noon. Bible Study: “The Era of the Crusades” - Zoom - Contact Bob Capettini
  • 5 p.m. Schola Cantorum Rehearsal - Contact John-Luke Addison
  • 6-8 p.m. Youth Crew, 6th-12th grade - MPR - Contact Lauren Sleeper
  • 6-7:30 p.m. Womens Bible Study - Church Office - Contact Anne Snyder


  • 8-10 a.m. Food Bank Delivery to St. Luke’s - Contact Jerry Blanton
  • 5:30-6:30 p.m. Choir School - Ed Building, Choir Room - Contact John-Luke Addison
  • 7-9 p.m. Parish Choir for Adults and Teens - Ed Building, Choir Room - Contact John-Luke Addison



  • 10 a.m-noon. Daughters of the King on 2nd & 4th Saturdays of the month - Ed Building, Rm 3AB - Contact Sandy Morrison


  • 9-9:50 a.m. Sunday School for ages 3-12 - Ed Building, Godly Play Room - Contact Mother Nina Bacas
  • 9-9:50 a.m. Youth Forum for grades 6-12 - Ed Building, Rm 3D - Contact Lauren Sleeper
  • 9-9:45 a.m. Adult Forum - MPR - Led by various ministries and guests
  • 1 p.m. Eucharist Service on the 1st Sunday of the month - Casa de las Campanas
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Episcopal Journal & Café

Camp Stevens


Vida Joven de México

St. Paul’s Senior Homes & Services

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