Worship May 29, 2022
Scripture: Joshua 1:1-9 NRSV
Sermon: Be Strong and Courageous
Just as God commanded Joshua, He commands us today. "Be strong and courageous...the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." God will do His part, so we must do ours.
I grew up in the church and attended Sunday School and enjoyed VBS for many years. I remember hearing all of the Bible stories, and even at an early age, the story of Joshua in the Old Testament intrigued me. It could be because I have always loved reading about and hearing about Moses, so it was an easy next step, as Joshua was Moses’ assistant. But what always jumps out at me about Joshua’s beginning as God’s servant and leader of His people is God’s instruction to him. In our scripture reading for this Sunday from Joshua 1:1-9 we will see Joshua’s start in called ministry for the Lord. In verses 6-9 God tells Joshua three times to be strong and courageous. One of those times God says to be very courageous. The Lord knew it was going to be tough at times so He reminded Joshua that he would not be alone and to lean on God to see him through. Great advice!
This time of year we celebrate and acknowledge our high school and college graduates, and if I had to give them any advice I think I would use God’s words to Joshua as that advice. The road ahead might get a bit bumpy with uncertainty and possible chaos seemingly at every turn, so be strong and courageous AND trust fully that if God called you to this road He will never leave you nor forsake you. Great advice! Joshua went from follower to leader over night. It was his time to trust God more than ever before. No matter what God is calling you to do for Him, He WILL be with you and He WILL provide for you all the strength and courage you will need as you walk with Him.
Remember, God loves you and so do I.
Pastor Eddie
Office Hours
The staff will be off Monday, May 30 as a holiday in observance of Memorial Day. 
Office hours will resume on Tuesday, May 31 at 8am.
We recognize and honor those who have sacrificed their lives for our freedom. We lift up the families as they miss and remember their loved ones.
John Sanchez
Jisu Stanfield
We will recognize our 2022 High School Graduates this Sunday morning. Congratulations and Best Wishes as you move ahead!
All women of the church are invited to meet in the Sanctuary after Worship on June 12 to have a meeting about renewing the Women's Ministry here at Norcross First! Contact Sharon Grahn for more info- smgrahn@comcast.net
See Robert (robert@norcrossfirst.org) for more info or to sign up!
Help our Brothers and Sisters in Ukraine!
Gifts to support humanitarian needs for those in Ukraine as well as assistance to Ukrainians fleeing to neighboring countries can be made through UMCOR international disaster response.
Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministers are compassionate, full of faith, skilled in listening, and trustworthy followers of Jesus who are available to help you through a difficult time in your life. Call  Murlene Dubay (770/449-1478) or Brenda Westmoreland (770/633-5645) to talk about receiving a caregiver.
Norcross First Preschool
Tell your friends, families, neighbors, co-workers... Whoever! Norcross First's Preschool is registering for the 2022-2023 school year! Contact Beth at beth@norcrossfirst.org for more info.
Help spread the word- flyers are in the narthex at the church, or we can email you a digital copy! Advertising in neighborhood newsletters is a great way to reach the community!
We are hiring Preschool teachers for the fall!
If you have a heart for little ones, this job is for you!
NORCROSS FIRST UMC PRESCHOOL hours are Monday-Friday 9:30 - 1:30.
We generally follow the Gwinnett County School calendar, Sept-May.
For more information call: 678-533-1321
Adult Sunday School Offerings

JOY has concluded their current study and will take a break until August 3.
Watch for more information on the next study topic. Enjoy a safe and happy summer break!
Contact Bobbye Raye Kennison for more information.
Weekly Men’s Study

The Men's Bible Study is taking a break from the weekly study schedule. We anticipate resuming our weekly study schedule at Berkeley Hills CC on August 4.

Contact Tom Waits – waitsengrg@charter.net - for more information.
There is Power in Prayer!
We want to pray for you and your concerns and needs, and invite you to pray as well! If you would like to receive a weekly prayer list, or be included in the prayer email chain, please email prayers@norcrossfirst.org 
These requests can be private, shared only with the Pastor/staff, or public, shared with pray-ers within our congregation.
Articles and Announcements
Submission of articles and announcements for the weekly newsletter and bulletin must be received by Noon Monday weekly. Email Andie Ashe: communications@norcrossfirst.org
Contact Nancy Garrison in the Church Office with financial inquiries– 
nancy@norcrossfirst.org or 770-448-4142 x114
CCLI – 1909848 and CVLI - 504373851