The Weekly Newsletter of North Shore Community Baptist Church

August 1st, 2023

This Sunday at NSCBC

10th Sunday after Pentecost

The Lord is the Cornerstone of the Church

Picturing Church

Ephesians 2:19-22

Dr. Jeffrey Arthurs

Join us Sunday as we continue our guest preacher series, "Becoming Church" by hearing from Dr Jeffrey Arthurs on Ephesians 2:19-22 - Picturing Church. Jeff is a member at NSCBC and is the Robinson Professor of Preaching and Communication at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Dr. Arthurs has been married for more than forty years and enjoys playing tennis and disc golf with his wife, Liz. They are the parents of one son, Daniel.

This Sunday is Communion Sunday! Communion is offered to all who trust in Christ as their Lord and want to follow him with their lives. When you are invited, please come to the nearest station to receive the elements from a communion server. Prepackaged and gluten-free elements are available in the central front station. Please consume the elements as you receive them. If you are not ready to take communion, you are invited to come forward, crossing your arms to receive a blessing. You are also welcome to remain in your seat during communion.

Last Week's Sermon Here!
Discussion Questions from Sunday


Join us for our last Summer Picnic!

This upcoming Sunday, August 6th, please join your church family for an all-church picnic right after the service. BYO lunch or grab something from a local restaurant and join us for an extended time of fellowship outside! Please remember as you pack your lunches, we are a nut-free campus.

We're Growing - But our

parking lot isn't!

We have seen a significant jump in attendance, and our parking lot is now over capacity during the service. If you are a regular attender, please consider parking on local side streets, shown in the photo above. Thanks!

Blessingdales is Open!

Blessingdales is our free swap shop in the back of the sanctuary! All visitors are welcome to shop and donate at Blessingdales. We accept donations of mens, women's, and children's clothing as well as toys and household items. Our hours are as follows:

Mon-Th: 9am-4:30pm               

Sun: after service.

Life Together Retreat - Single Day Option

We are so excited that so many of you will be joining us for our all church retreat in October, and love the excitement that we have seen towards the event! While our all-weekend spots have filled up, we are excited to offer a single day option for Saturday, October 28th! This day includes meals and activities, but not lodging - and we would love for many of you to join us for this day. If you are interested in this option, please email the office to inquire!

Youth, Children, and Families

Youth Summer Schedule

In middle or high school? You're invited to our Fire Night this Wednesday hosted at the Robinson's house! Come to hangout and enjoy s'mores as we share and listen to personal stories from people in our congregation about dealing with disappointment and failure.

Search for Tablets!

Do you have an old iPad or Kindle Fire laying around that you never use? If so, we would be so grateful if you would consider donating this to the church! We are moving towards some safety protocols for children's ministry that involve using tablets to check children in, and having these donated would be a huge gift to us. If you would like to donate a tablet, please email the office.

Music, Arts, and Worship

What We're Singing At Church

Have you ever wanted a playlist of the songs we're singing as a church in this season? Find those playlists below!

NSCBC Music Playlist
This Sunday's Songs

Kingdom-Centered Prayer

We are now meeting back in person for our Friday morning prayer meetings at 6:30–7:30am to pray for the kingdom to advance in Essex County. Join us in Friendship Hall (downstairs at NSCBC) or click here to join us on Zoom with the password: prayer.

Prayer for our Church Family

We praise the Lord that Bruce Sperr has made some great steps toward recovery from blood clots earlier this summer!

We pray for Richard Wallace. We thank the Lord for the progress he has made, and pray for continued healing! We pray for Tess and Finn as they care for him.

We pray for our world partners M+S, as S has undergone chemotherapy treatment for

cancer. We pray for M as he deals with heart and blood pressure issues.

We pray for world partners T + M as M seeks treatment for herniated discs.

We pray for Ellie Harris as she recovers from surgery to remove an area of skin cancer and praise the Lord that all of the cancer was removed. We pray for wisdom as she has multiple doctors appointments in the coming weeks.


Note about Bobby's Time Off:

Bobby is currently taking time off with his family until August 7th. During this time, we have compiled this short guide for who to contact for various ministry needs:

  • If you have a pastoral emergency, please contact Mark Coleman at (978) 210-1124 or [email protected]. If you cannot reach Mark, contact Adam Kurihara.
  • If you or a loved one needs visitation, please contact Maddie at [email protected] to arrange a visit.
  • If you have a ministry-related question, please contact the ministry leader or staff member listed in the church directory.
  • Reminder, the church office hours are Monday-Thursday, 9-5 and Friday, 9-12.

We are so glad Bobby will have this time off with his family. As a church, we are invested in helping him protect this time. For this reason, he will not be responding to texts or checking email until his return on August 7th. If you have a need that doesn’t seem to fall into the categories above, please contact Maddie at [email protected], who will connect you with someone who can help you.

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