"A piece of magic is a hat."
--Martha Sliter

As an "out of the box" thinker, Tweet Kimball wore many different hats, literally and figuratively. With a plethora of unique hats, Tweet could magically transition from grand hostess to trailblazing rancher at Cherokee Ranch and Castle, but Tweet's real magic was her spirit and passion. Tweet was different. Tweet was irreplaceable. Coco Chanel said it best "in order to be irreplaceable one must be different". What hat will you wear today?

Take A Virtual Hike Up Cherokee Mountain with John McKinney

Join Science Institute member, John McKinney for a virtual hike up Cherokee Mountain and learn more about the incredible treasures to be found on this land. 

Thank you for making our Virtual Earth Day a success!

During the week leading up to Earth Day, a great deal of information on green habits and sustainable living was shared on our Facebook page bringing families and friends together.  Feature presentations included an introductory video by James Holmes, Executive Director, story time by local author Paula Sciarti presenting her book "Where Eagles Fly", and a hike up Cherokee Mountain led by Science Institute member, John Mckinney. Many thanks to all the wonderful contributors and sources of information that made this Virtual Earth Week possible:


Together We Can Preserve This Special Place For Generations To Come. Please Donate Securely Online to Cherokee Ranch & Castle Foundation.

Although Cherokee Ranch & Castle is not able welcome you on the property for hikes, family events and more, we hope you can continue your support while we work remotely. If you can financially support us right now, your one time (or ongoing) tax deductable donation will help Cherokee Ranch & Castle flourish and be ready to welcome you "home" soon. We also accept vehicle donations, please call 720-627-7173 for information or click on the button below. 

We are grateful for the generous support from our sponsors:

303-688-5555  |   www.cherokeeranch.org  

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