Celebrating the Life of Betty Noreen (Raycroft) Kercher
The family will welcome visitors on Friday, January 13th between 4:00pm and 7:00pm at Whittier-Porter Funeral Home (6 High Street) in Ipswich.
There will be a graveside service at the New Linebrook Road Cemetery (405 Linebrook Road) in Ipswich on Saturday, January 14th at 9:30am.
A service celebrating Betty’s life will be held at NSCBC on Saturday, January 14th at 11:00am. Immediately following the service, you are invited to attend a reception in the Family Room (Gym) where you will have an opportunity to greet the family.
Betty's obituary can be read here, and you can sign up to bring Betty's family a meal here.
Please continue to keep the Kercher family in your prayers. We ask for God’s presence to be near to them and be a comfort to them.
Annual Meeting and Budget Hearing
Budget Hearing
Thursday January 12, 7 pm
Members are encouraged to attend a Budget Hearing to review the proposed 2023 budget this Thursday, January 12, at 7pm downstairs in Friendship Hall. This is a chance to review and ask questions about the new budget before we vote on it at the annual meeting (scheduled for Jan 21).
Annual Meeting
Saturday, January 21st, 5pm
NSCBC members are encouraged to attend the 2023 Annual Business Meeting on Saturday, January 21 at 5pm in the sanctuary. We will look back to celebrate God’s work in 2022, as well as look forward to 2023. Elections of church officers and voting on our 2023 annual budget will also take place. To review the list of candidates for offices, please click here. Contact Melissa Zaldivar, Chair of the Nominating Committee, with any questions.
Childcare will be provided for those who RSVP to office@nscbc.org by Wednesday, January 18th.
If there are any questions or concerns you’d like to address about any aspect of the meeting, we encourage you to share them ahead of time with office@nscbc.org.
Youth Worship Night: January 13
Attention MS and HS students! Looking for something to launch your new year? Come to a "Night of Worship" on Friday, January 13th from 7-9pm in the sanctuary hosted by our own youth ministry. Come learn about and experience the joy of worship with your peers. Friends are invited to come along! If you have any questions, please contact cameron@nscbc.org.
New Christian Formation Class with Pastor Richard starts January 15
Storytime: How God Has Transformed Us
Everyone who knows Jesus is a walking miracle! Someone God has made alive, someone God is living within, someone God is transforming! This is too good to keep to ourselves, so let’s share our stories! Join our Gospel Equipping Class in the month of January (1/15, 1/22 and 1/29) as we hear the stories of what God has done in the lives of our community, and grow in confidence that you too have a wonderful story to share of what God has done for you!
The class will meet downstairs in the Friendship hall during second service (11 am).
“Go home to your friends and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.” Mark 5:19
Guess Who is Coming for Dinner?
This popular event takes place on Saturday, January 28th at 5:00pm. This is a time to gather for dinner with people you may not have met. People can sign up as either a guest or a host here. Hosts will provide a main dish, and guests are encouraged to bring a dish to share as they are able. All (including children, youth, college students, etc.) are welcome! For questions, please contact deacons@nscbc.org.
Each Sunday, there are senior citizens and college students who would like to attend church but don't have a ride.
Interested in being part of a rotation of people who can offer rides to those who need them? Contact deacons@nscbc.org.
Come join a crew of folks to take down the decorations on Saturday January 14th at 2pm. Email adam@nscbc.org if you can help!
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration
Calvary Baptist Church Haverhill, a majority African American congregation, has invited us to a Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration this Saturday, January 14 at 3:00 pm. This is a great opportunity to fellowship with another church and hear how they are seeking to ambitiously carry on the legacy of Christ-dependent justice that shaped Dr. King's life.
"Night to Shine" is coming back to NSCBC!
Friday, February 10, 2023 from 6 - 9 pm.
We are excited to be hosting Night to Shine at North Shore Community Baptist Church on Friday, February 10, 2023 from 6 - 9 pm.
Our last full prom year, 2020, with the partnership of the Tim Tebow Foundation, 721 churches representing 36 denominations and 200,000 volunteers in 50 states and 34 countries came together to celebrate 110,000 honored guests with special needs. We are excited to be part of this movement, and grateful for the foundation’s vision to provide an unforgettable prom night experience, centered on God’s love for these special guests.
Looking for both new volunteers and those who’ve served before!
If you would like to volunteer, please fill out and submit the 2023 Night to Shine Volunteer Sign-up by Jan 24th. Even if you have already been recruited and joined a team for 2023, please submit the volunteer registration form. Thanks to those who have already registered as volunteers!!
Required: Attend one of two identical volunteer trainings on either Tuesday, January 24 or Friday, January 27 from 7 – 8:30 pm at North Shore Community Baptist Church and complete a CORI check.
Hannah (Steele) Mignard will again be serving as our Volunteer Coordinator this year. She will be helping us follow-up with volunteers, assign them to teams and help us gather all of the paperwork necessary from our volunteers. Please feel free to contact her as well as Debbie Child for any questions you may have. They can be emailed at nighttoshine@nscbc.org.
If you're interested in donating, donations can be made online by clicking here.
We look forward to working together again.
The choir will be singing for Lent, Holy Week, and Easter.
Weekly rehearsals will resume mid-February.
Text Alert Sign-Ups
To help improve our "short notice" communications for things like snow days, cancellations, change in service times, we will be using a text messaging update service.
New Small Group in Danvers
If interested in learning more about a new small group starting up in Danvers, please contact Kathy Copan.
TakeThemAMeal sign-up
Please sign up to take meals to the family of Betty Kercher this week as they grieve and plan her memorial service. Thank you for supporting the Kerchers in this way!
We are now meeting back in person for our Friday morning prayer meetings at 6:30–7:30am to pray for the kingdom to advance in Essex County. Join us in Friendship Hall (downstairs at NSCBC) or click here to join us on Zoom with the password: prayer