Weekly News Update

January 3, 2024

*Please be sure to download pictures to get the full effect of the newsletter.

Agency Updates

Tomorrow is World Braille Day

Learn more about it by clicking the video above.

Check out UMR's wellness-related supports

Introducing a New Health & Wellness Program for 2024

We are so proud of your level of participation in this year’s Bravo platform. Your participation in your preventative care and awareness will certainly result in a healthier “YOU”! This year, the program guidelines are very similar; however, we will be using the Health Reach Online Wellness Platform.

Employees currently enrolled in the Board’s health insurance program are eligible to earn up to $300.00 simply by completing the following activities by 09-30-2024:

1. Health Risk Assessment

2. Physical with Biometrics

  • Biometric Healthy Targets (must meet all 5):
  1. Non-nicotine User
  2. BMI – 29.99 or less or Waist Circumference 35 in or less (women), 40 inches or less (men)
  3. Blood Pressure: 129/85 or Less
  4. LDL: 129 or Less
  5. Glucose: 126 or Less or A1c: 6.5 or less


  • If you do not meet the five health targets above, you can complete 1 of the following activities by 10-31-2024:
  1. Two Coaching Calls
  2. Three On-line Webinars

3. Tobacco Declaration

Be on the lookout for additional information regarding access to the online platform.

2024 Payroll Calendar (click to download)

Policy Changes

Policy #2.18, Employee Compensation

  • Accounts for additional language for hourly rates for part time employees regarding annual increases: Any employee whose current hourly rate or salary is above the maximum for their salary range will be red-circled and will not be eligible for percentage increases to base salary.

Policy #2.18, Employee Compensation Procedures

  • Accounts for a change from a 90 day waiting period, to a 30 day waiting period for the SSA II Exam retake. The procedure also accounts for a change from a 90 day waiting period, to a 30 day waiting period to reschedule the DS II observation.

Policy #2.32, FMLA Procedures

  • Employees will use paid leave balances as follows while on FMLA: employees shall use accrued leave in this order: sick, personal leave, and vacation, concurrently with the FMLA designated leave.

Policy #2.51, Health and Safety

  • The title has been changed as well as language/references to procedures regarding additional security measures.

Policy #2.51, Health and Safety Procedures

  • Accounts for home visit and community based visit safety protocols

Before the visit:

  1. Keep Outlook Calendars up to date on a daily basis (include visit details such as family/individual's name, location of meeting, etc. and make sure Brittco profiles are accurate).
  2. Keep your ID, keys, and cell phone with you during the visit.
  3. Keep your car in good working condition and locked.
  4. Park in well-lit areas near the “visit” location.
  5. Do not park in a location whereby you could be blocked in by another vehicle.
  6. Be aware of your surroundings, including any unsecured dogs when approaching the “visit” location (consider having dog treats handy).
  7. Discuss any concerns with your supervisor prior to the visit.
  8. Always have an excuse to leave prepared in advance in case of danger.
  9. Dress appropriately so your movement is not impeded.
  10. Have your name badge visible.
  11. Consider having a coworker attend the meeting with you (discuss this arrangement with your supervisor and the person you are meeting with prior to the meeting).
  12. If having a coworker present is not feasible, consider hosting the meeting at the office or a public meeting space, such as a library.
  13. Discuss in advance with the family/individual, your role in home/community-based interactions and any potential safety concerns.

During the visit:

  1. Be sure an adult is home before entering a home.
  2. If the homeowner locks the door behind you, politely request that they leave the door unlocked.
  3. Do not enter a home when there is yelling, screaming, gunfire, etc. in the surrounding area.
  4. You may leave a visit anytime if your safety is in question.
  5. Position yourself between the family/individual and the exit (know where the exits are).
  6. If pets are a safety concern, request that they be removed from the area for the visit.
  7. Sit on a hard chair to avoid possible needles, weapons, infestations, etc.
  8. Meet in open areas.
  9. Do not confront any suspected illegal behavior while in the home.

After the visit:

  1. Be aware of your surroundings as you exit.
  2. Before entering your car, check in and around your car.
  3. Lock your car as soon as you get in and leave the area without delay.
  4. Wait to document the visit until you are in a public area.

Policy 2.62, Use of Board Property Procedures

  • Accounts for use of JCC shower facilities by people served
  1. In the event someone other than a Board employee (i.e., a person served) is granted permission to use the shower facilities, it is their responsibility to have their care provider present to whatever extent is necessary to ensure proper safety.
  2. The care provider shall sign in & out upon entering the building.
  3. The care provider shall ensure the shower facility is left in proper condition upon completion (i.e., clear of personal items).
  4. A Board employee shall be present to escort them to and from the entrance to the shower/bathroom door.
  5. Board employees shall not enter the bathroom facility to provide assistance.
  6. Board employees shall keep a log of the person’s entry and departure times (and their care provider if applicable).
  7. Board employees shall notify a member of the HR & Operations department to ensure proper maintenance of the area for future use.

Lobby Doors 

Just a friendly reminder that the lobby doors are locked at 4 pm. Staff or visitors here for meetings after 4 p.m. should not push open the emergency exit doors in the front lobby. If you have visitors here for meetings after 4:00 p.m., please escort them out of the building through another door. Thank you!  

New health insurance cards

New health insurance cards were mailed out by UMR on 12/11 so members should begin receiving them soon. The current cards will still work but the new cards should be used beginning 1/1/24.

Trainings and Opportunities

Volunteer at Tim Tebow's Night to Shine

If you would like to volunteer at the Tim Tebow Night to Shine on Friday, February 9, click the link below. Check with your supervisor about using Outreach Hours during this volunteer event.

Register for to Volunteer

Group Yoga Starting

Yoga will resume on Wednesdays 12-12:30 and can be done on teams. It will begin on Jan 10 for 10 weeks. Cost is divided by participants. Anyone interested can contact Mindy Flora,

Join the Leadership Challenge Committee for Coffee (or Cocoa) and a Chat!


Conference Room A


02/08/24 11:00am - 02/08/24 12:30pm US/Eastern
You are invited to take a much deserved break and enjoy some hot coffee (or cocoa) while getting to know your coworkers a little better.
I'll Be There!
Lightbulb Lunch: Navigating Cultural Differences Part 2


Conference Room A


01/09/24 12:00pm - 01/09/24 1:00pm US/Eastern
Charla Hale will lead us on part 2 of Navigating Cultural Differences. DODD hours pending for Superintendent, SSA, EI, and IA.
I'll Be There!

Share this with your caseload

Tim Tebow's Night to Shine

The highly anticipated Night to Shine will be hosted at Christ’s Church on Friday, February 9 from 6-9pm. Click here to register.

Staff Updates

LaTalia White's last day 1/21/2024. We wish her well on her next adventure.

Career Opportunities

Developmental Specialist -(Spanish Speaking)

Dec 4, 2023

Plan and conduct visits within natural environments using evidence-based practices, with a variety of families with varying educational and socioeconomic backgrounds Use education in application of theoretically based strategies, critical thinking, evidence-based research, and to collaborate, and implement strategies with families and team members. Conduct developmental evaluations and assessments for intake as well as ongoing progress. Must be fluent in Spanish

Developmental Specialist

Oct 23, 2023

This position offers generous benefits, positive work culture/environment, room for growth, flexibility, and remote work options. Plans and conducts home visits within natural environments using evidence-based practices for children birth to 3 years of age. Works with a transdisciplinary team to provide support to families within the community.

Service and Support Administrator

Oct 23, 2023

This position offers generous benefits, positive work culture/environment, room for growth, flexibility, and remote work options. Provides administrative coordination of supports and services to people with developmental disabilities through collaboration with other service providers and agencies. Helps access all available resources and assists the individual in developing both formal and informal support systems in accordance with what is important “to” and “for” the individual, and then outlines/describes them in the Individual’s Service Plan (ISP).

Share this opportunity with your network

Staff Anniversaries

Dena Freeman, SSA Supervisor, celebrates 2 years with the Board on Wednesday, January 3. Congratulate her.

Cathy Zeiger, Physical Therapist, celebrates 8 years with the Board on Thursday, January 4. Congratulate her.

Andrea Shollenbarger, Rates and Contracts Coordinator, celebrates 23 years with the Board on Thursday, January 4. Congratulate her.

Brittany Darby, SSA, celebrates 6 years with the Board on Thursday, January 4. Congratulate her.

Staff Birthdays

Christy Ross, SSA - Tuesday, January 2. Wish her a happy birthday!

Katie Gross, Developmental Specialist - Tuesday, January 9. Wish her a happy birthday!

Sarah Wendt, I&R SSA - Tuesday, January 9. Wish her a happy birthday!

Do you have a reason to celebrate? We want to share your good news! Email Patricia Dawson.

A little fun

Drop Your Meme!

Ok let's have some fun! E-mail Patricia Dawson, your favorite funny meme, inspirational quotes, or encouraging images. Then we will share them here with the rest of the team!!!

Submissions for Weekly News Update

Do you have something you'd like to add to the Weekly News Update? Contact Patricia Dawson before noon on Tuesday!

Weekly News Update 2023 Archive

To view the Weekly News Update 2023 archive, click the image to download the directory.