NCCDD Stay in the Know!

Weekly Updates and Announcements

March 13, 2024

This week's updates and announcements include:

  • Governor Cooper Issues Proclamation Recognizing Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month
  • Be a Part of NCCDD's My Story Matters Campaign!
  • NCCDD Announces Spanish "Unmet" Film Showing
  • 2024 NCYLF Delegate Applications Due March 15
  • NC Coalition on Aging Seeks Pubic Input
  • DSDHH Offering Film Screening of "Being Michelle"
  • DRNC's Annual Disability Advocacy Conference
  • Register for the Next Side by Side Monthly Webinar

Read details for each below.

Governor Cooper Issues Proclamation Recognizing Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month

Last week, North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper proclaimed March as Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. This marks the 37th anniversary of the Congressional designation of National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month and acknowledges the nearly 200,000 people living in North Carolina who have intellectual and other developmental disabilities (I/DD). The Governor's press release stated, "The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services and the North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities are dedicated to coming together to address societal barriers so individuals can reach their full potential and be fully included in their communities."

Read the full press release, including comments from NCCDD Executive Director Talley Wells.

Be a Part of NCCDD's My Story Matters Campaign!

My Story Matters is a new campaign of NCCDD to learn about North Carolinians with intellectual and other developmental disabilities (I/DD) across the state and the issues that are important to them.

Your story is important! Your story is also a form of advocacy. Sharing your story with us can help us advocate together with key decision makers, lawmakers, and people who can help us make life better for people with I/DD like you in North Carolina. And if you agree, your story might be shared on our social media platforms!

Learn more and submit your story!

En español

My Story Matters es una nueva campaña de NCCDD para aprender sobre los habitantes de Carolina del Norte con discapacidades intelectuales y otras discapacidades del desarrollo (I/DD) en todo el estado y los temas que son importantes para ellos.

¡Nuestra historia es importante! Su historia también es una forma de defensa. Compartir su historia con nosotros puede ayudarnos a abogar junto con los principales tomadores de decisiones, legisladores y personas que pueden ayudarnos a mejorar la vida de las personas con I/DD como usted en Carolina del Norte. Y si estás de acuerdo, ¡tu historia podría ser compartida en nuestras plataformas de redes sociales!

¡Obtenga más información y envíe su historia!

NCCDD Announces Spanish "Unmet" Film Screening

The Unmet Spanish film is making its way to Charlotte, and we’re thrilled to invite you to be a part of this cultural event. Here’s how you can join in and help make this event a success.

Save the Date - March 23, 2024: Join us at the Friendship Missionary Baptist Church located at 3400 Beatties Ford Road, Charlotte, NC 28216. The film screening will take place from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM. Your presence is not just attendance; it’s a show of support for the intellectual and other developmental disabilities (I/DD) Latino community.

Spread the Word: Share the film’s promotional flyer and registration link with your friends, family, and network. 

Educate & Engage: Step up to the community partners’ information tables to discover a wealth of services, resources, and opportunities. 

Please register at this link:

En español

Presentación del Cortometraje Unmet en Charlotte 

El cortometraje en español UNMET se exhibirá en Charlotte, y queremos invitarle a ser parte de este evento cultural. Aquí le explicamos cómo pueden unirse y ayudar a que este evento sea un éxito.

Reserve la fecha - 23 de marzo de 2024: Únase a nosotros en la Iglesia Bautista Misionera de la Amistad, ubicada en 3400 Beatties Ford Road, Charlotte, NC 28216. La proyección de la película tendrá lugar de 2:00 PM a 3:30 PM.

Corra la voz: Comparta el folleto promocional de la película y el enlace de registro con sus amigos, familiares y red de contactos.

Edúquese e involúcrese: Visite las mesas de información de nuestros socios comunitarios para descubrir la gran cantidad de servicios, recursos y oportunidades.


Favor de registrarse en el siguiente enlace:

2024 NCYLF Delegate Applications Due March 15

The North Carolina Youth Leadership Forum (YLF), a summer program at NC State University, is accepting delegate applications. The deadline to submit your application is March 15, 2024. Please visit the YLF website to learn more about the YLF, a program that serves youth and young adults with disabilities ages 15-30. 

The YLF is held on July 20-24, 2024 in Raleigh, NC. Transportation needs may be arranged for those outside of the area.

This is a fully accessible and free event for both delegates and staff members. Topics and activities will center around goal setting, leadership and advocacy skills, disability history, employment, education, housing, finances and budgeting, and more. Having fun and creating friendships is also an important part of the YLF. Evening activity plans include dances, comedy shows, movie nights, creating art, and cookouts. 

There are multiple opportunities to be a part of this impactful week! Our delegate application, staff application, and volunteer form can be found here.

Contact Program Coordinator, Meredith Huml, at for any questions or to request help with filling out an application.

NC Coalition on Aging Seeks Public Input

On May 2, 2023, Governor Cooper signed Executive Order 280, outlining NC’s commitment to building an age-friendly state. Since then, the Division of Aging and Adult Services has led the state’s efforts to develop a multi-sector plan for aging, now known as All Ages, All Stages NC. The NC Coalition on Aging has been a part of this process is are sharing the draft plan for input. 


The draft objectives and recommendations are now available for your review and input. Please visit All Ages, All Stages NC Public Comment page to access the draft. As you read the objectives and recommendations, please consider the following: 

  • Does each objective and recommendation make sense? 
  • Is each objective and recommendation SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely)? 
  • Should any objectives or recommendations be prioritized?
  • Do any duplicate an existing effort that is already being successfully implemented?
  • Are there any objectives or recommendations missing? 

Please email feedback to on or before Monday, March 25. Please specify which objective and/or recommendation you are referencing with your input and the goal for which it applies.

DSDHH Offering Film Screening of "Being Michelle"

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DSDHH) is hosting two free events on March 21 that include screenings of an award-winning documentary “Being Michelle.” The film is about the experiences of a Deaf autistic woman and her struggles with law enforcement and corrections followed by an in-person panel discussion. The panel includes a former incarcerated Deaf person, his Deaf daughter, and the author of a book on the experiences of Deaf people with being incarcerated.

The first screening will be held in morning in Raleigh. Click here for more details about the Raleigh event

The second screening will be held in the evening in Greensboro along with several live streaming options. Click here for more details about the Greensboro event

DRNC's Annual Disability Advocacy Conference

Each year, Disability Rights North Carolina (DRNC) hosts a one-day conference in Raleigh that focuses on what we can do to advance disability justice in our state. The annual event brings together people with disabilities, family members, policy-makers, and other professionals in the field to share, learn, and create opportunities for change. 

DRNC invites you to join in celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Olmstead decision at its annual statewide conference on May 1, 2024, "It’s ON! Olmstead Now in NC." In commemorating this landmark legal decision, DRNC will reflect on two and a half decades of advocating for the rights of people with disabilities to live and receive services in their community. DRNC recognizes that there is much more work to be done and the call for action cannot wait. Together we can make it happen, It’s ON!

Learn more and register - Early Bird rates end on Friday, March 15

Register for the Next Side by Side Monthly Webinar

The DHHS Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Use Services (MH/IDD/SU/TBI) invites you to its monthly webinar to learn about policies and programs that affect the MH/IDD/SU/TBI community. The goal of this webinar is to bring everyone together in one virtual place. This group includes consumers, families, advisory groups, LME/MCOs, community members, and partner organizations. 

Side by side, we will work together to better understand and improve our system. We will listen closely to one another, and we will share ideas for public policy that will improve lives in NC. 

Due to capacity limits of the webinar platform, please register each month to attend. 

Closed-Captioning & American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreters will be provided.

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