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Camp Wolfpack
Important Dates
2019 - 2020 
School Year
Important Dates
Mar 13
No School
Spring Conferences
Mar 14
Auction Gala
Mar 19
STEM Night
Mar 23
No School
Faculty Retreat
Apr 9
Easter Break
Apr 25
May 2
8th Grade East Coast Study Trip
May 25
No School
Memorial Day
May 29
No School -
8th Grade Graduation
Jun 5 Last Day of School Preschool/PreK
Jun 12 Last Day of School K - 7

Caught Being Good
Mariano O.
Allison J.
Harry K.
Arabella N.
Elia A.
March 11, 2020
Dear Parents and Guardians of St. Francis of Assisi School,

Spirit of St. Francis
What do we mean when we say this?  What is the charism of our patron saint?  St. Francis of Assisi was a man of strength, boldness, and courage.  He stepped out of his comfort zone to answer God's call of humble service.  He sacrificed his own wealth to illuminate a way of living that relied solely on the faithfulness of God through the generosity of others .  We are inspired by his servant leadership and look for ways to embody the fruits of his ministry here at our school. 
This year, we are adding a service opportunity at Auction.  There will be a station entitled, "Spirit of St. Francis".  We recognized that there has been a ministry quietly and humbly serving the needs of our community, whether it's welcoming a new child into the family, caring for someone who is sick at home, or saying goodbye to a beloved member of the family.  Through our Catholic Identity volunteers, they have shared their own time, talent, and treasure providing gift cards, meal trains, and sponsoring hot lunches for students. This year we are inviting you into this ministry. We want to set them up with funds for any needs that may arise in 2020-2021, so they do not have to give alone.
Please prayerfully consider donating Saturday night so that we can build a designated fund, solely for the provision of meals for families in need.  You can purchase raffle tickets in the following denominations - $5/1 ticket, $10/2 tickets, or $25/8 tickets via qr code at the auction. The Spirit of St. Francis basket contains 2 tickets to every event that the school hosts along with several bottles of excellent wine, selected by our sommelier.  A winner will be chosen Saturday night. Thank you in advance for supporting this new tradition that will allow an old tradition to endure.  Through your prayers and the spirit of perseverance, I pray your Lenten journey will be enriched by your almsgiving and gift of charity.
Walking in his footsteps,
Jeannette Lambert
2020 Auction Gala

Please watch for an email tomorrow that will contain a link for the online auction catalog. Those of you that are unable to attend auction will still be able to bid from your phones on any of our silent auction items this Saturday, March 14th between 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm. Download the Auctria app and get ready to bid, we've got some great items this year!

GRAB BAGS: On Sale Today!
Grab Bags are on sale in the office.  Each bag contains various items including: Campitelli Cookies, BJ's Free Pizookie, SkyZone 30-Minute Free Jump Pass, Free Bowling at Concourse, Yogurtland & Togo's coupons, toothbrush kit from Dr. Krishnan, and FREE dress pass for Monday, March 16th!

COVID-19 Update and Precautions:
For those attending the Auction Gala, please be aware that the health and safety of our guests is our priority. We are closely monitoring COVID-19 (coronavirus) and using facts from trusted sources such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), to guide our actions. CDPH does not recommend cancellation of community events at this time if no COVID-19 cases exist within the community.

The CDC has noted that older adults, as well as people who have serious, chronic medical conditions are at higher risk and should avoid crowds as much as possible.  We encourage you to apply personal discretion when determining your participation in the Gala.  As always, participation in this event is voluntary.

We will be implementing additional health practices onsite including the addition of several hand sanitizers. We will also request that our attendees greet friend's handshake-free, and that those experiencing cold or flu symptoms do not attend.

We kindly ask the following of all guests:
  • Greet friends handshake-free
  • Leverage the hand sanitizers provided throughout the venue
  • Wash your hands with soap & water regularly
If any of the criteria apply to you or your guest, please refrain from entering the Gala:
  • Within the past 14 days has returned from a CDC Level 3 Country - China, Iran, South Korea, Italy (
  • Sick or is exhibiting cold or flu-like symptoms (ie: fever, runny nose, coughing, etc.)
  • Have concerns that you have been in direct contact with someone who is suspected to have COVID-19.
Thank you for your cooperation. 
Keeping Our Students Healthy
Local health officials continue to emphasize common-sense steps to prevent the spread of respiratory illnesses, including:
  • Avoiding close contact with people who are sick
  • Avoiding touching your eyes, nose and mouth
  • Staying home when you are sick
  • Covering your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throwing the tissue in the trash
  • Cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe
  • Washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom, before eating and after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing (If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol.)
Please keep your children home if they show signs of illness:  fever, vomiting, excessive coughing with mucus, or nasal drainage with green mucus.  Child must be fever and vomit free for 24 hours before returning to school.  Together we can keep our children safe!

Live Out Lent

Bishop Vann has invited the local Catholic community to join together in sharing moments for reflection, contemplation and witness.

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School is participating with 40 other schools to share in the Lenten journey.

You can follow along with this journey here.
Nachos for Augie' Quest

STEM Night
STEM Night is fast approaching on March 19th! 

Ben Franklin once said  "Tell me and I'll forget. Show me and I may remember. Involve me and I learn." 

Come to STEM night and be involved in learning!  Send your dinner orders in tomorrow before the price goes up. 

March 17th - Green Shirt and Jeans Day!

Track News
Track families please sign up for the St. Francis Athletics Remind App.  

  1. Download app onto phone
  2. Click on + Join a Class
  3. Class code for St. Francis Athletics: @284g2h7

Service Hours Reminder!
March 31st is quickly approaching and that is the last day for you to enter service hours into FACTS.  Each family is required to complete 20 hours of service between April 1 and March 31.  You can check your current service hours at any time on FACTS.

Any hours that are not fulfilled will be billed to your FACTS account in April at the rate of $15 per hour.

You can check for available opportunities. If you are looking for opportunities to work at the auction on March 14, please contact our Auction Chair, Kelly Watters directly at
Father/Daughter - Mother/Son Tuition Assistance Bowling

Volunteers Needed!
The Tuition Assistance Event Co-Chairs are looking for 2-3 volunteers to shadow them this year during the planning of the Father/Daughter and Mother/Son events. In hopes to take over as Co-Chairs for next years event. This is a great way to get involved, meet new people and get your volunteer hours for the year. 

If you're interested please contact Moni Sledge at
Camp Wolfpack

Buy Your Yearbook Today!
Online ordering of 2019 - 2020 Yearbooks is now open! The cost if ordered today is $45.00. The final day to personalize yearbooks is February 2, 2019. The final date to order yearbooks online is May 15, 2020. 

Click here to place your order!

Stations of the Cross
Scrip Orders
Order By:
Receive On:
March 14, 2020 March 18, 2020
March 21, 2020 March 25, 2020
March 31, 2020 April 6, 2020
Ice Cream Fridays
Ice cream Fridays are coming to St. Francis.  Ice cream will be sold for $1.00 at recess on minimum day Fridays and at lunch on full day Fridays!  

Proceeds will go towards the Class of 2021 East Coast Study Trip.
1st Grade Service Project

2019 -2020 DC Dining
Wednesday lunches throughout the school year are hosted by our 7th and 8th grade students fundraising for their East Coast Study  Trip.  The DC Dining program offers a variety of meal options from a broad spectrum of local restaurants.

Please be sure to turn the form and payment into the office by Monday of the week you are ordering a meal. Thank you to Togos in the Festival Center for today's lunch. DC Dining next Wednesday, March 18th we will be serving Costco Pizza.

Trimester 3 DC Dining Order Form
Amazon Smile

AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support our school every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at , you'll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School.  Simply click here to begin shopping through AmazonSmile.
Santa Margarita Catholic High School

Mater Dei High School

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School | 714-695-3700 | |
5330 Eastside Circle
Yorba Linda, CA 92887