St. Sava Boston Weekly news & updates
Holy Week, 2020
Most beloved Clergy, Monastics and Faithful of our cherished Eastern American Diocesan Family,
As we have now entered into Holy Week and are preparing for the Great Feast of Pascha, I have decided to write an open, personal letter to all, given that I have been deprived of the pleasure of seeing you during this past Great Lent. Indeed, I have missed, very much, serving in our churches with our clergy and faithful, and beholding your warm faces and beautiful smiles. The radiance of your souls...
Easter 2020
Dear Parishioners,
As we celebrate the Feast of All Feasts, we wish you a Blessed Resurrection of Christ with the most joyous greeting:Christ is risen!
During this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, this Christian greeting instills in us the faith and hope that life and virtue reign in the end. With God's help, we believe that we will emerge victorious from the fight against this crisis...
Васкрс 2020.
Драги парохијани,
Идући у сусрет Празнику над Празницима желимо вам Срећно Васкрсење Христово, уз најрадоснији поздрав: Христос Васкрсе!
У ово време пандемије овај хришћански поздрав нам улива веру и наду да, на крају свега, живот и добро побеђује. Уз Божију помоћ, верујемо и да ћемо ускоро изаћи као победници из борбе са пандемијом...
The Conqueror of death/ Победилац смрти
Dear parishioners,
Since we cannot be in church together during this year's Easter celebration, we invite you to join us in creating together Easter parish album by sending us Easter family photos, either from this year or file photo. Let us be together and spread the joy of Easter.
Please note that by sending in a photo you are consenting for all those present in the picture to have it appear on various social media platforms.
You can submit your photos and any questions you may have to
Драги парохијани,
Пошто ове године не можемо бити заједно на Васкршњој служби, позивамо вас да нам пошаљете ваше фотографије како славите Васкрс ове године или из архиве, да би укључили у овогодишњи парохијски албум од прославе Васкрса.
Слањем фотографије на нашу адресу дајете нам сагласност да је објавимо електронским путем на парохијском албуму и друштвеним мрежама.
Фотографијe можете послати на
Dear Parishioners,
In light of the severity of the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, and the accompanying struggle which many individuals and families are going to face, the St. Sava Cathedral board on behalf of the entire parish will be offering limited aid to individuals and families in need.
If you are under significant financial stresses and need assistance purchasing food and other household essentials, there are many resources you can take advantage of to help ease the burden. While state and federal resources will be the most impactful, they aren't enough to cover everything for everyone. If you need additional aid, please reach out and we'll try to accommodate you. We understand that many individuals and families will be facing enormous difficulties in the coming weeks and months.
Below is a list of government resources.
While we are offering help to anyone who needs it, please keep in mind that our ability to provide aid is limited. We ask that you use your judgment to determine whether your need is immediate. If so, please reach out. If you need help, contact either of us.
Fr. Aleksandar Vlajkovic
Cell: 781-771-2030
Petar Ojdrovic, Church Board President
We're all in this together, especially in times of exceptional crisis. We continue to rely on the support of those who are able, and appreciate the financial contributions which have continued electronically in lieu of weekly donations. Without these it would be far more difficult to provide assistance. Contributions can be made here:
When donating, please indicate that it's for 'Families in Need' or 'COVID Relief'.
Thank you.
Драги парохијани,
С обзиром на озбиљност пандемије корона вируса, и пратећих проблема с којима се суочавају појединци и породице, Одбор Храма Свети Сава ће, у име читаве парохије, нудити ограничену помоћ свима којима је помоћ потребна.
Ако сте финансијски угрожени и треба вам помоћ при куповини намирница и основних потрепштина за домаћинство, постоји низ ресурса које можете искористити као олакшицу.
Али ако федерални и државни ресурси нису довољни, ту смо да прискочимо ако је потребно. Разумемо да ће се многи суочити са недаћама у наредних пар недеља или месеци.
Погледајте листу владиних ресурса испод.
Иако смо вољни помоћи свим угроженима, имајте на уму да су наша средства ограничена. Ако су ваше потребе хитне, молимо вас да нам се обратите:
Отац Александар Влајковић
Телефон: 781-771-2030
Петар Ојдровић, Председник Управног Одбора
Боримо се заједно у овом периоду изузетне кризе. Ослањамо се на подршку оних који су и даље у могућности дати прилог цркви, у овом случају електронски уместо недељних донација. Без њих би било много теже изаћи у сусрет свима. Ваше донације можете послати овде
Молимо вас да назначите да је ваш прилог за помоћ угроженим породицама или COVID-19 помоћ.
Хвала вам!
Massachusetts Coronavirus Resource Guide:
Information on Unemployment and Coronavirus:
Applying for unemployment benefits:
Massachusetts unemployment insurance:
Legal Information regarding unemployment insurance:
Massachusetts landlord - tenant laws and rights:
COVID-19 Tenants Rights:
Utility Payments during COVID:
SNAP benefits during coronavirus:
Department of Labor Resource Page:
My fellow parishioners,
As has become abundantly obvious, our ability to come to church and participate together in Liturgies and Services has been severely restricted by the current state of affairs. As a result, weekly donations and collections have ceased - donations which we depend on to maintain our cathedral and grounds and pay our regular bills. I humbly ask you to go to
and contribute a portion of what you'd regularly give each Sunday.
We are also aware of the current situation, that some will lose their jobs or that household income will be reduced.
If you are in this situation, feel free to cut your contribution to the church you promised earlier through the Stewardship, or quit completely until your financial situation improves.
Thank you.
Petar Ojdrovic, St. Sava Cathedral Board President
Драги парохијани,
Свесни смо да је наша могућност похађања Литургија ограничена тренутним стањем. Самим тим је и износ донација, које примамо сваке недеље, знатно опао. Наш Храм се ослања на те донације, које помажу плаћању редовних рачуна. Стога вас молим, ако сте у могућности, да путем наше веб странице
приложите онај износ који сте имали на уму донирати недељом након Литургије.
Свесни смо, такође, тренутне ситуације, где ће неки остати без посла или чија ће примања бити умањена. Уколико сте у таквој ситуацији, слободно умањите ваш допринос цркви који сте раније обећали кроз Старатељство, или престаните начисто док се ваша финансијска ситуација не побољша.
Унапред захвалан,
Петар Ојдровић, Председник Управног одбора Храма Свети Сава
Our Community Announcements
If you have family news you would like to share with our community, please submit your listing to
by Thursday in order to be published in our weekly news on Friday.
*No Business Advertisement*
Недеља Светла
У почетку беше Реч, и Реч беше у Бога, и Бог беше Реч. Она беше у почетку у Бога. Све је кроз Њу постало, и без Ње ништа није постало што је постало. У Њој беше живот, и живот беше видело људима. И Видело се светли у тами, и тама Га не обузе. Посла Бог човека по имену Јована. Овај дође за сведочанство да сведочи за Видело да сви верују кроза њ. Он не беше Видело, него да сведочи за Видело. Беше Видело истинито које обасјава сваког човека који долази на свет. На свету беше, и свет кроза Њ поста, и свет Га не позна. К својима дође, и своји Га не примише. А који Га примише даде им власт да буду синови Божији, који верују у име Његово, Који се не родише од крви, ни од воље телесне, ни од воље мужевље, него од Бога. И реч постаде тело и усели се у нас пуно благодати и истине; и видесмо славу Његову, славу, као Јединороднога од Оца. Јован сведочи за Њега и виче говорећи: Овај беше за кога рекох: Који за мном иде преда мном постаде, јер пре мене беше. И од пунине Његове ми сви узесмо благодат за благодаћу. Јер се закон даде преко Мојсија, а благодат и истина постаде од Исуса Христа.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. This man came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all through him might believe. He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light. That was the true Light which gives light to every man coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him. He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. John bore witness of Him and cried out, saying, “This was He of whom I said, ‘He who comes after me is preferred before me, for He was before me.’” And of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace. For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.