St. Sava Boston Weekly news & updates
January 8th, 2021
Христос се роди!
Christ is born!
Important Notice for all the book lovers in our Parish
Dear parishioners,

We are pleased to announce the opening of our church library. Offering our book selection to our parishioners has been our goal for a while. One of the good outcomes of this pandemic is that we had time to slow down from our events and focus on organizing and sorting our book inventory. We have divided books into three categories: English, Serbian Cyrillic, and Serbian Latin; and three subcategories: Religious, Politics/History, and everything else is under Literature. The spreadsheet is available for you to browse. There is no need for a library card, but we will keep a record of who we lend our books, and we kindly ask you to return it in 4 weeks period. Due to current COVID restrictions, books are available per request. Materials requested will be available for pick up by appointment in church, or we can even mail them to those who are not able to physically come to church for any reason. For any questions you may have, please do not hesitate to email Stanislava at [email protected].

Please notice that our library is still a work in progress. We plan on adding more books, and we plan on upgrading our browsing system. All comments and recommendations are welcome!

Special thanks to Djordje and Biljana Nezic, who helped speed up the organization process!

I hope you are as excited about this as we are!
Важно обавештење за љубитеље књига у нашој парохији
Драги парохијани,

С поносом вам објављујемо да смо основали црквену библиотеку! Одавно смо планирали да понудимо нашим парохијанима да позајме наше књиге. Једна од добрих ствари која је произашла из ове пандемије је та да смо могли да успоримо од организације догађаја и да се сконцентришемо на организацију књига које имамо у поседу. Књиге смо поделили у три категорије: књиге на енглеском, на српском - на ћирилици, и на српском - на латиници, као и три подкатегорије: религиозна тематика, историја/политика, и све остало смо ставили под књижевност. Погледајте све три листе. Чланска карта није обавезна, али ћемо водити записник ко позајмљује наше књиге, стога вас молимо да их вратите у року од 4 седмице. Због тренутних рестрикција због корона вируса, молимо вас да унапред закажете долазак, или да нам пошаљете захтев коју књигу бисте вољели позајмити. Можемо се унапред договорити коју књигу да вам оставимо са стране, и кад можете да је покупите. Вољни смо изаћи у сусрет свима који нису у могућности доћи у цркву, тако што би послали жељену књигу поштом. За сва могућа питања, молимо вас да контактирате Станиславу, на [email protected].
Молимо вас да узмете у обзир да се рад на библиотеци наставља, планирамо да додамо још књига,и да се технички мало више усавршимо, с циљем много лакшег прегледа књига. Све препоруке су добродошле!
Посебносе захваљујемо Ђорђу и Биљани Нежић, који су помогли да се овај целокупан процес убрза!
Надамо се да сте и ви узбуђени једнако као и ми!
St. Sava Celebration 2021
Dear Parents, 
I hope you are doing well. We will be hosting an abridged St. Sava program on Sunday, January 24, 2021, immediately following liturgy in the church. The plan is to put together a video of the children singing in advance of the St. Sava celebration, that we will play that day, and then also for the kids to do their poems live in person.  The microphone will be hands free, on a table and each child will say their poem safely distanced from anyone else.
1. Please sign up for a poem by Saturday, January 16.
2.  Please submit your video of your children singing to [email protected] via dropbox by Sunday January 10.
For the video, you will need:
-2 devices (smartphone/tablet/laptop)
Singer(s) should watch the video and practice along at least 2-3 times to get a feel for the pitch and tempo. Lyrics are attached here as well. Parents are welcome to sing along with your kids in the video recording.
When you are ready to record, have one device open with the camera app to record, while the other device will have the attached video of Boba ready (you will plug in headphones to this second device now so that Boba is not heard in your recording). It is important that you use headphones and are in a quiet space when recording. Please be sure to record your video horizontally.
You are to follow along with Boba's video while recording so that all entries can be layered as closely in sync as possible. Please email [email protected] with any questions.
Thank you,
Ankica P. Koldzic
Sunday School Coordinator
Story time/Приче за децу
Dear all,
We are looking for volunteers who would read to our youngest parishioners. Please record yourself, or your young readers, reading your favorite books in both Serbian and English, and submit your recording to [email protected] by Thursday, to be published in Friday's newsletter.
Thank you in advance!
Christmas 2021/Божић 2021.
Click on image for entire photo album
Our Community Announcements
If you have family news you would like to share with our community, please submit your listing to [email protected] by Thursday in order to be published in our weekly news on Friday.

*No Business Advertisement*
Недеља Светих Богоотаца

А пошто они отиду, а то анђео Господњи јави се Јосифу у сну и каза му: Устани, узми дете и матер Његову па бежи у Мисир, и буди онамо док ти не кажем; јер ће Ирод тражити дете да Га погуби. И он уставши узе дете и матер Његову ноћу и отиде у Мисир. И би тамо до смрти Иродове: да се изврши шта је Господ рекао преко пророка који говори: Из Мисира дозвах Сина свог. Тада Ирод, кад виде да су га мудраци преварили, разгневи се врло и посла те побише сву децу по Витлејему и по свој околини његовој од две године и ниже, по времену које је добро дознао од мудраца. Тада се зби шта је казао пророк Јеремија говорећи: Глас у Рами чу се, плач, и ридање, и јаукање много: Рахила плаче за својом децом, и неће да се утеши, јер их нема. А по смрти Иродовој, гле, анђео Господњи у сну јави се Јосифу у Мисиру. И рече: Устани, и узми дете и матер Његову и иди у земљу Израиљеву; јер су изумрли који су тражили душу детињу. И он уставши, узе дете и матер Његову, и дође у земљу Израиљеву. Али чувши да Архелај царује у Јудеји место Ирода оца свог, побоја се онамо ићи; него примивши у сну заповест, отиде у крајеве галилејске. И дошавши онамо, намести се у граду који се зове Назарет, да се збуде као што су казали пророци да ће се Назарећанин назвати.
31st Sunday after Pentecost

Now when they had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying, “Arise, take the young Child and His mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I bring you word; for Herod will seek the young Child to destroy Him.” When he arose, he took the young Child and His mother by night and departed for Egypt, and was there until the death of Herod, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying, “Out of Egypt I called My Son.” Then Herod, when he saw that he was deceived by the wise men, was exceedingly angry; and he sent forth and put to death all the male children who were in Bethlehem and in all its districts, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had determined from the wise men. Then was fulfilled what was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet, saying: “A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation, weeping, and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children, refusing to be comforted, because they are no more.” Now when Herod was dead, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt, saying, “Arise, take the young Child and His mother, and go to the land of Israel, for those who sought the young Child’s life are dead.” Then he arose, took the young Child and His mother, and came into the land of Israel. But when he heard that Archelaus was reigning over Judea instead of his father Herod, he was afraid to go there. And being warned by God in a dream, he turned aside into the region of Galilee. And he came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets, “He shall be called a Nazarene.”