St. Sava Boston Weekly news & updates
October 16th, 2020
ЦАРСКИ ЉУДИ СЕРГИЈЕ И ВАКХО, СЛУГЕ ЦАРА АЛ НЕ ЗЕМАЉСКОГА, НО ИСУСА ЦАРА БЕСМРТНОГА. Ови свети и дивни мученици и јунаци вере Христове беху најпре први великаши на двору цара Максимијана. И сам их цар уважаваше много због храбрости, мудрости и верности. 
Али кад чу цар, да су ова два великаша његова хришћани, промени љубав своју према њима на гнев. И једном када беше велико жртвоприношење идолима цар позва Сергија и Вакха, да заједно с њима жртве принесу, али они отворено отказаше цару послушност у томе. Ван себе од јарости цар нареди, те свукоше с њих војничко одело, и прстење, и одликовања, и обукоше их у женске хаљине; још им метнуше гвоздене обруче о врат, и тако их вођаху улицама града Рима на подсмех свима и свакоме. По том их посла цар у Азију, своме намеснику Антиоху, на истјазање. А овај Антиох беше се и дигао до тога положаја помоћу Сергија и Вакха, који га у своје време препоручише цару. Када их Антиох поче саветовати, да се одрекну Христа, и да себе спасу бешчешћа мука и смрти, одговорише ови светитељи: „и чест и бешчешће, и живот и смрт — све је једно ономе ко иште царства небескога." Антиох баци Сергија у тамницу, и нареди прво да се мучи Вакх. Слуге се мењаху један за другим тукући Вакха светога, све док му цело тело не раздробише. Из раздробљеног и крвавог тела св. Вакха изађе душа његова света и на рукама ангелским оде Господу. Пострада св. Вакх у граду Варвалису. Тада Сергије свети би изведен, и обувен у гвоздене опанке, с начичканим ексерима, па тако отеран у град Росаф у Сирију, и тамо мачем посечен; и душа му оде у Рај, да тамо заједно са Вакхом, другом својим, приме венце славе бесмртне од Христа Цара к Господа свога. Пострадаше ови красни витези вере Христове око 303. г.
 The Holy Martyrs Sergius and Bacchus
These holy and wonderful martyrs and heroes of the Christian Faith were at first noblemen at the court of Emperor Maximian. The emperor himself esteemed them greatly because of their courage, wisdom and fidelity. But when the emperor heard that his two noblemen were Christians, his love for them turned into rage. Once, when there was a great sacrificial offering to idols, the emperor demanded that Sergius and Bacchus offer sacrifices with him, but they openly refused to obey the emperor in this. Beside himself with rage, the emperor commanded that their military garments, rings and emblems be stripped from them and that they be dressed in women's clothing. He then placed iron hoops around their necks and paraded them through the streets of the city of Rome, to be mocked by everyone. Afterward, he sent them to Antiochus, his deputy in Asia, for torture. Antiochus had risen to his position with Sergius and Bacchus's help, as they had at one time recommended him to the emperor. When Antiochus implored them to deny Christ and save themselves from dishonorable suffering and death, these saints replied: ``Both honor and dishonor, both life and death-all are the same to him who seeks the Heavenly Kingdom.'' Antiochus cast Sergius into prison and ordered that Bacchus be tortured first. His minions took turns beating the holy Bacchus until his whole body was broken. Bacchus's holy soul departed his broken and bloodied body, and in the hands of angels was borne to the Lord. St. Bacchus suffered in the town of Barbalissos. Then St. Sergius was led out and shod in iron shoes with inward-protruding nails. He was driven, on foot, to the town of Rozapha, in Syria, and was beheaded there with the sword. His soul went to Paradise where, together with his friend Bacchus, he received a crown of immortal glory from Christ, his King and Lord. These two wondrous knights of the Christian Faith suffered in about the year 303.
Story time/Приче за децу
Dear all,
Our dear parishioner, Lana Balach, has started an initiative dear to our hearts, reading to our youngest parishioners. We are looking for volunteers who would join her efforts. Please record yourself, or your young readers, reading your favorite books in both Serbian and English, and submit your recording to by Thursday, to be published in Friday's newsletter.
Thank you in advance!
Our Community Announcements
If you have family news you would like to share with our community, please submit your listing to by Thursday in order to be published in our weekly news on Friday.

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Недеља 19. по Духовима

И како хоћете да чине вама људи чините и ви њима онако. И ако љубите оне који вас љубе, каква вам је хвала? Јер и грешници љубе оне који њих љубе. И ако чините добро онима који вама добро чине, каква вам је хвала? Јер и грешници чине тако. И ако дајете у зајам онима од којих се надате да ћете узети, каква вам је хвала? Јер и грешници грешницима дају у зајам да узму опет онолико. Али, љубите непријатеље своје, и чините добро, и дајте у зајам не надајући се ничему; и биће вам велика плата, и бићете синови Највишега, јер је Он благ и неблагодарнима и злима. Будите дакле милостиви као и Отац ваш што је милостив.
19th Sunday after Pentecost

And just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise. But if you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them. And if you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners do the same. And if you lend to those from whom you hope to receive back, what credit is that to you? For even sinners lend to sinners to receive as much back. But love your enemies, do good, and lend, hoping for nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High. For He is kind to the unthankful and evil. Therefore be merciful, just as your Father also is merciful.