St. Sava Boston Weekly news & updates
June 26th, 2020
О косовској књизи и косовској науци
Правда, бр. 12454, 1939. г.
О задужбинарству нашег народа, његовом свечарству, преданости вољи Божјој, витештву, милосрђу и нежности.
Долазимо вам као поклоници, о богаташи моравски, чувени по богатству вере, поштења и родољубља.
Да се поклонимо заједно с вама јединоме живоме Богу, коме су се клањали и оци наши, и свецима божјим, које су они свечарски славили као и ми.
Да се поклонимо светим витезовима косовским, који на позив честитога кнеза журише кроз овај град на освећење Раванице, као што после неколико година журише на позив истог честитог кнеза на Косово Поље Овде да се радују светлости крста и слободе, тамо да погину за крст и слободу. У Раваници да се науче путу бесмртности, на Косову да плате цену бесмртности.
Као поклоници желимо да у светој кнежевој задужбини нађемо ублажење и оснажење душама нашим. Јер живимо у великом времену, које је као и свако велико време испуњено горчином због слабости људских, које сметају да се сви људи покажу достојним овог великог времена Две су врсте горчине и две су врсте слабости, једна горчина долази нам са стране, од рођака, а друга изнутра, од браће; и ова друга нам је горчија. И две су врсте раслабљења. Једно је од страха рођачког споља а друго је од нејединства браће изнутра; и ово друго је опасније.
Ко ће нас ублажити и оснажити ако не света црква вечни извор и блажења и освежења? И где би се могли боље ублажити и опасати снагом, него баш у оној светињи, у којој је вођ свете војске Косовске своју горчину блажио и своју слабост у снагу обраћао? Заиста, нигде боље него над гробом његовим, у светој Раваници његовој, које сте ви ревносни чувари, о моравске кћери и синови Лазареви!
Долазимо вам као поклоници. Али долазимо вам и као покајници. Да се покајемо за грехе своје и за грехе народне. Не помаже поклоњење без покајања. Бити поклоник а не бити покајник, то не значи бити поклоник, него турист. А ми смо далеко од тога да овај 550 Видовдан прославимо као туристи.
Видовдан хоће поклонике. Видовдан тражи покајнике. Видовдан захтева очишћење од мржње, себичности и сујете. Видовдан заповеда измирење с Богом и са браћом. Видовдан грми проклетством на издајнике народне вере и народне мисије. Видовдан отвара вид за царство небесно, и крепи вољу на жртву за то царство. Видовдан опија љубављу према Христу. Видовдан храбри, снажи, и дели венце славе. Видовдан тражи покајнике.
Долазимо вам и као поклоници и као покајници. Али вам долазимо и као ученици. Да заједно са вама отворимо староставну Књигу Косовску и прочитамо још једном лист по лист Науку Косовску.

Saint Lazar the Great Martyr of Kosovo
Prince Lazar was born in 1329 in Prilepac to the aristocrat family Hrebeljanovic. His father Pribac was a Logotet-secretary doing very confidential work for King Dusan the Powerful in the royal palace. Young Lazar was raised in the palace, and was respected by the King who entrusted him with the rule of two parts of his kingdom: Srem and Macva. Lazar married Milica the daughter of an important aristocrat named Vratko also known as Yug Bogdan - a very wise and honorable man from the Nemanjic family. Lazar had three sons: Stevan, Vuk and Lazar and five daughters: Jelena, Mara, Despa, Vukosava and Mileva.

King Dusan the Powerful died unexpectantly in 1355 at the age of 48. This led to a weakening of Serbia's central government. Many dukes used this opportunity to secede from the Kingdom with the land that had been entrusted to them. The young son of Dusan Uros took over the throne and soon was killed. Vukasin Mrnjacevic proclaimed himself the King of Serbia. At this time, Turks were advancing toward the Kingdom of Serbia. In a battle on the river Marica in 1371, Vukasin was killed leaving behind him a weakened, poor and torn Serbia. Serbia was in desperate need of a gifted statesman, rich in virtue and deserving of God's Grace: a man similar to St.Sava and his father St. Stefan Nemanja who had founded the Serbian state. The Church recognized just such a man in Prince Lazar. His talent for leadership, wisdom and experience lifted him above those who would seize the throne by force and sought their own glory and importance.

Prince Lazar, first sought to consolidate and strengthen the Kingdom. As was the custom of that day and age, he married his daughters to the rebellious Serbian aristocrats. This enlarged and stabilized Serbia. Having thus secured the loyalty of dissident aristocrats, Prince Lazar turned to those countries which bordered his own, seeking to deepen Serbia's relationship with them.

At this time, the Serbian Orthodox Church was in a dispute with the Patriarch of Constantinople. King Dusan the Powerful wanted Serbia to have an independent Church. He single-handedly sought to elevate the Serbian archbishop to the level of a patriarch. The Patriarch of Constantinople utterly rejected this act and broke relations with the Church in Serbia. This was a very serious problem and one which King Lazar managed to solve by reconciling the Serbian Church and that of Constantinople. It was a result of this reconciliation that gave the Serbian Church its first canonical Patriarch.

The expansion of that Ottoman state, and increasingly frequent Turkish raids into his land, warned Prince Lazar that the time for a decisive battle was drawing near. Lengthy preparation on both sides preceded this confrontation. The fact that the armies were led by the Turkish ruler Murad 1 and by King Lazar of Serbia illustrates the importance of this battle. It was decided that the site of the battle would be a field in Kosovo (Kosovo Polje).

Prince Lazar knew that his chances against the Turkish aggressor were small and on the eve of the Battle of Kosovo he gathered his upper aristocracy and asked if they should fight for the Holy cross and Golden Freedom or surrender to their adversaries and live as slaves of the Muslims. They had to chose between the Heavenly Kingdom and earthly one. In the true spirit of Christianity they preferred to place their hope in Christ and Eternal Life. The Prince and all of this warriors took Holy communion and went into battle on Saint Vitus Day, Tuesday June 15th (June 28) 1389.

In the beginning of the battle Serbian warriors were able to advance. Milos Obilic, the most famous hero of this Kosovo Battle, killed the Turkish King Murad. Despite this unexpected development, the Turkish army re-grouped and over ran the Serbs. They captured Prince Lazar alive, but beheaded him shortly thereafter.

Today his earthly remains are amazingly preserved intact and kept in the monastery Ravanica which was founded by him, along with many others churches and monasteries. The faithful gather from all Serbia just as they have through centuries to venerate his Holy relics and to get comfort and healing and to inspire them in the hope and belief that better days will come.
Shadeland Camp
New from Tending the Garden of Our Hearts and Ancient Faith Ministries!
Because so many of our vacation church camps will have to be different this year, we've created a virtual camp that your family or parish can enjoy from home! The theme is Prayer, and the camp is recommended for use with the beautiful book, A Child's Guide to Prayer from Ancient Faith Publishing.

What's included?
Created by authors and podcasters Elissa Bjeletich and Kristina Wenger, the camp is presented in five days and features a combination of videos and parent-led activities. Each day includes the following:

Opening Prayers
Daily Lesson
Saint of the Day
Music with CeCe
Closing Prayers

Written Materials:
Craft Projects
Discussion Prompts
Snack Time Recipes
Printable Activity Sheets

The Virtual Vacation Church Camp is designed to be flexible. Families can enjoy camp on their own at their own pace, or multiple families or a whole parish can engage together via Zoom or other video conferencing software.
Our Community Announcements
If you have family news you would like to share with our community, please submit your listing to [email protected] by Thursday in order to be published in our weekly news on Friday.
*No Business Advertisement*
Недеља 3. по Духовима

Ово вам заповедам да имате љубав међу собом. Ако свет на вас узмрзи, знајте да на мене омрзну пре вас. Кад бисте били од света, онда би свет своје љубио; а како нисте од света, него вас ја од света избрах, зато мрзи на вас свет. Опомињите се речи коју вам ја рекох: није слуга већи од господара свог. Ако мене изгнаше, и вас ће изгнати; ако моју реч одржаше, и вашу ће одржати. Али све ће вам ово чинити за име моје, јер не познају Оног који ме посла. Да нисам био дошао и говорио им не би греха имали; а сад изговора неће имати за грех свој. Који мрзи на мене и на Оца мог мрзи. Да нисам био и дела творио међу њима којих нико други не твори, не би греха имали; а сад и видеше, и омрзнуше на мене и на Оца мог. Али да се збуде реч написана у закону њиховом: Омрзнуше на ме низашта. А кад дође утешитељ, кога ћу вам послати од Оца, Дух истине, који од Оца излази, Он ће сведочити за мене. А и ви ћете сведочити, јер сте од почетка са мном.
Ово вам казах да се не саблазните. Изгониће вас из зборница; а доћи ће време кад ће сваки који вас убије мислити да Богу службу чини.
3rd Sunday after Pentecost

These things I command you, that you love one another. If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will keep yours also. But all these things they will do to you for My name’s sake, because they do not know Him who sent Me. If I had not come and spoken to them, they would have no sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin. He who hates Me hates My Father also. If I had not done among them the works which no one else did, they would have no sin; but now they have seen and also hated both Me and My Father. But this happened that the word might be fulfilled which is written in their law, ‘They hated Me without a cause.’ But when the Helper comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of Me. And you also will bear witness, because you have been with Me from the beginning.
These things I have spoken to you, that you should not be made to stumble. They will put you out of the synagogues; yes, the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God service.