Join us for In-Person or Virtual Worship service

this Sunday at 8:30 and 11:00

   Office Phone  904-261-3837     

 Pastoral Care 904-274-1833

LIVE... From Downtown Fernandina Beach,


Sunday Morning!

Join us on our Facebook Page for our

LIVE-STREAMED Worship Services at 8:30 and 11:00

Please download the bulletin from here.

Stellar VBS video!

Launch kids on a cosmic quest where they’ll have a blast shining Jesus’ light to the world. Stellar VBS rockets kids on an out-of-this-world adventure that’s lightyears of faith-building fun. Stellar VBS is a Bible-rich program grounded in a hands-on, multi-sensory learning experience that kids will be talking about for years to come.

We hope you can join us for

an “out of this world” experience!

Stellar VBS is June 12-16 from 9am to 12pm.

The launch window for registration is closing fast!

Registration ends on Sunday, June 4. Students entering Kindergarten through 5th Grade should register now!

Click on the button below to register your student or to volunteer in your favorite spot. It couldn't be easier, just hit the button below and secure your assignment for an out of this world adventure filled with fun, snacks, games, bible stories, crazy skits, music, science and missions.

Let's Blast Off with a full crew!

Sign up today!! 

VBS Sign-Up

Attention All VBS Volunteers!

We are preparing for liftoff! You are required to attend the one and only mandatory meeting for our trip to the moon!

Please gather in Jim Thomas Hall at noon on Sunday, June 11th for a "Stellar" lunch and classified briefing before our launch on Monday morning.

Access tags and crew wear will be ready for pick up, You will meet your team members, learn your assignments, design your spaces, rehearse your parts and practice, practice, practice. There are two excuses acceptable for non attendance: death and imprisonment.

Please have your bailbondsman or your undertaker

let Doris know if you plan on being dead or in jail.!

In otherwords, Let Doris know if you can't come!

Let's help VBS blast off!

Can you help with VBS supplies? Just pick up a rocket or 2 from JTH, purchase the indicated item, and bring the item to JTH by June 11.

Sunday Family Lunch

Come join us for lunch on Sunday, June 25

immediately after the 11:00 service.

The church will provide fried chicken, drinks and dessert.

Each family is asked to bring a side dish to feed 6-8.

We will play "Name that Tune" led by Andy.

Come enjoy Fellowship, Food and Fun!

Welcome Ciara!

This past Sunday members of the Session and Diaconate welcomed Ciara Hord into the membership of First Pres!

Christ Caring For People Through People

Stephen Ministers are members of 1st Presbyterian who have gone through 50 hours of training to provide confidential, one-to-one Christian care to people who are facing a crisis or simply going through a difficult time. 

A Stephen Minister meets with their care receiver once a week for about an hour to listen, pray and provide spiritual encouragement. 

If you or someone you know could benefit from the care of a Stephen Minister contact Pastor Dawn or Pastor Julie.

We welcome the newest member of the

First Pres Family - Hanson Lee Watkins!

Son of

Madison & Sean Watkins

We're so happy you're here!

Deacons Volunteer at Hope House

Our Deacons served more than 140 people at IDN and America's Youth this week! We are thankful for all of their contributions, as well as the donation of Hot Dogs from the Hot Dog House food truck.

Shirley Owens Hall Dedication

We had a wonderful time of remembrance of our friend and sister in Christ, Shirley Owens, as the Compass Wing was dedicated in her honor. Thanks to all who attended this special celebration.

Please join us Saturday, June 10 at 11:30am for lunch at Captain Jack's BBQ. 

For more details, or to RSVP please contact

James Higbee 904-422-4740 or

Maynard Gardner 770-598-0469. 

A Kayak Excursion!

Scan the QR codes below with your camera to get more info and to register.

Kayak Tour Information

Kayak Tour Reservation

Seeking Communion Team Members

We want to thank Linda Laine and Jo Brumund who have prepared the communion elements each month for our church. They have done a wonderful job ensuring that everything is ready for each service. 


We are now looking for some individuals to take over this very important role: the monthly responsibility of preparing the communion elements. It requires cutting up bread and/or baking cut up pie crusts. On Saturday, you will fill the cups with grape juice and prepare the plates. The 8:30 communion servers will fill the cups for the 11:00 service. The 11:00 am servers will wipe off the serving utensils and store in the worship closet. 


You will receive training on how to prepare the elements.

If you are interested, please contact

Kim Ray at

Missing Keys!!!

If anyone has one of the church keys on the green flashlight fob, and has forgotten to return it - this is your reminder!

Please return it to the office as soon as possible. If you need one to keep, please let me know and I can permanently check one out to you.

Thanks for your help!

We'd love for you to check out the FPC Calendar!

Click on the button below to find

all the great events going on at

First Pres. 

First Pres Calendar

Remember to let us know about your events as well Contact the Church Office at


and get your group's event on the calendar!

First Pres Youth

Summer Happenings

  • Sunday, June 4, Middle School Youth leave for a mission trip with Cross Missions in Charlotte, NC and returning Saturday, June 10.
  • Thursday, June 22, High School Youth depart for Darlington, SC where they will work with Woodswork Missions. They will return Friday, June 30.
  • Montreat Youth Conference - Youth will be leaving on Sunday, July 9 and return on Saturday, June 15.

Please be praying for our First Pres Youth and their leaders that this will be a time of growing in faith as they work to share the love of Christ through their service to others.

For more information on any of these activities please contact

Tiffany Lamotte at

There's coffee and donuts!

A BrewHaHa!

Coffee Hour

A BrewHaHa! Coffee and Donut Fellowship is provided by the various committees and ministries of FPC.

This week the Personnel Committee

is in charge and next week it's

the Missions Committee.

The Connections Committee has created a schedule and also a very helpful instruction guide.

For any questions please contact:

Susan Crawford or Doris Holloway.

BrewHaHa! Schedule

Tuesday Morning Bible Study

Join us in Jim Thomas Hall every Tuesday at 10:00 am for a weekly Bible study, prayer, and fellowship. For more information, contact Meg Rensberry at (248)-505-6630.

Presbyterian Women Circles

Hannah Circle meets 2nd Tuesday at 1pm in the Conf. Room

Contact: Susan Clark & Marilyn Roberts

Esther Circle meets 2 Thursday at 1pm in Alday Cottage

Contact: Charlotte Collins or Meg Rensberry

Lydia Circle meets 2nd Monday, at 7pm at Sue Rowan's home

Contact: Sue Rowan

Ruth Circle meets 2 Thursday at 10am in Alday Cottage

Contact: Marilyn Showalter


In the interest of not wasting food or other resources...

If your group has food or supplies left over and you don't want to take them home, please let the office know so that I can inform other groups who might have a use for it. Otherwise, it just sits there until I or someone else throws it away.

Also, please don't leave little bits of stuff -

take it home or throw it away!

Thanks so much for your help with this.

Used with permission of Cuyler Black

What do you know about...

the Trinity?

Bible Beginners - According to John, chapter 1, the Word was with God and the Word was God. Who is the Word?

a. The Father

b. The Son (Jesus)

c. The Holy Spirit

d. Abraham

Scriptural Scholars - What was the "gift" the disciples received at Pentecost?

a. The gift of healing

b. The Holy Spirit

c. The Great Commission

d. All of the above

Wizards of the Word - A quote from the Bible, according to the King James Version states, "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit: and these three are one." In which book of the Bible can you find this verse?

a. Isaiah

b. Daniel

c. 1 John

d. Revelation

Need a Prayer?

The Deacons' Prayer Team is standing by to pray for you!

Submit your request to your Shepherd, or on our website.

Cast your burden on God, and let our prayers comfort you and the love and grace of God strengthen you.
Join us in praying for....

Our Church Family

Watkins Family

Family of Sonny Mann

Kitty Hoffman

Andy Allan

Dan Marley

Reg Parsons

Margaret Guss

Dick Kenner

Gloria & Nelson Hamilton

Sally Bailey

Ron Sapp

Mark Haines

Ken Manning

Erika Zimmerman

Kathryn Jackson

Vera Bowers

Ben & Lillie Isaac

Judy & Ken Loper

Bonnie Sovereign

Vivian & George Geiger

Eunice Kurtz

Matt Showalter

Kathy & Bill Maurer

Nathan Bowers

Join us in praying for....

Friends of the Church

Donald Joyner

Alison Hopkins

Mindy Boungeois

Ohana Team

Family of Betty Calhoun

Marilyn Maxa

Brett Loucks

John & Judy Davis

Tracy & Gary Grimsley

Willa Calowell

Lyndon & Jared Isaac

Robert Fallis

Thomas Jackson

Brian Saylors

Todd Hastey

Jim McFarland

Caroline Warner

Mary Catherine Buyck

In order to keep the Friends Prayer list as up to date as possible, names will remain on the list for 4 weeks after which they will be removed unless we receive a request indicating that they should remain on the list.

Thanks so much for your help with this.

Answers to Whataya Know About..

the Trinity?

Biblical Beginners: B- The Word is the Son, Jesus. According to the New Testament, the Word of God, who was with God the Father and the Spirit, and was also God Himself, became flesh. This means He became a human being. Christians believe that Jesus was born from a human mother, but not a father.

Scriptural Scholars: BThe gift of the Holy Spirit was received by the disciples after Jesus ascended into heaven. Acts 1: 4-5 tells us that Jesus ordered his disciples to remain in Jerusalem and wait for the promise of the Father. "For John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now." The coming of the Holy Spirit is detailed in Acts 2: 1-4.

Wizards of the Word: C - 1 John 5:7 states that "There are three that testify in heaven; the Father, the Word (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit.

9 N. 6th St. Fernandina Beach, FL 32034 904-261-3837
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