Weekly Announcements

November 16, 2023

A Celebration of New Ministry 12/9

Safe Church Part II on Saturday 11/18

Treasure Coast Youth Symphony Monday 11/20

Run 4 the Pies Volunteers Needed

Food Pantry Thanksgiving Basket List

Poinsettia Sale Extended to 11/17

Thanksgiving Eve Interfaith Service 11/22

Advent Wreath Workshop 12/3

Calling Yule Band Musicians for Christmas Eve!

Here's what's happening.

RSVP for December 9 Celebration of Ministry

It's not too late to pledge. Your generosity is a reflection of your gratitude for God's gifts. We are all invited.

Time and time again in Scripture God’s work in the world is compared to a banquet—a feast—a celebration! And each one of us is invited. Good Shepherd has a table there, and we want you to join us! In these next few weeks we invite you to discern what your financial pledge will be to support our communal work in 2024. Exciting things are ahead and we welcome your participation!

Pledge cards went out in the mail or you can pledge online at the link below.

Pledge Online
Request 2023 Pledge Balance

Volunteer Needed!

Important role in food ministry!

The Outreach committee is in need of a volunteer with an SUV or a truck to transport prepared meals from Good Shepherd to the St. George Table ministry in Riviera Beach one or two Mondays per month. If you could help with this vital ministry, please contact Marilyn Lawrence at 561-971-7022.

Safe Church Part II

Saturday, November 18, 10-11:30 am on Zoom

Volunteers and ministry leaders who have completed all of the assigned Part I modules for this diocesan required training can register for the Part II course completion at the link below.

Please email Lynn Evans, Good Shepherd Safe Church Coordinator, if you intend to do the online Part II to be sure you completed the required modules. Thank you.

(If the button to register is not apparent on the diocesan page, the session is full. The next online session will be held on December 16, from 10-11:30)

Register for Safe Church Part II

Run 4 the Pies

Want to get involved with Run 4 the Pies? Volunteers are needed for parking, collecting food, water stations, medals, and pies! Sign up in the Narthex or contact Jo Wood at

561-746-4674 or by email.


Do you live in Tequesta Country Club? We need volunteers for water stations at the Tequesta Country Club section of the route. Easy commute! Contact Jo for details!

Contact Jo

Treasure Coast Youth Symphony

Out of This World

Monday, November 20, 2023

7:00 PM at Good Shepherd

Doors open at 6:30 pm

Thanksgiving Eve Interfaith Service

This year there will be no Eucharist at Good Shepherd on Thanksgiving Day, however please join us for a special litany of Thanksgiving on Sunday, November 26, 2023 at our regular services. You are also invited to the annual Thanksgiving Eve Interfaith Service, hosted this year at Temple Beth Am on Wednesday, November 22, 2023 at 7:00pm.

Advent Wreath Workshop

Sunday, December 3, 5:00 PM

Build a wreath for use throughout the Advent season! Join your friends and make new ones at this festive gathering.

For information contact Mary Lou.

Visit the Music page

Poinsettia Sale Order Due Date Extended!!

Friday November 17!

It's time for the Good Shepherd Episcopal School Parent Association's Annual Poinsettia Fundraiser! The deadline to order is Monday November 17th. Pickup is Tuesday, November 28th. These flowers are BEAUTIFUL! Don't miss it!.

Poinsettia Sale

Community 101 is back with some great new short courses...check it out!

December 12: Tech Tuesday. Improve your relationship with your electronic devices! In-person suggestions, tips, and guidance. Join us!

Third Fridays and Sundays in November and December: Yoga with LauraAnn Larson.

December 12: Book Discussion - Sustainable Children's Ministry by Mark DeVries and Annette Safstrom. Led by Fr. Derek and Brad Davis.

Visit the Course Catalog

Donations are accepted whenever the shop is open.

Hours: Tuesday - Friday 11-4

Pennies is open Tuesday and Wednesday ONLY

Thanksgiving Week!

(That's Nov. 21 and 22)

Pennies For Heaven is the Thrift Shop of Good Shepherd Episcopal Church. Each year, the shop provides income through the sale of donated items. Last year, over $160,000 of shop proceeds helped to sustain mission and ministry in our parish and the greater community. We are incredibly grateful for our volunteers, our donors, and our shoppers!

Visit the Pennies For Heaven page

Food Pantry

Food Pantry Needs

Going to the grocery store this week? Want to help people? Click on the button below for a list of food categories we would like to replenish.

Please pick up a few extra items at the grocery store for our Food Pantry! We especially need:

  • Canned fruit, pasta, sauce, tuna

Tuesday, the Food Pantry served 53 families or 192 people. See the list at the link below.

Please remember the Food Pantry all summer long by making a donation on our secure giving page. Select 'Food Pantry' from the drop-down menu.

Generosity is our response to God’s unconditional love and an expression of our gratitude.

Shopping List

Outreach & Missions

Artie's Party 2024

Cirque d' Artie: The Greatest Outreach Event On Earth!

Tickes will be available in January, so save the date! Friday, February 9, 2024.

There is much fun to be had in support of Outreach and Missions at Good Shepherd! Contact Teresa for more information about how you can help. We have a place for you!

St. George Table - Volunteer Needed
Twice a month, we prepare 200 hot meals for the homeless in Riviera Beach. These meals need to be delivered to St. George Mission on two Monday mornings per month. If you have an SUV or a truck, and are available to help with this vital ministry, please contact Meal Coordinator Carolyn Reikenis at 561-373-3608, or email:  creikenis@att.net.
Outreach Page

Worship and Formation

Music Notes for Sunday, November 19

"Come, labor on"


"Come, labor on" is our recessional hymn. Jane Laurie Borthwick (1813 - 1897 Edinburgh) translated hymns and chorales from German into English and wrote some of her own, including this hymn. Jane never married. She worked along side her younger sister Sarah as a poet and both were members of Free Church of Scotland. They supported mission work abroad and a homeless shelter in Edinburgh.


T. Tertius Noble, 1867-1953 English-born organist and composer, lived in the United States the latter part of his career. Invited to NYC in 1913, he became organist and choir master of St. Thomas Episcopal Church. Although he composed orchestral and chamber music, he is known for his anthems, including, "Grieve not the Holy Spirit." He wrote the tune, Ora Labora for this text. It became an immediate favorite when it first appeared in the Episcopal hymnal of 1916.  

Music Notes for Sunday is a deeper look at the music that enhances the worship experience. Read all about this beloved hymn at Hymnary.org

Morning Prayer 

Morning Prayer is back on the regular weekly schedule. Join this intimate group for a morning dose of spiritual connection.

Link to Zoom and Service Leaflets

Wednesday Holy Eucharist and Healing

Holy Eucharist and Healing is back in the chapel on Wednesday mornings at 10:00 AM. Join us for this intimate prayer service that features the names of people for whom prayer has been personally requested. If you are in need of prayer yourself, this is a wonderful opportunity to experience spiritual presence in a personal way. You are welcome!

Altar Flowers

Altar Flowers may be given in memory of or in thanksgiving for friends and loved ones. Requests may be made through our online form at the link below. Arrangements adorn the altar on Sundays and are delivered to those who are homebound or in need of a reminder that they are loved.

Donate Altar Flowers

Prayer Requests

There is now a Prayer Concern box in the Narthex on the sideboard. If you would like to make a prayer request, please fill in one of the cards beside the box and place it in the box. Your request will be added to our prayer list. Your requests will be offered at the altar during the Wednesday Holy Eucharist and Healing service and weekly during Morning Prayer. Unless otherwise requested, prayer requests will be removed from our prayer list after two months.

Bible Study with Clergy

Bible Study led by Fr. Derek will meet in the Parish Hall at 11 AM on Wednesdays beginning September 20. Fall Series:The Gifts They Bring: Children in the Gospels. Details below. Join us!

Bible Study Series Info

The Wideness of God’s Mercy: Inclusion in the Book of Acts

Facilitated by Fr. Derek Larson

Meets Wednesdays from 11/1 - 11/29. No meeting Thanksgiving Week.

God is often inviting us to expand our notions of welcome and inclusion. As the beloved 19th century hymn says, “There’s a wideness in God’s mercy like the wideness of the sea!” Welcome and inclusion are not always so easy though. The first major struggle of the early Church had to do with the inclusion of gentiles in the Christian community, which had been predominantly Jewish. The debate of gentile inclusion came to it’s head at the Council of Jerusalem in 49 CE. The story is told in the book of Acts. Join us Wednesdays at 11:00am in the parish hall in the month of November for a look at this story and what it teaches us about our own mission of welcome to all. 

We have a podcast for Sunday homilies.

Just the homily. On demand. Wherever podcasts are found.


Hear These Words

We're back!

New episodes are here!

Hear These Words is a weekly podcast discussion of Scripture featuring guests from the Good Shepherd community, clergy, and scholars from around the nation! Available wherever you listen to podcasts! Episodes are also posted on our website under the GROW tab.

Listen Here!

Good Shepherd Nursery 9:45 AM every Sunday.

Hey, Baby! Join me in the nursery on Sunday! There is a free, professionally-staffed nursery at Good Shepherd. If you're 0-2 yrs old, like me, you're invited for some nursery play while your parents enjoy an hour in church. Every Sunday at 9:45 AM. 

Family Ministries

Fellowship Opportunities

Foyer Groups

Informal, social, small-group get togethers with dinner.

The groups are forming but we still could use at least another couple or a few more singles. Won't you consider this fun fellowship opportunity? Contact Lucille for information or click below.

Foyer Group FAQ

For information about Morning Glory please contact Dale Smith.

Morning Glory Fellowship Christmas Brunch: All women of the church are invited to attend brunch on Friday, December 8 at 10:30 am at the Gallery Grill. $30/person includes brunch, beverage, tax and tip. Bring a $10 gift to exchange (optional). There is a sign-up sheet in the Narthex or HERE. Seating is limited so reserve early!

Good Guys Men's Fellowship

Good Guys Men's ministry breakfast will meet November 3rd in the Parish Hall at 8AM. All Good Shepherd men are welcome!

Good Guys Men's Fellowship

Good Guys men's ministry breakfast meets Friday mornings in the Parish Hall at 8:00 AM! All Good Shepherd men welcome!

The next meeting will be Friday, November 17, at 8AM.

Morning Glory Women's Fellowship

Meets on the second and fourth Friday mornings at The Jersey Diner, 716 N. US Hwy 1 Tequesta, FL, at 8:00 AM. All Good Shepherd women are invited to attend!

Next meeting: Friday, November 24, at 8AM.

Don't Miss Out!

Visit our YouTube Channel

We post services, morning prayer, seasonal messages, and other special services on our YouTube Channel.

Click on the LIVE tab for livestream services and VIDEOS for Morning Prayer.

Service/Volunteer Opportunities

Pennies For Heaven

Multiple positions available in our bustling thrift shop on campus. Hours available on Tuesday - Friday, 11-4. Sorting, pricing, merchandising, register, online sales, photography, shop keeping. Pennies does great work! Join the team!

Beth, Shop Manager 561-406-2923

Ushers and Greeters

We are in need of people to greet on Sunday mornings and help with certain parts of worship; alms plates and communion. Full training provided.

Contact Mary Lou or Jo. 561-747-4674

Sound Technicians (Sundays)

Sound Technicians 8AM

Sound and Livestream operators 10AM

Full training provided. This ministry brings church to those who cannot be here in person.

Contact Erik


Acolytes assist clergy with worship services. Adults and Youth positions are open at either service and at funerals, weddings, and special services. Full training provided.

Contact Mary Lou or Jo. 561-747-4674

The Server Schedule

Looking for the Sunday Server Schedule? You can get to it from the Home page of our website, on the Services page, or on the Volunteer page. November 2023 is posted!

Server Schedule
Facebook  Instagram  Youtube  
Visit our website

EMAIL: info@goodsheponline.org

Good Shepherd Episcopal Church and School

Heather Graham, Senior Warden

The Rev. Derek M. Larson TSSF, Associate Rector
