Weekly News from LMM

Engaging with the 2022 County Executive Candidates

Photos by Michele Lenni

Yesterday, Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry hosted an educational forum featuring the Cuyahoga County Executive candidates Chris Ronayne (D) and Lee Weingart (R) that focused on housing and shelter. The program was organized by the County Housing Stakeholder Group of which LMM is a member. The forum was moderated by four nonprofit leaders whom each asked questions pertaining to one of four pillars in the just-released report “A Tale of Two Markets” increasing resources for housing stability; reducing barriers to housing; strengthening fair housing, and equitably investing in the housing market. You won’t want to miss the candidates' answers on these pressing topics. Watch the recording here.  

This forum was the second program hosted by LMM this month. On October 6, LMM hosted a non-partisan candidate’s forum on health, human services, and critical needs that was sponsored by a coalition of grassroots organizations focused on community engagement and equity. Topics covered included MetroHealth, the candidate’s plans for the County Jail, and ARPA funding. Watch a recording here

Still want to learn more about the two leading candidates? There is one forum left in the series. On October 20 at 2pm, the First Suburbs Consortium and Cleveland Neighborhood Progress are hosting a forum with candidates for Cuyahoga County Executive at the LaSalle Theater. Learn more about the forum and RSVP by clicking the button below. 


A Tale of Two Markets Housing Report

Enterprise Community Partners recently released A Tale of Two Markets, a housing report by the County Housing Stakeholder Group that addresses disparities in the Cuyahoga County housing market. 

This report also features LMM's Breaking New Ground initiative! Click the link below to read more.


You're Invited: Portraits of Strength Reception at Trinity Commons

The Portraits of Strength: Stories of Redemption gallery, created by LMM's Lydia Bailey, is traveling to Trinity Common's Gallery next Friday, October 21! The event is open and will begin at 5pm. There will be a program and reception featuring light appetizers catered by Metro45

In addition to the exhibit opening on the 21st, a forum will be hosted at Trinity on Sunday, October 23 at 10am to highlight LMM's work in the area of reentry and to view the gallery.

This is the second public viewing of the Portraits of Strength exhibit, following the recent launch at Cleveland City Hall. To RSVP to the event at Trinity, click the button below. We look forward to seeing you there!


Number of Seniors to Increase in Ohio

Did you know that, according to Miami University's Scripps Gerontology Center, by 2025, 1 in 4 Ohioans will be 60 years of age or older and by 2040, 1 in 3 will be age 50+?

Ensuring the state of Ohio has proper care in place for aging adults, including access to quality guardianship services, is essential. During this National Guardianship Month, learn more about LMM’s program and how it's making a difference here. Give LMM a follow on social media to stay up-to-date with our National Guardianship Month campaign.

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Get to Know Your Candidates and Vote Early

As a reminder, early voting for the November 8 general election started yesterday! If you are an Ohio resident you can vote early in person at your local Board of Elections or by requesting, and submitting, a vote by mail ballot. For more information regarding early voting dates and times and how to vote-by-mail visit Ohio's Secretary of State website. 

Also, with the county executive seat open this year, it is important that you know your candidates. To make the process less overwhelming, LMM’s Office of Advocacy put together an informational sheet highlighting the two leading candidate’s take on issues including affordable housing, the county jail, promoting racial equity and more. To see this one-pager, click the button below.