As 2020 comes to a close, we at LMM would like to offer a heartfelt thank you to all of our donors and volunteers. Because of you, we have been able to weather all of the difficulties and obstacles of the pandemic. Because of you, the people who participate with us at our Men's Shelter at 2100 Lakeside were able to safely remain in the shelter and in scattered-site hotels. Because of you, we have the masks and PPE we need to protect our participants and staff. Because of you, individuals experiencing homelessness received their meals from our Central Kitchen, and vital mental health services were able to be provided from our Health and Wellness staff.
Your donations made it possible for participants in our Guardianship Services program to continue to receive virtual visits from their guardians—ensuring their quality of care. Your generosity ensured that the young people in our Youth Resiliency Services program had the stability of a home and continued care from staff. Your willingness to care provided distance learning for the women of Chopping for Change, as well as a new group of community participants for culinary arts training for individuals who face employment barriers.
Please accept our sincere gratitude for being committed, generous and open-hearted. You have reached deep in these uncertain times to help our oppressed, forgotten and hurting neighbors. May you be blessed and be well in the coming year.
The Board and Staff of LMM
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