Weekly News from LMM

Create Second Chances with LMM

At LMM, we are avid believers that housing is a human right and that returning citizens deserve second chances. Through advancing affordable housing initiatives, implementing fair chance hiring practices, and advocating for impactful change to remove collateral sanctions, LMM is doing our part in making the road to reentry and getting back on one's feet more accessible.

You too can take a part in creating positive change in your community and supporting individuals who are in need of a hand up. Click on the link below to partner with LMM on our advocacy actions and awareness-building activities!


CLE Reentry Week 2023

Join us for the Cuyahoga County Office of Reentry’s #CLEReentryWeek2023 next week, April 23 – April 29, as we amplify voices of the reentry community and continue breaking down barriers.

Take a look at LMM's Reentry Week activities and scroll down to register for a couple of the upcoming Reentry Week events LMM is hosting.


Chopped4Change Cooking Competition

Photo by Michele Lenni

Tuesday, April 25

11:00am - 2:00pm

Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry

Head-to-head, mystery basket after mystery basket, tune in for an exclusive cooking competition between Chopping for Change participants from Grafton and Northeast Reintegration Center, inspired by the hit TV series Chopped.

Join Us for a Reentry Conversation

The Second Annual People's Reentry Assembly: Community Conversation with Local Stakeholders

Wednesday, April 26

9:00am - 10:30am

Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry

Participants will explore paths to restoring their place in the community through conversations with local leaders. These conversations will emphasize the reentry experience, the trauma associated with returning, and policy solutions to lessen collateral sanctions. 


Photo by Michele Lenni

Beyond Ban the Box: Why It’s Time to Re-Think Hiring

Charles R. See Forum on Reentry 2023

Andre Ward, Associate Vice President of the David Rothenberg Center for Public Policy at The Fortune Society

Friday, April 28

11:30am - 1:00pm

The City Club of Cleveland

Tickets are now available for the third annual Annual Charles R. See Forum on Reentry! Don’t miss this year’s conversation with Andre Ward, Associate Vice President of the David Rothenberg Center for Public Policy at The Fortune Society. The Friday, April 28, 2023 lunchtime forum will highlight the importance of lessening institutional and legal barriers to employment for returning citizens and how such changes can create stronger and more equitable communities.  


Storytelling Workshop Promotes Grassroots Advocacy 

Storytelling is a powerful advocacy tool, but it can take time and practice to be able to effectively and confidently share one's story for these purposes. To help restored citizens harness this power, LMM's Office of Advocacy worked with the Greater Reentry Leadership Coalition’s Policy and Advocacy Committee to host the second People’s Reentry Assembly: Storytelling Workshop on April 15th. 

More than 30 individuals joined this community event to learn about the impact trauma has on restored citizens and the power of sharing one's experiences in writing, poetry, and through an interview format. The program also provided an overview of fair chance housing and fair chance hiring and how changes in policy and practice can help to reduce collateral sanctions.

Rev. George Hrbek Celebration of Life

Rev. George Hrbek was one of the earliest members of the LMM staff, our former interim executive director, and a passionate, decades-long advocate for those who are oppressed, forgotten and hurting.

We are honored to share the details of his upcoming Celebration of Life.

Saturday, April 29 @ 1:00 p.m.

Capitol Movie Theatre (1390 West 65th Cleveland, OH 44102)

Seating is limited

Service will be available live via Vimeo and will be recorded for later viewing.

View the celebration here: vimeo.com/event/3308752

Reception immediately following:

Near West Theatre (6702 West 67th St. Cleveland, OH 44102)

Breaking New Ground Donor Recognition Breakfast

Photo by Michele Lenni

Thank you to everyone who attended the Breaking New Ground Recognition Breakfast this week. We're so grateful for our donors, volunteers, and staff who have made the Breaking New Ground project happen.

We were happy to highlight the progress made and still to come for our Breaking New Ground Housing Initiative, tease some of our other current Housing & Shelter projects, as well as unveil our brand new BNG Donor Plaque!



Congratulations, C4C Graduates!

LMM was honored to celebrate the most recent cohort of Chopping for Change graduates by handing out diplomas, family reunification, enjoying delicious food made by our students, and hearing from keynote speaker, U.S. Attorney Lisa Hammond Johnson (pictured alongside LMM President & CEO, Maria Foschia, in the photo above).

We’re so proud of our C4C students and can’t wait to see what their future holds!


Thank You, Volunteers!

This week is National Volunteer Week, so it's only right that we say THANK YOU to the amazing volunteers that help LMM carry out our mission of promoting shalom and justice with individuals who are oppressed, forgotten and hurting.

Want to get involved? Click here to volunteer with LMM:


LMM Attends Mayor Bibb's State of the City Address

Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry staff attended Mayor Justin M. Bibb’s second State of the City this week. As advocates for our program participants, we’re always up on the latest in local and state government and stay involved by attending events such as this.

In his address, Mayor Bibb discussed the progress made during his first year in office, a look to the year ahead with a focus on public safety, modernizing city government, economic development, and breaking down barriers to progress for the city and its people.

Check out a recording of the event at cityclub.org.

Legal Aid Free Clinics

Folks are encouraged to speak with Legal Aid at an in-person clinic for free legal advice about civil legal issues related to shelter, safety, consumer rights, education, work, and more.

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