Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry (LMM)’s temporary stay at the Ramada Independence due to COVID-19 has come to a close. Our rental of the Ramada as a temporary shelter for individuals who are homeless saved lives, but we were still met with opposition.

As we shared our challenging experience in a recent statement, we were overwhelmed with the messages and phone calls of support. Your words of encouragement as LMM spoke up for our residents experiencing homelessness re-enforces to us that our community is behind us as we advocate in the face of injustice.

Here are just a few of the supportive messages we've received:

I read about the eviction of all those men who are your clients from the Independence hotel. Are any of them looking for employment? If we can work something out to get some of these gentlemen who may be looking for an income, we would love to help. (From a local HR Manager.)

I am sorry and embarrassed to be a resident of Independence. They missed out on a great opportunity. The only bright spot was to find out that residents came out to offer help!

As a Founding Trustee of LMM, I remain encouraged that the Founders' heart is still beating after these many years in the present volunteers and staff.

As a long-time computer lab volunteer (6-7 years) at 2100 in the pre-pandemic days, I fully support LMM’s efforts. Do not allow closed-minded people like those running the city of Independence to get away without answering for their despicable attitudes. I cheer your efforts!

Thank you for standing with LMM!