Weekly News from LMM

Election Day is November 7!

What's On Your Ballot?

Election Day is right around the corner! This election is an important one for Ohioans, as there are two statewide issues, multiple local issues and several judicial races on the ballot.  

Check out LMM's 2023 Voter Guide for a primer on the November ballot and all of the info you need to vote! 🗳️📝


Keep on Truckin' 2!

LMM's Metro45 Mobile Kitchen & Catering (food truck) has been serving meals, increasing food security and spreading the mission of LMM across greater Cleveland for more than two years. Now it's time to grow!

Almost two-thirds of the Workforce Development program's budget is self-funded through social enterprises, like the food truck. Having one truck that has become very successful and in high demand has been great, but we're ready for truck number two! When our current truck has to go in for maintenance, or if we're booked, we have to turn down about ten opportunities a month. Seeking funding for a second truck would allow LMM to book more events and create new jobs for students to gain work experience.


October Seeds of Change 🌱

The latest edition of the Seeds of Change quarterly agency newsletter highlights the key role LMM Guardianship Services plays as the aging population grows. You can also view the impact of our Workforce Development program.

Read the latest edition of Seeds to learn more about our programs and how you can support:


An Inspired Workforce 💚💙

There's nothing quite like celebrating those who make the work that we do possible!

LMM's 2023 Staff Retreat took place last Friday with a focus on honoring staff, fostering connection, strategic planning, and being an inspired workforce.

LMM Visits Peace Lutheran Church

Peace Lutheran Church in Cleveland Heights recently hosted LMM staffers Nolan White and Brian Sturgeon following their Sunday service for a discussion focused on the work of LMM and the Housing & Shelter program. The Metro45 food truck was also available on-site for folks to grab a bite to eat following service.

We love to connect with community partners like Peace Lutheran Church! Interested in hosting an LMM speaker at your organization or church? Click the button below:


John Carroll Summer Intern Showcase

John Carroll University's Center for Service and Social Action (CSSA) recently hosted its Summer in the City Internship Showcase, which featured research findings and highlights from former LMM Communications and Advocacy interns, Kylie Gillespie and Emma Arrighi, from their time working with the agency over the summer.

Kylie also spoke on the Summer in the City panel alongside LMM Communications Manager Connor O'Brien to discuss LMM's partnership with JCU's CSSA program and her experience as an intern.

To learn more about Kylie and Emma's work with LMM last summer, click the buttons below:


Shelter Volunteer Earns Outstanding Volunteer Award

Clark Button (center) alongside Greater Cleveland Volunteers' Bob Harrison and Kirsten Riley

LMM Men's Shelter Volunteer Clark Button was recently awarded the 2023 Medical Mutual Outstanding Senior Volunteer Award!

As part of his array of volunteer involvement in the Cleveland area, Clark has been volunteering in the Men's Shelter at 2100 Lakeside computer lab since 2018, helping residents with job applications and learning basic computer skills.

"I enjoy the volunteer opportunities I’ve experienced and want to thank those organizations I’ve worked with. I’m also grateful to my fellow volunteers for their help at many events and nonprofits." - Clark Button


Friend-to-Friend is a program that encourages volunteers to write letters and/or visit individuals who are currently incarcerated in prisons in Cleveland and Grafton. Volunteers are matched with residents who receive few or no visits and are in need of a friend to communicate with as they navigate the criminal justice system and prepare to work towards a second chance post release.

"I need to forgive for my own sake—I need to forgive even more than the other person needs my forgiveness. I need to forgive the people who have hurt me and need to forgive myself for the things that I have done that have harmed me and others."

This quote from a Friend-to-Friend participant shows the impact the program has on individuals who are healing through communication while incarcerated. By simply writing letters, lives can be changed by a volunteer like you.


To support the mission and programs of LMM, donate today!

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