David Blunt, Operations Director at the Men's Shelter at 2100 Lakeside
In response to the murder of George Floyd at the hands of a police officer, there has been a national push to "defund the police". Our staff partner, David Blunt, Operations Director at the Men's Shelter at 2100 Lakeside and Founder of Hurray for Black Men, provides his insight into why defunding the police may not be the answer, and shares specific reforms that must take place to end these police killings once and for all. Read more here.
Chopping For Change Distance Learning
Tablet from Securus Technologies
Thanks to funding provided by the Greater Cleveland COVID-19 Rapid Response Fund, the Verizon Foundation and Dominion Energy, and in partnership with the Securus Foundation, LMM has been able to purchase tablets for socially distant learning. The women from LMM's Chopping for Change program are temporarily unable to attend classes at LMM in person due to restrictions put in place as a result of COVID-19. These tablets will enable our participants to access their course curriculum, as well as their therapeutic curriculum electronically, rather than though the mail. We're grateful to have the opportunity to continue the education of these women and for our donors and community partners who are helping us do so!
Senator Sherrod Brown Working to Declare Racism a Public Health Crisis
LMM is proud to support Senator Sherrod Brown's proposed resolution to declare racism a public health crisis in the U.S. Senate. This resolution articulates ways in which structural racism impacts the health amd economic well-being of people of color. The resolution also commits to establishing a nationwide strategy to combat racism, as well as dismantling systemic practices and policies that perpetuate racism.