Weekly News from LMM

Changing Lives Through Workforce Development

Through LMM's Workforce Development program, barriers are overcome, careers are built and lives are changed.

Thank you to everyone who tuned in to our Workforce Development Month campaign throughout the month of September! We're excited to close out this month with a new video highlighting the life-changing work being done in our Workforce Development program, shot and edited by photographer/videographer, Michele Lenni.

Be on the lookout tomorrow for a special segment from Channel 5 News highlighting LMM's Workforce Development program!

Don't Miss the Upcoming County Executive Forum Series!

Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry will be hosting and co-sponsoring a series of forums involving the two leading candidates for County Executive, Chris Ronayne and Lee Weingart. The first forum, centered around health, human services & critical needs, will be hosted at LMM on Thursday, October 6 at 7:00 PM by the Coalition of Grassroots Advocates & Social Service Providers.

To RSVP to the October 6 forum, scan the first QR code in the above flyer, or click the button below!


Keep On Trucking!

Last year, LMM acquired a gently used food truck, as a social enterprise under the brand Metro45 Mobile Kitchen & Catering (Metro45). After a year of success, the food truck is in need of significant repairs and upgrades. 

Our goal is to raise $20,000 to upgrade the electrical system and equipment on the food truck, to ensure Mero45 is able to Keep on Trucking!

The food truck generates revenue to keep our program costs low and provides resources to people facing food insecurity, a variety of meal options, and a sense of dignity to our shelter residents a couple times a week.

If you are interested in making a donation to the Metro45 Food Truck Campaign, click the link below and make a donation with the designation of “Food Truck Campaign”. 

As we bring National Workforce Development Month to a close, our students, culinary instructors and the residents of our shelters thank you for any support you can provide to help us Keep on Trucking!


Breaking New Ground - Bonna House

We're excited to share with you a virtual showcase of Bonna House, our first home purchased as part of the Breaking New Ground Initiative! Click the play button above to view the video, shot and edited by photographer/videographer, Michele Lenni.

For more BNG updates, click the button below to read our most recent edition of the Breaking New Ground newsletter.


Workforce Development Leaders Receive Impact Award

Congratulations to our VP of Workforce Development, Ian Marks, and our Workforce Development Program Director, Malika Kidd, for receiving the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction's Impact Award at last week's Correctional Leaders Association Midwest Region Conference!

This award is given by ODRC to recognize individuals making a significant impact on the department.

Eaton Volunteers Support LMM Through 'Days of Caring'

In August, Eaton Corp celebrated their annual 'Days of Caring' with a visit to the Men's Shelter at 2100 Lakeside, which included a day of providing and serving meals, as well as refurbishing and fixing bikes for shelter residents in partnership with Ohio City Bicycles.

Click the 'Watch' button below to view a video from Eaton's day volunteering at the Men's Shelter and with other Cleveland nonprofits, which includes a feature from LMM's Coordinator of Volunteers, Lydia Bailey!

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