This Week at MPLC

See what's happening this week!

Wed. Nov 13

11:00 AM: Bible Study (Fellowship)

5:30 PM: Endowment Fund Board (Office)

6:00 PM: Confirmation (Fellowship)

7:00 PM: Adult Choir (Choir Room)

Thurs. Nov 14

9:30 AM: Quilters (Fellowship)

6:30 PM: GriefShare (Mygatts)

Sat. Nov. 16

4:00 PM: Worship (Sanctuary)

Sun. Nov. 17

9:00 AM: Worship (Sanctuary)

10:15 AM: Congregational Meeting for Call Vote (Sanctuary)

10:15 AM: Sunday School (Education)

4:00 PM: Open Table (Fellowship)

Mon. Nov. 18

6:30 PM: Congregational Council (Mygatts)

Tues. Nov 19

11:00 AM: Chair Yoga (Fellowship)

6:30 PM: Bell Choir (Sanctuary)

Wed. Nov 20

11:00 AM: Bible Study (Fellowship)

6:00 PM: Confirmation @ LCR

7:00 PM: Adult Choir (Choir Room)

Thurs. Nov 21

6:00 PM: Safety Committee (Fellowship Hall)

6:30 PM: GriefShare (Mygatts)

Sat. Nov. 23

4:00 PM: Worship (Sanctuary)

Sun. Nov. 24

9:00 AM: Worship (Sanctuary)

10:15 AM: Hanging of the Greens (Sanctuary)

10:15 AM: Sunday School (Education)

Vote to Call Associate Pastor this Sunday, November 17, 10:15 AM

At a special called Congregational Meeting this Sunday, voting members will vote on calling a candidate as Associate Pastor. Voting members must be present to cast a written ballot. We hope you'll take part in this exciting event for MPLC!

According to MPLC's Constitution: "Voting members are confirmed members. [Confirmed members are baptized persons who have been confirmed in this congregation, those who have been received by adult baptism or by transfer as confirmed members from other Lutheran congregations, or baptized persons received by affirmation of faith.] Such confirmed members, during the current or preceding calendar year, shall have communed in this congregation and shall have made a contribution of record to this congregation. Members of this congregation who have satisfied these basic standards shall have the privilege of voice and vote at every regular and special meeting of this congregation as well as the other rights and privileges ascribed to voting members by the provisions of this constitution and its bylaws. They shall not have voted as a seasonal member of another congregation of this church in the previous two calendar months."

"Authority to call a pastor shall be in this congregation by at least a two-thirds vote of voting members present and voting at a meeting legally called for that purpose."

The candidate's proposed compensation package would be budget-neutral, requiring no change to the 2024 Budget already passed by the congregation.

Our Call Committee members are glad to answer questions and tell you why they think this candidate is the right fit for MPLC. Call Committee members include: Barb Daanen, Kirsten Graves, Ed Jacobs, Kevin Jocius, Kassie Maier, Andy Steenrod, and Pastor Beth Ann Stone.

"Where Your Heart Belongs"

For the past few weeks, we’ve been reminded of the greatest commandment, to love “God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength,” and likewise, to “love your neighbor as yourself.” Each household’s giving to God through MPLC helps equip our congregation to carry out the ministries of loving God and our neighbors.

This week, all MPLC member households should receive a “Where Your Heart Belongs” mailing, including a Commitment Card for indicating your intent to give in 2025. Commitment cards are a faith tool for individual planning, and a tool to help the church project financial support for future ministry plans. Please bring your completed Commitment Card to worship this weekend, and share it as an act of faith and support for God’s mission through MPLC. 

Click the button to view Sunday's Mission Moment with Kim Haigh!

Sunday's Mission Moment

Click the link below to submit a digital "time and talent" form!

Time and Talents

Open Table - Sun. November 17

Open Table is a free, restaurant-style, community meal served at Mt. Pleasant Lutheran Church each month's 3rd Sunday.

50 volunteers are needed each month to set-up, serve and clean up...please join us! Contact Kara Reske with questions (

Sign Up Here

Thanksgiving Eve Worship and Pie Social - Wed. Nov. 27

Invite your Thanksgiving guests to join you for worship and start the holiday right! 

Thanksgiving Eve Worship at 6:30 PM, followed by a Pie and Coffee Social in the Fellowship Hall. 

Bring a pie to share, if you're able! Come and give thanks to God for all of your blessings!

Empty Bowls Painting Party - Dec. 1

Would you like to paint a ceramic bowl for Racine's Empty Bowls event to help fight hunger in Racine? Join us after worship on Sunday, December 1, at 10:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall. Cost is $20 per bowl (which you DON'T keep! It's for the Empty Bowls event!). Please bring your $20 to the event that day. 

MPLC kids will be covered by a Thrivent Grant. If you would like to paint, but cannot pay, we have extra Thrivent grant money to cover approximately 10 bowls. 

Hanging of the Greens - Nov. 24

Young and old, come lend a hand and join us for a special event after worship on Sunday, Nov. 24! We'll decorate the church for Christmas. Bring the whole family to help us prepare for Advent and Christmas!

Giving Tree for RADD

Once again Mount Pleasant Lutheran Church is helping collect gifts for our neighbors with developmental disabilities through RADD. The Giving Tree in the church entryway is decorated with ornaments with gift requests on them. When you take an ornament, sign your name next to the number (on the provided sheet) that is on your ornament.


Donations should be returned unwrapped, placed next to the Giving Tree, by Sunday, Dec. 1. Thank you for your support!

Christmas Poinsettia Orders

Poinsettias may now be ordered in honor or memory of loved ones for the holidays. The plants will be displayed at MPLC during Christmas season worship services. Cost is $20/ea. Please place your order by Sunday, December 1.

You can find the paper order form in the sanctuary, near the bulletins or call the church office 634-6704. 

Note that your purchased plant(s) may be taken home or donated after Christmas Worship services.

Chair Yoga is Back!

TUESDAYS at 11 AM (Fellowship Hall)

By popular demand, MPLC will host a regular Chair Yoga class, starting next week, Nov. 12, for a nominal class fee of $5.

Instructor Mary Jo Sullivan welcomes you to join her each Tuesday!

"Surviving the Holidays" Workshop - Thurs. November 21

Pastor Sheila will host “Surviving the Holidays”, a GriefShare seminar, on Thursday, November 21, 6:30 PM in Mygatts. Anyone grieving the death of a loved one is welcome to attend. Call the church office 634-6704 or signup at the link below. 

Sign Up Here

MPLC Provides Community Meal - Dec. 1

Can you help with the next Community Meal? MPLC will provide this take-out meal distributed from Living Faith Lutheran Church on Sunday, December 1. Living Faith is the distribution site for the Community Meal each Sunday evening, with a different area church providing food and volunteers week to week. Food will be prepared at MPLC, and packed for pick up in "to go" containers. Due to higher need, we have increased the number of meals we're preparing to 130! Donate food or volunteer at the link below.

Donate/Volunteer Here

November Food Pantry Needs

The food pantry is asking for these items for November:

instant potatoes


stove top stuffing

corn muffin mix

canned cranberries


sweet potatoes

The Pantry really needs your help this year. The food supply from the government, Racine County Food Bank, and general donations has significantly decreased at the same time the number of families coming to the pantry has drastically increased. Last year they served about 200 families in 6 hours in the week before Thanksgiving and expect the same or more this year.

The pantry is extremely grateful to all who donate to help us feed the hungry in our community! 

Volunteer Today!

Worship Volunteers Needed

We need your help during worship! If you see an need and are interested in volunteering please sign-up using the link below.

Worship Leaders for Worship 11/16 & 11/17

  • Sunday Greeter: Donna Braaten
  • Saturday Reader: One Needed
  • Sunday Reader: One Needed
  • Sunday Communion Assistants: Brenda Booker, Nancy Clausen
  • Acolyte: One needed
  • Video Producer: John Simpson

Want to help with coffee hour?

Use the links below to sign-up:

Coffee hour Treats
Coffee Hour Host


Sunday Worship


November 10, 2024

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