This Week at MPLC

See what's happening this week!

Wed. Nov 27

6:30 PM: Thanksgiving Eve Worship

& Pie Social to follow

7:15 PM: Adult Choir (Choir Room)

Thurs. Nov 28

Office Closed - Happy Thanksgiving

Sat. Nov. 30

4:00 PM: Worship (Sanctuary)

Sun. Dec 1

9:00 AM: Worship (Sanctuary)

10:15 AM: Coffee Hour (Fellowship)

10:30 AM: Bowl Painting for Empty Bowls (Fellowship)

1:30 PM: Community Meal Prep (Kitchen)

4:00 PM: Community Meal Distribution (Living Faith Luth. Church)

Tues. Dec 3

11:00 AM: Chair Yoga (Fellowship)

6:30 PM: Bell Choir (Sanctuary)

Wed. Dec 4

6:30 PM: Advent Worship (Sanctuary)

7:15 PM: Adult Choir (Choir Room)

Thurs. Dec 5

6:30 PM: GriefShare (Mygatts)

Sat. Dec 7

4:00 PM: Worship (Sanctuary)

Sun. Dec 8

9:00 AM: Worship (Sanctuary)

10:15 AM: Coffee Hour (Fellowship)

10:15 AM: Sunday School (Education)

10:15 AM: Adult Ed (Mygatts)

Thanksgiving Eve Worship and Pie Social - Wed. Nov. 27

Invite your Thanksgiving guests to join you for worship and start the holiday right! Our lay speakers this year will be John Simpson and Karen Krey.

Our Thanksgiving Service offerings and offerings given at Midweek Advent Worship services this year are designated for the Hospitality Center in downtown Racine. Their mission: "We are a community of hope and dignity that welcomes all. We provide a space to gather and connect with essential resources."

Thanksgiving Eve Worship at 6:30 PM, followed by a Pie and Coffee Social in the Fellowship Hall. 

Bring a pie to share, if you're able! Come and give thanks to God for all of your blessings!

Advent Devotions

Advent devotional booklets are now available in the narthex.

Follow us on Facebook to view the Advent "word of the day", or pick up a coloring sheet to reflect on each daily word this Advent in your home.

Empty Bowls Painting Party -THIS SUNDAY - Dec. 1

Would you like to paint a ceramic bowl for Racine's Empty Bowls event to help fight hunger in Racine? Join us after worship this Sunday, December 1, at 10:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall. Cost is $20 per bowl (which you DON'T keep! It's for the Empty Bowls event!). Please bring your $20 to the event that day. 

MPLC kids's bowls will be covered by a Thrivent Grant.

Mid-week Advent Worship begins next week

Join us on Wednesdays in Advent, starting December 4 at 6:30 PM for Holden Evening Prayer. Prepare your heart for Christmas with us this Advent!

Our offerings for Thanksgiving and midweek Advent have been designated for the Hospitality Center.


Donations should be returned unwrapped, placed next to the Giving Tree, by this Sunday, December 1. Thank you for your support!

Christmas Poinsettia Orders - DUE SUNDAY

Poinsettias may now be ordered in honor or memory of loved ones for the holidays. The plants will be displayed at MPLC during Christmas season worship services. Cost is $20/ea. Please place your order by this Sunday, December 1.

You can find the paper order form in the sanctuary, near the bulletins or call the church office 634-6704. 

Note that your purchased plant(s) may be taken home or donated after Christmas Worship services.

MPLC Provides Community Meal - Dec. 1

Can you help with the next Community Meal? MPLC will provide this take-out meal distributed from Living Faith Lutheran Church on Sunday, December 1. Living Faith is the distribution site for the Community Meal each Sunday evening, with a different area church providing food and volunteers week to week. Food will be prepared at MPLC, and packed for pick up in "to go" containers. Due to higher need, we have increased the number of meals we're preparing to 130! Donate food or volunteer at the link below.

Donate/Volunteer Here

Music Sunday - Dec 8

Join us on Sunday, December 8, for a Music Sunday featuring the Senior Choir's performance of Daniel Pinkham's Christmas Cantata. This joyous work, composed in 1957, combines brass and organ with vivid choral harmonies to create a radiant celebration of the season. The cantata's music draws on ancient liturgical sources to offer a distinctive blend of contemporary and traditional styles in Pinkham's signature fashion. As we prepare our hearts for Advent, this music will inspire, uplift, and (in some ways) challenge us. Don’t miss this special musical offering during worship!

MPLC Mission Endowment Fund

The mission of MPLC’s Mission Endowment Fund is to provide a lasting source of financial support for God's mission through and beyond Mt. Pleasant Lutheran Church. Giving through the Fund is another way to bring to life the mission of our church.

In recent years endowment fund grants have supported:

  • Scholarships for MPLC members who are attending ELCA colleges;
  • Purchase of new MPLC choir robes;
  • Racine Friendship Clubhouse to fund service projects for adults affected by mental illness;
  • Hospitality Center to underwrite the cost of bus passes for Hospitality Center guests;
  • Carthage College to help defray costs for a marginalized student to take part in a J-Term trip;
  • Vicar Chip Lutz with money towards seminary tuition and books;
  • Racine’s Emaus Lutheran Church for security cameras;
  • The freezer that is used for Open Table food donations.

There are numerous ways to learn more about Mt. Pleasant’s Endowment Fund:, or reach out to one of our Endowment Fund board members: Dick Davies, Jamie Rauth, Cherise Hart, Dennis Ashmore, and Karen Krey.

With Sympathy

We remember Ric and Cindy Weiss on the death of Ric's sister, Sandy Kasper.

Rest eternal grant her, O Lord; and let light perpetual shine upon her.

December Food Pantry Needs

The food pantry is asking for these items for December:

canned fruit, especially pears and pineapple


canned pasta

pasta sauce

boxed dinners (like hamburger helper)


Thank you to all of you who continue to share in the ministry of Christ through your donations to the food pantry. It is truly appreciated!  

Volunteer Today!

Worship Volunteers Needed

We need your help during worship! If you see an need and are interested in volunteering please sign-up using the link below.

Worship Leaders for Worship 11/30 & 12/1

  • Sunday Greeter: Rick Sill
  • Saturday Reader: One Needed
  • Sunday Reader: One Needed
  • Sunday Communion Assistants: Three needed
  • Acolyte: One needed
  • Video Producer: Becky Litwin

Want to help with coffee hour?

Use the links below to sign-up:

Coffee hour Treats
Coffee Hour Host


Thanks to our volunteer "elves" who helped with the "hanging of the greens" last Sunday after worship! We are all ready to begin Advent season this Sunday.

And thanks to Karen Krey and Susan Bakken for using Thrivent Action Team grants to create beautiful Christmas gifts for our homebound members this year. And to our Sunday School students for adding their homemade touch to them, as well!


Sunday Worship


November 24, 2024

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