This Week at MPLC

See what's happening this week!

Wed. Jan 8

11:00 AM: Bible Study (Mygatts)

5:00 PM: 50th Building Anniversary Committee (Mygatts)

6:30 PM: Confirmation (Sanctuary)

7:00 PM: Adult Choir (Choir room)

Thurs. Jan 9

9:00 AM: Quilters (Fellowship)

Sat. Jan 11

8:00 AM: Men's Breakfast (rescheduled to here) (Fellowship)

12:30 PM: Hamilton Movie & Potluck (Fellowship)

4:00 PM: Worship (Sanctuary)

Sun. Jan 12

9:00 AM: Worship (Sanctuary)

10:00 AM: Coffee Hour (Fellowship)

10:15 AM: Sunday School (Education)

10:20 AM: Adult Ed (Mygatts)

Mon. Jan 13

6:30 PM: Congregational Council (Mygatts)

Tues. Jan 14

11:00 AM: Chair Yoga (Fellowship)

6:30 PM: Bell Choir (Sanctuary)

Wed. Jan 15

11:00 AM: Bible Study (Mygatts)

6:30 PM: Confirmation (Sanctuary)

7:00 PM: Adult Choir (Choir room)

Sat. Jan 18

4:00 PM: Worship (Sanctuary)

Sun. Jan 19

9:00 AM: Worship (Sanctuary)

10:00 AM: Coffee Hour (Fellowship)

10:15 AM: Sunday School (Education)

10:20 AM: Adult Ed (Mygatts)

4:00 AM: Open Table (Fellowship)

Farewell and Godspeed to Pastor Sheila

We will bid Pastor Sheila Rawn farewell and Godspeed this Sunday, January 12. Pastor Sheila has been with us since October 2023, serving as our Transition Associate Pastor while we were in the Call Process.

Please join us in celebrating her ministry among us and wishing her well in her next adventure.

Be sure to stop by sign a special card for her to show your appreciation and support.

Potluck Lunch and Hamilton Movie – This Saturday, Jan. 11, 12:30 PM 

Did you miss the Tony-award-winning, American-history-teaching, international-sensation musical of 2015, Hamilton? Come and watch it (with subtitles, to follow the fast-moving rap lyrics!) with us at church! 

Bring a dish to share to the Fellowship Hall next Saturday, Jan. 11 for a potluck nosh while we watch. (Note: this 2 hr, 40 min. show is considered PG-13, due to language and themes. Sensitive and younger viewers may prefer to watch only the first of two acts.) 

Brought to you by the Beyond Welcome Team. 

Star Words for 2025

Last weekend in our Epiphany worship services, we were invited to pick up a "Star Word", chosen at random. Some people use a Star Word as a way to listen to God throughout the year, posting it somewhere in their home where it might prompt reflection and prayer. What might God want you to hear in 2025 through your Star Word? You can spin the wheel at this link for a word to be selected at random for you, too!

Spin the Wheel!

WOW Adult Ed - Jan/Feb 2025

Join us this Sunday for our WOW Adult Ed opportunity! WOW stands for Word of the Week. Throughout the season of Epiphany Karen Gosselin will offer a WOW for small group reflection, using readings, art images, music, and other items related to the WOW. Each WOW will help us to discuss our faith journeys.

We will meet in Mygatts. Bring your coffee and treats. Bring a friend. Everyone is welcome. If your little one is too young to attend Sunday School, bring your little one with you. Come once, come twice, come to as many sessions as you can. Participate as little or as much as you wish. WOW is a fellowship and learning opportunity, continuing through March 2nd. 

The WOW for this Sunday, Jan 12 is WATER.

Un-Deck the Halls - This Sunday

Your help is appreciated as we bring down the holiday decorations for another year, this Sunday after Coffee Fellowship.

Thank you to all of our helpers this year, especially Joe Maier!

Seeking Voting Members for 2025 Synod Assembly

Every year, the Greater Milwaukee Synod meets in assembly to conduct the business of the synod, elect people to synod offices, vote on resolutions and memorials, and celebrate God's work among area ELCA congregations.

MPLC sends up to four voting members (if one is under age 30), plus the pastors. Would you like to serve in this way this year (May 30-31, 2025)? Please let a member of this year's Nominating Committee know of your interest by this Sunday: Andy Steenrod, Kirsten Graves, Di Zicarelli, and Ed Jacobs. 

Open Table - Sun, Jan. 19

The Open Table ministry at MPLC continues to be quite the success. In 2024, we welcomed between 60 and 100 guests for a meal once a month. But Open Table is so much more than just a meal… It’s an opportunity for providing hospitality, building community and making our space a welcoming gathering place. Many of our guests are familiar, and look forward to the opportunity to connect with volunteers and other guests. We continue to see new faces each month and happily welcome these guests. If you would like to be a part of this special program, sign up below.

Volunteer here
Info and Registration

Day of Racial Healing - Jan. 21

The 2025 National Day of Racial Healing (NDORH) will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 21. It is an annual observance that follows Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

This year, the ELCA, in partnership with Augsburg Fortress, will join the movement of racial healing for our church and the nation. On Jan. 21, 2025, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Central time, the ELCA will feature a free online educational event that centers the voices of ELCA leaders of color.

The day is designed to:

  • Raise awareness of the need for racial healing.
  • Inspire collective action to build common ground for a more just and equitable ELCA and world.

More information and registration through the button link.

January Food Pantry Needs

In January the pantry is asking for personal care items, which many of our clients ask for. 

We are looking for:

Bar soap


Dish Soap


Single toothbrushes

Body Wash

Welcome to God's Family!

Baptized on 12/28/24, Emma Clare, daughter of Daniel and Leah Anderson.

Baptized on 12/28/24, Gwynevere Jutta, daughter of Alex and Samantha Moe.

Volunteer here

Worship Volunteers Needed

We need your help during worship! If you see an need and are interested in volunteering please sign-up using the link below.

Worship Leaders for Worship 1/11 & 1/12

  • Sunday Greeter: Maria & Brad Lee
  • Saturday Reader: John Berge
  • Sunday Reader: One Needed
  • Sunday Communion Assistants: Cindy Green, Brenda Booker
  • Acolyte: One needed
  • Video Producer: John Simpson

Coffee Hour Hospitality

Want to help with coffee hour?

Use the links below to sign-up:

Coffee Hour Treats
Coffee Hour Host


Online viewers: in recent weeks we have had various issues with our livestream, especially sound, and we're sorry for the frustration that causes! Since mid-December, we have been investing in more updated and reliable equipment for producing our livestream, and the transition has been bumpy. We continue to tweak our set-up, and hope that the bugs will all be worked out and enable everyone to see and hear our services better. Thanks for sticking with us!

Sunday Worship


January 5, 2025

Mount Pleasant Lutheran Church |
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