This Week at MPLC

See what's happening this week!

Wed. Sept 25

11:00 AM: Bible Study (Fellowship Hall)

6:30 PM: Confirmation (Sanctuary)

7:00 PM: Adult Choir (Choir Room)

Thurs. Sept 26

9:30 AM: Quilters (Fellowship)

6:30 PM: Grief Share (Mygatts)

Sat. Sept 28

4:00 PM: Worship (Sanctuary)

Sun. Sept 29

9:00 AM: Worship (Sanctuary)

10:15 AM: Coffee Hour (Fellowship)

10:15 AM: Sunday School (Education)

10:15 AM: Color of Compromise Book Study (Mygatts)

10:30 AM: Adult Ed (Fellowship)

Tues. Oct 1

9:30 AM: Chair Yoga (Fellowship)

5:00 PM: Beyond Welcome (Fellowship)

6:30 PM: Bell Choir (Sanctuary)

Wed. Oct 2

11:00 AM: Bible Study (Fellowship Hall)

6:30 PM: Confirmation (Sanctuary)

7:00 PM: Adult Choir (Choir Room)

Thurs. Oct 3

6:30 PM: Grief Share (Mygatts)

Sat. Oct 5

8:00 AM: Men's Breakfast (Fellowship)

Noon: Pet Blessing (Labyrinth)

4:00 PM: Worship (Sanctuary)

Sun. Oct 6

9:00 AM: Worship (Sanctuary)

10:15 AM: Coffee Hour (Fellowship)

10:15 AM: Sunday School (Education)

10:30 AM: Adult Ed (Fellowship)

Call Process Update

The Call Committee continues to discern our recommendation for the next called Associate at MPLC. In late August, the committee completed an online “mock interview” with a non-candidate pastor to get their feedback on the process and refine our interview questions.

We have started interviewing actual candidates and when we have discerned a primary candidate for the call and are ready to move forward, the Council and congregation will be introduced to them and a congregational meeting date will be set for the call vote. Until that time, thank you for your continued prayers for this important process and for understanding the confidential nature of our work.

The members of the Call Committee are Kevin Jocius (chair), Kirsten Graves, Barb Daanen, Ed Jacobs, Kassie Maier, Andy Steenrod, and Pastor Beth Ann Stone.

"Color of Compromise" Book Study

Join Karen Gosselin for our final discussion on the book "The Color of Compromise" this Sunday at 10:15 AM in Mygatts. This is our last session, so we will touch on more recent topics affecting racism and "wrap things up". Everyone is welcome, even if you have never attended before or read the book!

MORE with Big Ideas

Who will help make our Big Ideas happen? It could be you!

Notes from the initial "Big Idea" conversations are now posted on the entrance ramp to the sanctuary, along with the names of those who talked about them on Sept. 8.

If you would like to be a part of making those ideas happen, please add or CIRCLE YOUR NAME on the appropriate Big Idea sheet. What ideas is God stirring up in you this fall?


Pet Blessing - Sat. Oct. 5, Noon

Bring your critters Saturday, Oct 5 at 12:00PM to the church labyrinth for a blessing and a treat! This annual event is held by many churches in early October in memory of St. Francis of Assisi.


Youth to Jerry Smith Farm - Oct. 6

Middle and High Schoolers from MPLC and LCR will head to Jerry Smith Farm for an afternoon of FARM FUN on Sunday, October 6, 4-6 PM! Parents should complete a permission form (click link here) when signing up their student. Admission is free for MPLC member youth! Admission is $13 cash ($15 credit) for other family members or friends. Sign up by Oct. 5 if you need a ride to the farm!

Youth Signup for Farm
Social Statement Draft
Study Curriculum

Coming in October: Study of "Civic Life and Faith" Social Statement

How is God's Invitation to Discipleship Lived Out in a Democracy?

Many of us were taught not to discuss money, religion, or politics in polite conversation; today it seems nearly impossible to have a polite conversation because of the intense partisan polarization of a presidential election year in a battleground state.

For 6 weeks starting in October, our Adult Education time will use a curriculum created by the ELCA to help us think about faith and politics and how to practice polite, productive conversations.  

October 6 - November 10 in Mygatts 10:15-11:15 AM

Be Cautious with Valuables

With the official start of autumn season, coats and jackets won't be far behind! Please keep valuables (keys, wallet) with you instead of leaving them in a coat pocket in the narthex during worship. If you can't keep your purse with you when you're in the building, consider locking it in your car instead of leaving it unattended somewhere.

Volunteer Hosts Needed for LWR Truck-loading on Sat. Oct. 12

On Saturday morning, Oct. 12, MPLC's side parking lot is again serving as the drop-off location for SE WI for churches who've made quilts and collected kits for Lutheran World Relief. Paid movers will actually load the semis with donation boxes, but we need a few MPLC volunteers to be present that day to help direct traffic and let people into the building to use restrooms.

If you can serve as a building host that morning for an hour or more, please let Becky Litwin know. The hours to be covered that Saturday are 7:45 AM to 12:15 PM.

GriefShare Group - Thursdays (through Mid-December)

GriefShare meets in Mygatts on Thursdays from 6:30 - 8 PM. You do not have to have perfect attendance to participate. Cost is $10 to cover materials, which you bring to your first meeting.

Sign up or questions? Please email either Sharon Mantey or Pastor Sheila Rawn.

Chair Yoga is Back!

Returning for a Fall session, join Instructor Mary Jo Sullivan at 9:30AM on Tuesdays through October for Chair Yoga. We’ll be meeting in Fellowship Hall, and there is no cost to participate.


Chair Yoga offers an exceptional opportunity for older adults to enhance their flexibility, mental well-being, and overall quality of life. It focuses on seated poses and modified stretches that may appear subtle, but their impact is profound. Enhanced flexibility, improved balance, and reduced stress are just a glimpse into the myriad benefits that chair yoga offers.

Attention all crafters, quilters, and seamstresses

The Sunday School children are seeking donations of fleece scraps to create pet toys for the Humane Society this October. If you have any fleece remnants in your collection, we would greatly appreciate your contribution. Look for the labeled bin in the Donation Station in the church entryway. Thank you for your generosity and support.

Next Community Meal - Oct. 6

MPLC's next time to provide the Community Meal at Living Faith LC is Sunday, October 6. Volunteers prepare the meal at MPLC: pasta, sauce, meatballs, and a hot vegetable. More volunteers package up 100 individual meals at MPLC (includes bread and bottled water). Others deliver the prepackaged meals to Living Faith, and hand them out as people drive up.

Donations and volunteers are both needed! Thank you for your support!

Community Meal Signup

"Sensible Shoes" Book Discussion

The Sensible Shoes Book Club will discuss VANISHING HALF by Brit Bennett at 12PM on October 13. Weather permitting, we will meet on the outdoor patio of the Inclusive Bean, 1930 Albert St, Racine

If inclement weather, we will meet at the Dish, 1220 Ohio St, Racine.

Questions? Call Diane Kelly at (262) 412-6978.

With Sympathy...

We remember Darwin Steffensen and his family on the death of his wife, Linda Steffensen on September 16. Rest eternal grant her, O Lord; and let light perpetual shine upon her.

A service of Celebration of Word and Song in her memory will be held this Saturday, September 28th at 11AM in Pewaukee. More info found at link:

Volunteer Today!

Worship Volunteers Needed

We need your help during worship! If you see an need and are interested in volunteering please sign-up using the link below.

Worship Leaders for Worship 9/28 & 9/29:

  • Saturday Reader: One needed
  • Sunday Greeter: Nancy Clausen
  • Sunday Reader: One needed
  • Sunday Communion Assistant: Brenda Booker, One needed
  • Acolyte: One needed
  • Video Producer: John Simpson

Want to help with coffee hour?

Use the links below to sign-up:

Coffee hour Treats
Coffee Hour Host


From Michael Becker: "Thanks to all who were part of the celebration of my 15th anniversary of being your organist here at MPLC. I'm grateful for your kind words, and the generous gift, but mostly I appreciate the ongoing opportunity to work with our wonderful staff and help lead worship with all of you. Thank you!"


Sunday Worship


September 22, 2024

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