Weekly News from St. James' Episcopal Church | Leesburg, Virginia
December 6, 2024
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Watch the service live at 10 a.m. on Sunday morning or at your leisure at a later time. | |
Wednesday Worship (December 11)
11:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist
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Advent at St. James'
Click the image to the left for a full listing of Advent offerings!
This Sunday:
Alternative Gift Fair
Sunday, December 8 | 9 a.m.-1 p.m. | Parish Hall
Give a gift that makes a difference this season. Shop in person or online. More info below!
Coming Up:
La Missa Guadalupana
Sunday, December 15 | 5 p.m. | Nave
Join our sister parish, St. Gabriel's, for a Eucharist celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The service features the beautiful floral handiwork of our Sexton, Adan Cortes along with mariachi and dancing. Plan to stay for a festive reception after the service.
A Service of Lessons & Carols
Sunday, December 22 | 10 a.m.
This special prayer service will celebrate scripture lessons and music of the season as we prepare our hearts and minds for the true joy of Christmas.
Christmas Eve Services:
Family Christmas Pageant | 3 p.m.
Candlelight & Communion Services |
6 & 9 p.m.
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Give a Gift. Make a Difference. |
St. James' is pleased to offer our parishioners and friends the opportunity to support several local non-profit organizations during the holiday season at our Alternative Gift Fair (AGF).
This Sunday, December 8, you can visit our Parish Hall from 9 a.m.-1 p.m., where you'll find representatives from each organization who will gladly share their work and mission with you. You'll then have the opportunity to make a donation(s) to the organization(s) of your choice in honor of a loved one. Beautiful, customizable cards will be available to give your loved one in lieu of a traditional gift, informing them of your contribution in their name.
Can't make it to St. James' on 12/8? You are welcome to 'shop' online. A printable version of the gift card is available for download. Preview the AGF or start shopping by visiting the web page linked below!
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St. James' Vestry Election
This year, we received 36 nominations from the parish. From these nominees, the Vestry Nomination Committee has prayerfully invited 8 nominees to participate in this year’s election. All St. James’ communicants in good standing* are invited to vote for their top 4 nominees by scanning the QR code or picking up a ballot in the Narthex. There is a link to the candidate bios at the top of the ballot. The deadline to receive all votes is Monday, December 23. The final slate of 4 candidates will then be presented to the parish for an official election at the Annual Meeting on Sunday, February 2.
*A communicant in good standing consists of all baptized members who:
- have been faithful in corporate worship, unless for good cause prevented, and
- have been faithful in working, praying, and giving for the spread of the Kingdom of God.
If you have questions about your status listed in our parish rolls, would like to learn more about becoming a member, or need to update your information, please contact our church office at rsnodgrass@stjamesleesburg.org or call 703-777-1124.
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Stewardship 2025: Walk In Love
Many thanks to those who have already made a pledge for 2025. We are a little over halfway to where we need to be to fund the ministries of our beloved St. James’. To date, we have received 156 pledges totaling $752,689 (an average pledge of $4,825). For 2024, we received a total of 194 pledges totaling $803,379 (an average of $4,141). The Finance Committee and Vestry will be meeting soon to prepare a budget for 2025. If you intend to give to support the ministries of St. James’ in 2025, please let us know so that we may prepare a responsible and faithful budget. You can make a pledge online by clicking the button below or filling out a pledge card in the Narthex. Again, thank you for your faithfulness and generosity.
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St. James' Newcomer Class
Sunday, December 8 | 11:15 a.m. | Janney Parlor
Join Fr. Chad to hear more about the history, values, and mission of St. James, and discover what it means to be a member of the Episcopal Church. You will also learn more about our active ministries and ways to get involved. Childcare will be provided in the nursery.
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Children's Formation Registration is Open!
Register on Realm.
Teachers needed! To best serve multiple age groups, we would love a team of regular teachers. Reach out to Jess Eastridge if interested in teaching.
Calling all Children's Chapel Assistants
Help welcome and support families and visitors in this essential ministry. As partners with Children's Formation Minister, Jess Eastridge, no weekly preparation is required of Children's Chapel Assistants. To volunteer and then receive access to the schedule, let us know more about you.
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YOUP is for Youth Group
All 6th through 12th graders are invited to join Youp (a portmanteau of "Youth"+"Group") led by fantastic team of couples and parents. If you are interested in getting your student involved, let us know.
Upcoming Youth Activities:
Mark your calendar--details coming soon!
Sunday, December 15 @ 4:00 pm - White Elephant Gift Exchange & Christmas Party - Hosted in the Youth Room--PLEASE NOTE TIME CHANGE from 5 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Sunday, January 1 through Sunday February 23 @ 9:00 am - Bible Study & Donuts - Hosted in the Youth Room
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Rector's Bible Study
Wednesdays | 10 a.m. | Janney Parlor
Join Fr. Chad for this lectionary-based Bible study where we will discuss the upcoming scripture lessons for each Sunday.
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Men's Service Ministry Book Study
All men of St. James are invited to join a weekly MSM meeting at 7 p.m. Mondays in the lower level of the Parish House. For additional info or should you have questions, please email Mike Scott.
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St. James' Preschool
Providing children with a creative learning experience in a Christian atmosphere of love and acceptance since 1972.
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Angel Tree Project "Wrapping Party"
Monday, December 9 | 12 p.m.-6 p.m.
We’ll have our annual “wrapping party” on Monday, Dec 9 from noon until 6 pm at the home of Tricia Sauer, 17553 White Gate Pl, Leesburg. From St. James’ head west on Rt. 7, up the hill, stay in the left land and look for the big sign. It will be the 4th driveway on the right. Thank you! Contact Chase Banks for more information at 571-919-1166.
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Honduran Mission: Partnership for Clean Water and Education
February 15-22, 2025
We want to thank those that came to view our documentary last Sunday. If you were not able to attend you can watch it here. Our trip is planned for February 15-22, 2025. This year, we will work with 8 villages with existing water systems that need repair due to hurricanes and other damage. Adults and accompanied high school students are welcome. If you are concerned that you might not be able to handle the physical work, don’t worry, there is plenty to do in the school or with the families in the towns we visit. For more information and FAQ, click here.
For more information or to join in the mission trip contact Henry Stribling at 571-238-5992 or hdstribling@gmail.com
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Spring 2025 Women's Ministry Retreat
Fri. May 23 - Sun. May 25, 2025 | Claggett Center
All women of St. James' are invited to our annual Women's Ministry Retreat in Adamstown, MD (about an hour from Leesburg). We have 6 more slots open for registration. The total cost of the retreat is $310 and includes a private room with ensuite bath and 5 meals over the weekend. The deposit to secure your spot is $75. Our goal is to welcome everyone who wishes to attend the retreat. Please reach out to Rev. Marybeth for financial aid. All requests will be kept confidential.
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Caroling at Spring Arbor
Friday, December 13 | 4-4:45 p.m.
All St. James' children (young and old) are invited to carol with our own "Ms. Rachel" at Spring Arbor in Leesburg ( 237 Fairview Street NW Leesburg 20176). We'll sing lots of Christmas favorites, including the songs the children will sing at our Christmas pageant on Christmas Eve (3 p.m.). Wear a festive outfit and bring joy to the residents at Spring Arbor-- including some of our very own St. James' parishioners. Email Rachel Newell or find her in worship for more information.
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Preschool Director Retirement Purse
Our beloved Preschool Director, Janet Stayrook will be retiring at the end of this year. Janet has been an instrumental part of our preschool family for 25 years and has faithfully served as a Director and Co-Director for over 15 years. We are incredibly grateful for her hard work and commitment to providing a loving and enriching environment for our children, and we wish her the best as she begins her well-deserved retirement.
To honor Janet and express our gratitude for her years of service, we would invite you to contribute to a “purse” that will be presented to Janet at the Preschool Christmas program on December 17. Click here to contribute online (choose Janet Stayrook retirement fund in the 'Fund' dropdown) or make out a check to St. James’ with the designation of “Janet Stayrook Purse.” Any amount is welcome. Thank you for considering this opportunity to show our appreciation for the impact Janet has had on our children and our preschool community.
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Christmas Poinsettias
According to our annual tradition, poinsettias will beautify the church for our Christmas Eve worship services. Make a donation of any amount in memory of or thanksgiving for a loved one. Use the button (left) to make your dedication and pay online, or use the form provided in the bulletin on Sunday morning and pay with a check.
For the cultural history of Poinsettias and their association with Christmas, click here.
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Pew Accessibility Project Update
We are thrilled to report that our pew accessibility project is complete! The nave will look a little different on Sunday morning, and for a great reason: these changes are a visual reminder of how St. James' chooses to live into its mission to be welcoming and inclusive of all who enter our doors.
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Those Requesting Prayers This Week: Katie B. Sullivan, *Steve Page, Neil Gwinn, Charlotte Giblin, Ruth Ann Fox, Timothy McKimmie, Virginia Cogger, *Michael Fabian, *Harold Neely, *Charlotte Woods, and *Rachelle Graves.
Those on Our Long-Term Prayer List: Stephanie Kreuger, Trudye Pember, The Porter family, Ralph Dale, Dwayne Traylor, Brayan Cruz, Jefferson Zapata, *Michael Dowling, Darrell Ackman, Kaleb Cortes, Peter Schweitzer, Joan Douglas, *Joan Corderman, Martha Burton Huie, Skip Hovsmith, Adam Gedney, Tony Beltrano, Pat, Emily, Mary Ellen Hurley, *Barbara Roark, *Fran Smith, Nicholas Rodney, Ed, *Scott Clark, *Pam Mossburg, Virginia Laughlin, and *Alice Lynn.
Those who have died: Joy Stevenson.
Those Who Need Our Prayers: All those impacted by Hurricanes Helene and Milton, for the lives lost and that God will sustain them for the recovery ahead, for all those across the globe who suffer the effects of natural disasters; for those who continue to be affected by COVID-19 and for protection of the most vulnerable through the coming flu season and cold weather; for those who are unemployed or underemployed; for those who suffer acts of violence around the world, especially for Ukraine and for the Holy Land; and those serving in the armed forces at home and abroad.
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: In thanksgiving for God’s Creation and those who care for it.
Anglican Cycle of Prayer: Province of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan
Do You Need Prayer or Care?
"In case of illness, the minister of the congregation is to be notified." (BCP p. 453)
Make a prayer request here.
Call the Church Office | Monday-Thursday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
(703)777-1124 ext 1 | info@stjamesleesburg.org
After Hours Pastoral Care Line | (202)750-4247
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Prayer List Changes
The clergy and Pastoral Associates of the Parish have been considering ways to deepen the prayer life of St. James’. Our parish prayer list is a vital part of our corporate and individual prayers. We also know there are many in need of prayer who are known to God alone.
One of the ways we hope to hold our St. James’ family in prayer is to denote St. James’ congregants using and asterisk in our printed list. This way, whether on the short-term or long-term, those praying in worship will be able to hold those closest to us in mind. We will always continue to pray for friends and family.
Though we only name a few names out loud, please use the long-term list in your personal prayers. Many who reside on the list are our home bound folks we send communion to. They are a part of us. Please check our weekly email each week for suggested prayers and our diocesan and Anglican prayer cycles. For questions or suggestions, please reach out to Rev. Marybeth.
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Click the image to view our full weekly calendar | | | | |