Sunday, April 28
9:30 a.m.
Coffee Chat
Education for All
Youth After Dark (YAD)
4:00 p.m.
Sunday Evening Children's Programming
click here for most recent Sunday Nuggets
Sunday Morning
Education 10:45 a.m.
Valuable Values: Trust
Faith Quest
Skipping Stones
"Last Child in the Woods"
"The Story of Stuff"
Community Partners
Multi-Functional Families
Shadow Rock UCC
| 12861 N. 8th Ave. Phoenix, AZ - 85029 602.993.0050

Rock the Week
April 24, 2013
Forum on the Alcohol Policy
We invite you to take part in this discussion of the proposed Alcohol Policy on Sunday, May 5th at 8:15 a.m. All are welcome. If you have childcare needs, please email Abeth before May 1st. For more information about the proposal, contact the church office.
The Upcoming Week...
Wednesday, April 24
6:00 pm - Taste of Shadow Rock
6:45 pm - Al-Anon beginners meeting
7:00 pm - Choir
7:30 pm - Al-Anon meeting
Thursday, April 25
6:30 pm - Nonviolent Communication Class
7:00 pm - Moon Rock Readers
7:30 pm - Alcoholics Anonymous meeting
7:30 pm - Full Moon Labyrinth Walk
Monday, April 29
9:30 am - LOF trip to Recycle Plant
6:30 pm - Economic Justice Subteam Meeting
6:00 pm - Sunset Meditation in the Festival Garden
If you or someone you know in our church family is graduating (8th grade, high school, trade or vocational school, AA degree, college, post graduate), we want to celebrate with you! Please e-mail Lois by May 8th with the name of the graduate and degree or promotion information so we can recognize them.
If you are graduating 12th grade, and would like information on applying for our William O. Smith Scholarship, please email Sharon Reay.
Our K-4 children are doing a service project to help animals in need. They have decided to work with the
Halo Animal Shelter to help save and feed animals and help them when they are sick. Their goal is to raise awareness, raise money, and collect gently used items to donate to the Halo thrift shop. So if you would like to make a monetary contribution, please see Abeth, or mark it "HALO" and put it in the giving basket. If you have gently used clothes, toys, or any other things to donate to their thrift store, please bring them and leave them in the box in the Parlor.
The kids would like to remind everyone to care for animals and not be mean to them. NO animal abuse. And if you are thinking about adopting, consider rescuing from a shelter.
Garage Sale on May 4th
Mark your calenders for this community event, held in our parking lot from 7-12. Rent a parking spot to sell your things for $10. That $10 helps our youth with General Synod expenses this summer. For more information, contact Brenda Hensely.
 Profound Journey Dialog PJD is coming up May 17-19. This remarkable experience is a chance to step back from the daily minutia and examine the "big picture." Join us as we explore the theological foundations of Shadow Rock, and discuss together what it means to be in covenant with each other. For more information or to register, contact Karen Richter or go to our website. |
Click the "Keeping You ePosted" link at the bottom of this newsletter to check in with the UCC's Mission 4/1 national tallies!
Are you tracking your Earth care hours? Contact the Living Our Faith Team, or stop by their table after the service on Sunday to make sure YOUR contributions are logged in with our numbers!
Living Our Faith Survey
Don't forget to fill out the Living Our Faith Team's survey on becoming an Economic Justice Church.
You can find the survey by clicking here:
Summer in the Great Outdoors!
Three upcoming camping opportunities this summer:
 1. Southwest Conference Summer Camp for incoming 2nd graders through 2013 graduates is June 16-21. This year's theme is "Stellar." Go here for more information or to sign up!
2. Shadow Rock families are invited to gather at the O'Leary campground near Flagstaff from July 12-14. For more information or to reserve your spot, email Colby Rampley.
3. Mark your calenders for Choir Camp - August 16-18. You don't have to be a regular member of choir to join us up north for this music-filled weekend. Contact Forrest for more information. |

In the Loop
Southwest Conference