Schedule of Services

Services at the Cathedral are conducted in English (E) and Church Slavonic (S).

Saturday, December 16
  • 5:00 pm – Vigil (E,S)

Sunday, December 17
  • 9:00 am – Divine Liturgy (E)
  • 10:45 am – Divine Liturgy (S)

Saturday, December 23
  • 5:00 pm – Vigil (E,S)

Sunday, December 24 – Nativity of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
  • 9:00 am – Divine Liturgy (E,S)
  • 5:00 pm – Vigil (E,S)

Monday, December 25
  • 9:00 am – Divine Liturgy (E,S)
Pastoral Care

Clergy are available by phone and email for spiritual care as needed. If you want to set up an appointment, please find clergy contact information below. You can find the website Pastoral Care page here.

Scripture Readings for December 17

Colossians 3:4-11
4 When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory. 5 Therefore put to death your members which are on the earth: fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. 6 Because of these things the wrath of God is coming upon the sons of disobedience, 7 in which you yourselves once walked when you lived in them. 8 But now you yourselves are to put off all these: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy language out of your mouth. 9 Do not lie to one another, since you have put off the old man with his deeds, 10 and have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him, 11 where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcised nor uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave nor free, but Christ is all and in all.

Luke 14:16-24
16 Then He said to him, “A certain man gave a great supper and invited many, 17 and sent his servant at supper time to say to those who were invited, ‘Come, for all things are now ready.’ 18 But they all with one accord began to make excuses. The first said to him, ‘I have bought a piece of ground, and I must go and see it. I ask you to have me excused.’
19 And another said, ‘I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I am going to test them. I ask you to have me excused.’ 20 Still another said, ‘I have married a wife, and therefore I cannot come.’ 21 So that servant came and reported these things to his master. Then the master of the house, being angry, said to his servant, ‘Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in here the poor and the maimed and the lame and the blind.’
22 And the servant said, ‘Master, it is done as you commanded, and still there is room.’
23 Then the master said to the servant, ‘Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled. 24 ’For I say to you that none of those men who were invited shall taste my supper.’”
Currently at St. Nicholas
Presentation on Fr. Alexander Schmemann

It is 40 years since Fr Alexander Schmemann departed this world, but his final words remain with us always: 'Lord, it is good to be here!'

Tonight, December 14 at 7pm on Zoom, Fr. Schmemann's son, Serge, will speak to us about his father. Please join us!
Meeting ID: 210 068 7480
Passcode: 208156
Thank You from St. Herman's Seminary

St. Nicholas Cathedral has received a lovely note of thanks for donations to Pennies For Alaska from Fr. Tepper at St. Herman's Seminary in Alaska . You may enjoy reading it!
Christmas Wreaths

St. Nicholas Cathedral has been decorated with wreaths created by sisters from the Protection of the Theotokos Monastery and put up by Alla Lowe and her family. We are grateful for this loving beautification for Advent!
Ukraine Aid Update

Dear Friends,

We had a very productive autumn with several shipments between September and November, totaling over 2,000 pounds. In October we had a special collection for children of internally displaced families. Thanks to many caring citizens, we reached our goal and sent diapers, formula, pacifiers, clothes and toys which helped dozens of families in Ukraine.

The photos below show recent distribution events in Ukraine. As we continue our work, we would like to thank you for your continuous support!
The St. Nicholas Christmas Bake Sale is Here!

Starting Sunday, December 10, you can purchase delicious nut, apricot, poppy seed and lekvar rolls for $18 each. The rolls are baked by St. John the Baptist Orthodox Church (OCA), Conemaugh, PA.

Advance orders not necessary, but supplies are limited. You can email Candice at with your order, or fill out the order form below. There are also order forms in the church basement.
Pledging for the Year 2024 - Venmo is Now an Option

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Thank you for your generous and loving support of St. Nicholas Cathedral throughout the years. Your contributions enable the Cathedral to continue regular liturgical services, operate a vibrant Sunday School, offer adult education classes, participate in numerous charitable works, and spread the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Orthodox Faith to many.  
As a member of the Body of Christ, each of us has a responsibility to contribute his or her time, talent, and resources to maintain our Cathedral and help it grow and prosper for the glory of God and spiritual benefit to His people. Making a pledge is a personal opportunity to thank God for all He has given to us and fulfilling this pledge allows His Cathedral to remain open and welcoming.   
Please note that pledge forms are due to the Cathedral office by December 31, 2023. Members who submit pledge forms by this date will retain their status as a member in good standing and be able to vote in the upcoming 2024 Parish Meeting.  

As you consider your pledge for 2024, note that Venmo is also now an option for contributing to our parish. The QR code is available on our website, at the candle counter and downstairs at coffee hour. Please add a short note with the purpose of your donation, ie., 2024 pledge, candles, coffee hour, bake sale.  

We appreciate all our parishioners and thank you for your support. 
Sunday School News
Christmas Crafts Day

Crafts Day was a great success! You can see some lovely ornaments made by the Sunday School children on the Christmas tree in church. Other ornaments will be delivered to our homebound parishioners in Christmas gift bags.

Thanks to all the kids, helpful parents and teachers who participated in the workshop, to the Young Adults group who assisted in the Christmas card signing for the gift bags, and to Fr. George for being our photographer.
Young Adults Signing Christmas Cards
Making Christmas Crafts
Making Christmas Crafts
Making Christmas Crafts
The Cathedral's Christmas tree was placed and decorated on Christmas Crafts Day. Many thanks to those who helped beautify the church for the Feast of Nativity!
Archdiocesan Choir of Washington News
An Evening of Christmas Carols and Desserts

When: Thursday, December 28th - Vespers at 6:00 pm, caroling at 7:30 pm
Where: St. Luke Orthodox Church, 6801 Georgetown Pike, McLean, VA 22101

Share both Orthodox and Western carols, including many familiar favorites, and a few newer songs. This is a ticketed event. Your ticket covers a packet of caroling music, desserts, tea, coffee and hot chocolate. Please note that St. Luke Catholic Church is next door - don't get confused!
A Concert of Psalmody

When: Friday, January 19 at 7:30 pm
Where: SS Peter and Paul Antiochian Orthodox Church, 10620 River Road, Potomac, MD

Join the Archdiocesan Choir of Washington for a concert of Psalmody with reception following the concert. Musical selections include both new compositions and music you may already be familiar with. The concert will highlight the beauty of the Psalms incorporated into our daily, weekly, and yearly Orthodox liturgical cycle.  
OCMC Missionary Internships

The OCMC is excited to announce an amazing opportunity for you to embrace missionary service as a Missionary Intern, serving alongside current OCMC Missionaries. Potential interns, like missionaries, come from all walks and all ages of life: high school graduates considering a gap year, college students exploring a vocation of service, professionals who are considering a career change, or retirees who want to share their talents. To learn more about missionary internships, please email Fr. Rob at 
Guatemala Health Care Team for March 2024

Healthcare providers (nurses, doctors, surgeons, NPs, PAs) and Spanish translators are needed at the Fr. Andres Giron Medical Clinic in Aguacate, Guatemala for an eight-day mission trip. The team will offer medical care to men, women and children from the surrounding region, members of the vibrant Mayan Orthodox community in northern Guatemala and southern Mexico, in mid-March 2024. Please contact OCMC Mission Specialist, Fr. John Chakos or Michael Bosworth for information about joining the Spring healthcare mission team.  
Addictions Recovery Support Network News
Update to Monthly Meeting Date for December

Are you suffering in silence from some form of addiction - a substance or behavior addiction, or a co-dependency?
We have an Orthodox Ministry designed specifically to help relieve suffering from addiction both for those actively addicted to a substance or a behavior and for those affected by someone else’s use or behavior.
We acknowledge the compatibility within Orthodoxy of science/counseling, 12 Steps and 12 Traditions recovery programs and religion. We recognize these entities as separate but bridgeable to aid in the relief of addiction.
Please mark your calendar that the next Addictions Recovery Support Network meeting will be held one week early, on December 18th from 7:00 to 8:15 PM, as the last Monday of the month is Christmas Day.
Meeting ID: 210 068 7480
Password: 208156
Ministry support from the Addictions Recovery Support Network between meetings can be obtained by contacting Samantha Cath at or 703.919.6334.
Parishioners' Corner
Birthdays and Anniversaries

December Birthdays
  • 7 - Marie A. Starn
  • 9 - Marina Nozadze
  • 12 - Svetlana Moser 
  • 16 - Barbara Rhenish
  • 17 - Matushka Marina Shemchuk
  • 22 - Stefanie Slack
  • 24 - John Stepanchuk
  • 24 - Elizabeth Weber
  • 26 - Andrew Kirkpatrick
  • 31 - Katya Haines

December Anniversaries
  • 6 - Anne and Don Rowe - 1991
  • 26 - Paul and Svetlana Grenier - 1980
Parishioner Memorial Project
Each month we hope to highlight the memory of a departed parishioner or friend of St. Nicholas Cathedral. If you have a loved one or friend that you would like to have featured, please send a short biography with their contributions to our Cathedral life, no matter how great or small - with a digital photo if available - to with the words "Memory Eternal" in the subject line. Please include the date and year of death, as we will try to highlight the departed around an anniversary.  

3500 Massachusetts Avenue, NW 
Washington, DC 20007 
Telephone: 202 333 5060