Trinity Episcopal Church
Trinity Episcopal Church 
22 March 2020
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Please Note:
At the direction of the Bishops of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut, all our parishes in Connecticut will have no public services until May 10 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Please read the Interim's message for more information.
Gracious Father, whose blessed Son Jesus Christ came down from heaven to be the true bread which gives life to the world: Evermore give us this bread, that he may live in us, and we in him; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
~~Collect for the Fourth Sunday in Lent   
Worship at Trinity
Sunday Services Cancelled Until Further Notice

Worship with us virtually on Youtube at:
Trinity Episcopal Church, Hartford

New video updates on Sunday morning after 8 AM.
View Sunday's Bulletin, with liturgy and announcements, here.
The Rev. Norman MacLeod, Officiating and Preaching  
Noon Day Services Cancelled Until Further Notice    
A Message from Father Norman

Dear Trinity friends: This is the world turned upside down. To be church regularly means to gather together in a sacred place. The experience strengthens us to be the presence of Christ's love in the world, which is God's call to us. Social distancing requires that we give up, for a time, that person-to-person-to-person gathering, that spiritual food. It feels wrong. the word behind the word "church" is ecclesia, ancient Greek for "gathering."  
For now, we must give up gathering in the way so many of us find nourishing, even necessary, the coming together on Sundays under the soaring vault of Trinity Church. The buildings are closed to all services and meetings until at least until May 10 due to the COVID-19 coronavirus. On Friday, our Bishops called on the Connecticut parishes to do this.
Last Sunday, with behind camera help from Casey Rousseau and Jake Troiano and the musical support of Jackson Merrill, Trinity presented a shorter version of what we do on regular Sundays. Over a hundred folks tuned in to this YouTube offering of Word and music, a testament to the hunger many of us feel for the weekly infusion of scripture and song emanating from Trinity Church.
We hope to offer more in the Sundays to come. The emphasis here is on hope. The guidance given about how we all should protect one another, and ourselves, changes daily, if not hourly. We at Trinity make a commitment to our parish community to be as present as we can be, as safely as can be done. We will do our best to mark the Lord's Day with scripture, prayer and song, although the format may change as guidelines evolve.
We also commit to staying in touch. My email address in . My cell phone number is 860-986-3289. If you have a question or an idea about our online worship or have a pastoral concern, please be in touch.
Trinity will continue to reach out to you through The Voice, our website (, regular e-blasts and Facebook. In turn, each of you can make Trinity a presence in the lives of our brothers and sisters by reaching out through phone calls and e-mails to other members of the parish, or to anyone you feel may be vulnerable or lonely in these strange times.
As crucial as our Sunday gatherings are, the soul of Trinity Church rests in our connection through the Holy Spirit. This connection needs no roof or walls. As the evangelist John describes it, we are together in Christ and Christ is in us. That power will overcome all separation, or as Paul proclaims in Romans 8,
For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.  
We will gather again on Sigourney Street, with light streaming through stained glass windows, and organ chords reverberating through brownstone columns. We will know then that for all that magnificence, the love we share with our Trinity neighbors shines and sings with more glory than all the great church buildings of the world.
In the Name of God the Father Almighty who created us;
In the Name of Jesus Christ who redeemed us;
In the Name of the Holy Spirit who sanctifies us.
Peace, Norman

From the Wardens
Although the Trinity Church buildings are closed and we aren't gathering for worship, we have work to do and we're doing it! The Recruitment Committee met with our Transition Consultant on Monday using "Zoom" teleconferencing software. The posting for our open Rector position is live on the ECCT website, and will be until April 30. Initial interviews will also be held using Zoom, so for the time being, our search for a new Rector will continue as planned.

Our Tuesday Vestry meeting, also via Zoom, was largely focused on the question of how we can continue to be Trinity Church when we can't be together. We've received a good bit of positive feedback on the worship service we broadcast over YouTube last Sunday, and we'll continue to do that as long as we can do so safely. Of course, worship is only part of what we do; as a congregation, we care for one another and for the community as we can. Please see the letter from Father Norman in this week's e-blast and in the Voice, where he suggests ways we can continue to nurture our Trinity community.

As public health officials learn more each day, they update their suggestions and guidelines about how to keep ourselves and our community safe. As a result, the Trinity staff and lay leadership reconsider often what our own practices should be, and we will do our best to keep you informed. Please remember that our buildings are really closed, meaning that they are not to be accessed without permission. If you have a need to enter the building, please contact Barbara Roos by email - - and make arrangements to do so. You must have an appointment to enter the building, and receive instructions about how to ensure your safety and that of others who must enter.

Join us via YouTube for worship on Sunday. Call your Trinity friends just to check in. Trust that God knows our need, and that we will be together again as soon as circumstances allow it.
Alan Rice and Martha Freimuth

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry: 
Concerning COVID-19
"In this time when we are all affected by the coronavirus, whether directly or indirectly, whether physically, biologically, psychologically, spiritually, and for many economically, it may be helpful to remember that we're in this together.

"Jesus came among us in the first place, to show us the way to be right and reconcile with the God who is the creator of us all, and right and reconciled with each other as children of this one God who has created us all, and therefore as sisters, brothers, and siblings, one of another. 
Jesus came to show us how to be in a relationship with God and in relationship with each other, came to show us how to live not simply as collections of individual self-interest, but how to live as the human family of God. That's why he said love the Lord your God, love your neighbor as yourself. Because in that is hope for all of us to be the human family of God.

"So look out for your neighbors, look out for each other. Look out for yourselves. Listen to those who have knowledge that can help to guide us medically and help to guide us socially. Do everything that we can to do this together, to respond to each other's needs and to respond to our own needs."

~ Bishop Curry

Ash Wednesday and Good Friday Offerings for the
Diocese of Jerusalem
Trinity will continue it's support the Diocese of Jerusalem for the Ash Wednesday (February 26th) and Good Friday (April 10th) offerings, as we have in years past. Unable to make it to church on those days? This gift can be received anytime during the Lenten season. Additional envelopes are available in the church. This contribution will also be designated for the Ahli Hospital, as we continue to add to our support begun in Advent.
During this holy season of Lent, remembering our brothers and sisters where our faith began is so important. Please make checks out to Trinity Church with AFEDJ (American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem) in the memo and put in the offering plate or send to the church office. The people of the Holy Land thank you! For more information, visit and click on "News."
~~Kate Smith for the Outreach Team
Textile Recycling in Your Town? 
While Trinity parishioners have opportunities to contribute gently used clothing and accessories through collections by the Outreach Team, many of us also have "well used" or even "worn out" textile items that we aren't sure what to do with. Just toss them in the trash? Hopefully not! In many local towns, the good news is that there are other alternatives.  
In addition to collection bins in supermarket parking lots, many towns also have textile recycling programs. In Bloomfield, the town participates with Bay State Textiles in having bins on three town sites for residents to use. Other towns like Hartford, East Hartford, Manchester and West Hartford appear from their websites to participate with Simple Recycling in a Pink Bag curbside collection program.  
If you're not already familiar with a textile recycling program in your town, make a few minutes to check your town website to find out what program may be available, and what items are acceptable.   Let's all do our part to keep these items out of our trash!
Penny Pearson for the Outreach Team 
Trinity Book Group
Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is the featured work for Trinity Book Group's next meeting: Friday, May 8th. The historical background is Biafra's struggle to establish an independent republic in southeastern Nigeria during the late 1960s. The Denver Post wrote that this novel "is Tolstoyan in its grasp of history and in its ability to traverse various ends of the social spectrum from a village manservant to the daughter of wealthy bureaucrats." All are welcome to come to Book Group, whether as a one-timer or regular attendee. May's meeting, running from 7:00-9:00 pm, will be at the home of Heather Kramer. Please let her know if you plan to attend by sending her an email at