Lenten series wraps up;
Episcopal Church reacts to rules changes at southern border
Here are the latest opportunities to strengthen
your faith and connect with the community.
Worship Times

Sunday, April 10
Palm Sunday
8 a.m. Holy Eucharist:
Rite One (spoken)

10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist:
Rite Two (with hymns,
choir and organ)


Wednesday, April 13
Wednesday in Holy Week
7 p.m. Evening Prayer


View the complete lectionary readings at www.lectionarypage.net
Palm Sunday Procession
and Music

The Blessing of the Palms will begin the Palm Sunday service in the Hare Family Garden in front of the parish. If you'd like to process around the block, we will go from there; or you can just enter the church Sanctuary.

We will sing the offertory hymn verse by verse in parts, with who-sings-what instructions in the bulletin and on the livestream.

  ● Hymn #154 All glory, laud, and honor (Valet will ich dir geben
 ● Hymn #435 At the Name of Jesus (King's Weston) men, women and choir will sing verses
● Offertory: "Rid On, King Jesus" (arr. Alice Parker & Robert Shaw) Trinity Choir, Doug Lawrence, director
 ● Hymn#158 Ah holy Jesus, how hast thou offended (Herzliebster Jesu)
 ● Postlude: Partita on "All Glory, Laud, and Honor" 4. Largo (Michael Burkhardt)
Final Installment
in Stations of the Cross Series

Fritz Schwaller will examine the final seven of the Stations of the Cross at 9 a.m. this Sunday in the Jackson-Kemper Room. It will be livestreamed on the

This is the final meeting in a four-part series, born out of Fritz's recently completed book and years of study. The University of Kansas recently reviewed the book: https://news.ku.edu/2022/03/23/history-and-spread-stations-cross-explored-new-book.

The course will culminate in a communal pilgrimage at 6 p.m. on Good Friday with the Stations of Cross in the Trinity Nave.

You can view all of Fritz's presentations by clicking this link.

Materials for the Stations of the Cross class:
Easter Flowers

Easter flower donations forms are available this Sunday and next before and after services. They can also be picked up during office hours. We would like the donations to be in by April 10. If you wish to have flowers given in memory or thanksgiving, return the form with your check and let us know. Suggested donation this year is $35.
Help Needed in Nursery
Palm Sunday and Easter, and for the Easter Egg Hunt

We need a helping hand in the nursery on Palm Sunday and Easter.

If you're available from 10:15 until 15 or 20 minutes after the service, please let Bill know that you can pitch in at 785-331-4401 or [email protected]

We also need some help for the Easter Egg Hunt, to hide the eggs and protect them from those passers-by before the kids get a chance to hunt them down. Again, please contact Bill.
Trinity Vestry Update 

There is a lot of activity going on with the Vestry. We are contemplating a new “Gift Giving Endowment”. Preparing for a Town Hall meeting. Putting final touches on the Cottage Meeting goals and projects. We are also talking about what is needed to move the video equipment out of the choir loft to the main level of the nave.

Soon you will be hearing information about the new Gift Giving Endowment. Linda McCoy, Cheryl Wagner and others are working on this project which will provide a new gift giving opportunity. The distribution focus of this endowment will be unique from the current Trinity Endowment Fund. Watch for more details from the group working on this project.

The Vestry will be hosting a Town Hall meeting between Sunday services on May 1. The primary topic will be to share the plans which have emanated from the Cottage Meetings held late last fall. This Town Hall meeting will also provide an opportunity for parishioners to ask questions of the Vestry and share insight / ideas regarding the selected cottage meeting goals and projects. Please save the date and attend this important and informative meeting.

The church service livestream video equipment is currently located in the choir loft. This has created a bit of a crowded situation with the choir, organ console and video equipment sharing space. The plan is to purchase the needed equipment in order to move the livestream video equipment to the main level in the back of the church. This change is anticipated to be completed in the next month if the new equipment is available for purchase.

One more date that you may want to place on your calendar is the Trinity Church picnic scheduled for June 12. The Vestry will be helping with this event so we hope to see you there.

Peace be with you,
Betsi Anderson 
Senior Warden
Family Promise Rotation
April 17-23

Trinity's turn to minister to Family Promise Lawrence is coming up in April. The goal of F.P.L. is to help struggling families escape the poverty cycle.
We ask that you provide hospitality for our six families in two ways:

First we ask that, as you are able, provide cash to F.P.L. to purchase $25 grocery cards to be distributed to the families to supplement their grocery budgets and SNAP benefits. A range of $200-$300 in total per hosting rotation week (not per family) would help cover this expense of food. Grocery cards or check donations should be to F.P.L and mailed to:

Trinity Episcopal Church
1027 Vermont St.
Lawrence, KS 66044

They also can be dropped off in our church office Monday through Thursday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., or marked Family Promise and placed in the weekly offering plate on April 10 or 17.

Second, bless the families even more with a welcoming treat (for example, balloons, Eileen's Cookies, ice cream, or whatever is a special way for our congregation to bless each family in shelter) and provide each family a personal card letting them know you're thinking of them and praying for them during their stay. We will place the purchased grocery cards in the envelope with your card.

Thank you.
Reminder, if you do not see the Upcoming Events at the bottom of the newsletter, there should be an expand button to click to view our complete newsletter.
Upcoming Youth Opportunities

Two activities of the Diocese of Kansas are coming up soon.

Happening #96 – May 28 - 30
*Date Change*

Mega Camp – Week of June 5

Register on the diocesan youth website at https://edokformation.wordpress.com to save your place. Scholarships are available.
Vestry Meetings

The scheduled Vestry meetings are:

May 2, June 6

Meetings are open to all and are being held on Zoom at this time. The minutes of each meeting are posted to the church bulletin board and on our website at Trinity Vestry Minutes. 

Your Vestry can be contacted at [email protected].

Minutes through March 2022 have been added to our website. Financials through February 2022 are added at Trinity Finances.
Easter Candy

We are searching for Easter Egg candy for our little ones (probably Rob also). Candy can be dropped off in the church office during office hours or in the kitchen on Sundays.

Our youth group will be stuffing the eggs at their Palm Sunday 6:30 p.m. meeting.
Prayer Chain

To add a person's name to the prayer list or to become a prayer chain member, please contact the parish office at 785-843-6166 or use our link [email protected] or contact Carol, Prayer Chain coordinator.

The Prayer Chain prays daily for those who are ill, suffering or troubled; who have died; or who wish to offer praise and thanksgivings. Prayer Chain members find that their own private prayer life with God also deepens during this daily practice.

We pray for those who need healing: D.J., Diane, Ari, Karsyn, Peter, Gretchen, Bob, Bill, Britt, Jean, Kim, Lindsay, Jake, Noah, Kay, Janet, Melissa, Cathy, Jason, Jeanne, Aaron, Ellen, Natalie, Todd, Michael, Doug, Donna, Mattie, Bruce, and the Kinsey family.

We pray for those in the hospital or on hospice: Donna, Jeannie, Pat, Norma, and Jean.

We pray for those with special intentions: Colin, Vera, the King family, Darin, Nathan, Nathaniel, Sarah, Heather, Cathy, the people of Ukraine and Russia, Dave, the Seely family, Ian, the Esperance family, and the Maryna family.

We pray for the deceased: Clare Patterson, Ellen Polacca, Matt Seely, Glenna Kleinkauf and Linda Bost.
We would like to know about hospitalizations, illnesses or special needs you are experiencing. Please call Deacon Deborah Burns, the Church office or a Vestry member so that we can help.
Paul Flower Service Moving

Paul Flower's funeral service will be April 9, 10:30 a.m. at St. Margaret's. Service is being moved due to the parade downtown.
Holy Week and Easter
Service Plans

The parish will worship during Holy Week in person with services livestreamed on Facebook. Masks are optional during our services.

● Maundy Thursday
April 14, 6 p.m. – Lite meal before our 7 p.m. Holy Eucharist service with foot washing for those who wish to partake

● Good Friday
April 15, 7 p.m. liturgy

● Easter Vigil
April 16, 8 p.m. – Service with Holy Eucharist

● Easter Sunday
April 17, 8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m., Holy Eucharist with Coffee Hour following each service and Easter Egg hunt following our 10:30 service

All are welcome to join one or all of our services. We are an inclusive parish with our Eucharist table open to all baptized Christians.
Update from LIRIM and Episcopal Migration Ministries on New Rules at the Border

Last week the President repealed the rule known as Title 42 in relation to those legally seeking asylum at the southern border. This is a complicated rule that many did not understand or know was in effect.  As a result, many asylum seekers were refused entry and forced to return to very dangerous situations in their home countries.

Here is the statement from the Episcopal Migration Ministries on the matter:

“Our Church has made clear that Congress should make critical reforms to our immigration system,” said the Rev. C.K. Robertson, who oversees Episcopal Migration Ministries and the Office of Government Relations. “These reforms must ensure family unity, protect human rights, and provide a pathway to citizenship. We recognize the vulnerabilities and dangers migrants face on their way to and at our border, and we must create safe and orderly paths for those seeking refuge consistent with the Church’s affirmation of the universal right to seek asylum. As Episcopalians, we believe it is morally and politically urgent to tackle these issues to uphold our heritage as a country of immigrants.”

earth from space
TEST Tidbits: 15-Foot Average Drop in Ogallala Aquifer

The Ogallala Aquifer is a huge underground lake that goes from South Dakota through Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Texas. It covers over 174,000 square miles bringing water for farms, cattle ranches and municipalities. The United States Geological Survey has reported that the average drop over the entire aquifer was 15 feet. 

Understandably, there is a great deal of variety in different sections. We do know that our country’s supply of wheat, corn, cotton, beef, pork, chicken and turkey come from these areas. The aquifer also supplies much of the drinking water for cities and towns in range of the aquifer. Some of the wells in Texas that had been pumping from the aquifer have gone completely dry!

Parts of Kansas are in either a “watch zone or danger zone” for drought despite recent snows and rains. The amount of water being pumped out is greatly exceeding the replenishing of the aquifer. For example, last year it is estimated that only one inch of replenishing occurred in southwestern Kansas.

Farmers ranchers and city managers are all trying to remedy this situation. The state of Kansas has encouraged drought management plans that include farmers, ranchers and city planners in working together in establishing conservation action steps as well as emergency conservation steps in times of disaster. There have been more efforts in coordination of state and federal funds to address disasters. Agricultural agencies are working with farmers on more sustainable irrigation efforts and farming practices and educating about adjustments to the changes in the climate. Farmers and ranchers (natural conservation minded individuals) are responding with actions. Their livelihoods are threatened and the rest of us will be affected by the cost of food and the overall economy of our state.

We can participate in water conservation through personal habits such as turning off the tap when brushing teeth, shaving and washing hands, by not running the tap for cold water, taking short showers, using drip irrigation for lawn and plants. We can keep water clean by using less chemicals on lawns, saying no to plastics of all kinds, recycling and not littering.

Earth Steward Action: Google the Ogallala Aquifer and become aware of this water asset. How are you doing on the action list above? Reflect on how you will water lawns and plants this summer.


All TEST articles are here.
News from Nepal

Hi everyone! It has been a busy couple of weeks. I came back to KTM from the village about a week ago for our annual or "Day of Prayer," and then I went on a 3 day (30ish mile) hike in an area just outside the Kathmandu valley. It was good to get away from everything for a few days and the scenery was gorgeous. Today is a day of recuperation and tomorrow I am back to the village. We are trying to finish up the rest of the sanitary pad kit production, as well as sew a few things that we can market and sell for sustainability. Please be praying for success on that front. Also be praying for my back- I am having some continued back pain that is affecting both activity and sleep. Thank you and God Bless you from Nepal!
Episcopal News Links

Would you like to know what is happening in the Diocese or explore Episcopal Church history? Just use the below links to access the most up-to-date information.

Save the Date

Lenten Series
History of the Stations
of the Cross
April 10, 9 a.m.
Jackson Kemper Room

The Only Necessary Thing Retreat
April 9, 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Upton Hall, Grace Topeka

Women's Summit
April 22-23
St. James Episcopal Church, 3750 E. Douglas Ave, Wichita, KS
or via Zoom

Eucharist at Canterbury House of Lawrence
April 28, 7 p.m.

Unpacking CONNECT
May 4, 2-3:30 p.m.
via Zoom

Happening #96
May 28 - 30
Camp Wood

Mega Camp '22
June 5-11
Camp Wood

Upcoming Events
10 a.m. – Trinity Treasures
8 p.m. – Canterbury Compline – Canterbury House and EDOK Youth Ministry Facebook

Friday, April 8
6 a.m. – Pump 'n' Pray – at Trinity
3 p.m. – Lawrence Ensemble Group
6 p.m. – AA Meeting – Jackson Kemper room
6 p.m. – Girl Scouts – Parish Hall

Saturday, April 9
9 a.m. – Organ practice
9 a.m. – Library Committee
10 a.m. – Food Pantry
10:30 a.m. – Paul Flower funeral – St. Margaret's
8 p.m. – AA Meeting – Jackson Kemper room

Sunday, April 10
Palm Sunday
8 a.m. – Holy Communion: Rite One – in person
9 a.m. – Adult Forum – History and Origins of the Stations of the Cross Pt. IV
10:30 a.m. – Holy Communion: Rite Two – in person and livestreamChildren's Sunday School
   Deacon: Deborah S. Burns
   Verger: Andrew Hoyt
   Acolyte: Hannah Billen
   Lectors: Sandra Wiechert, Camille Olcese
   Intercessor: Austin Turney
   Ushers: Linda McCoy, Katie Kramer, DuWayne Kramer
   Greeter: Camille Olcese, Cheryl Wagner
   Livestream producers: Jacob Burch-Hill, John Broholm
   Online greeter: April Dwyer
   Altar Guild: Sarah Burns, Pam Blome, Proctor Crow
11:30 a.m. – Coffee Hour
6:30 p.m. – Youth Group – Parish Hall
email [email protected] for information

Monday, April 11
6 a.m. – Pump 'n' Pray – at Trinity
6:30 p.m. – Over the Rainbow Doll Club – Parish Hall

Tuesday, April 12
1 p.m. – Food Pantry
5:30 p.m. – Trinity Anchor Women – Lawrence Rotary Arboretum
email [email protected] for an invitation and information

Wednesday, April 13
6 a.m. – Pump 'n' Pray – at Trinity
10:30 a.m. – Women's Bible Study Meeting – Parish Library
email [email protected] for an invitation and information
4 p.m. – Friendship Circle – Zoom,
email [email protected] for an invitation and information
7 p.m. – Trinity Evening Prayer – livestream

Thursday, April 14
Maundy Thursday
10 a.m. – Trinity Treasures
6 p.m. – Lite meal in Parish Hall
7 p.m. – Maundy Thursday service
8 p.m. – Canterbury Compline – Canterbury House and EDOK Youth Ministry Facebook

Friday, April 15
Good Friday
6 a.m. – Pump 'n' Pray – at Trinity
9 a.m. – Grief Group
3 p.m. – Lawrence Ensemble Group
6 p.m. – AA Meeting - Jackson Kemper room
6 p.m. – Stations of the Cross
7 p.m. – Good Friday Service

Saturday, April 16
Easter Eve
9 a.m. – Organ practice
9 a.m. – Library Committee
10 a.m. – Food Pantry
1 p.m. – Lay Eucharist Visitors meeting – Parish Hall
6 p.m. – Board Game Group – Parish Hall
8 p.m. – AA Meeting – Jackson Kemper room
8 p.m. – Easter Vigil service

Sunday, April 17
Easter Sunday
8 a.m. – Holy Communion: Rite One – in person
9 a.m. – Coffee Hour
10:30 a.m. – Holy Communion: Rite Two – in person and livestreamChildren's Sunday School
11:30 a.m. – Coffee Hour & Easter Egg Hunt
6:30 p.m. – Youth Group – no meeting tonite
email [email protected] for information
Trinity Vestry 2022

Rob Baldwin, Rector 785-843-6166
Betsi Anderson '24, Senior Warden [email protected]
Donna Griffin, Junior Warden '22
John Broholm, Clerk '22
Linda McCoy '22
Bill Perkins ‘22
April Dwyer '23
Andrew Hoyt '23
Susan Ralston '23
Cheryl Wagner '23
Eric Ryan '24
Phil McKnight '24
Garth Burns '24
Cristian Sauciuc, Treasurer
1011 Vermont St. Lawrence, Kansas 66044
Office Hours 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday to Thursday
Facebook @TrinityLawrenceKS
Twitter @trinity_kansas