• Stewardship Campaign for 2024 launches
  • Mother Jenn: Symbolism of the monarch butterfly
  • Help the weed patrol work wonders

We will kick off the 2024 Stewardship Campaign this Sunday:

  • Presentation after the 8 a.m. service
  • Luncheon and presentation after the 10:30 service

We will provide meat and cheese trays for the luncheon. Please bring salad (veggies) or dessert. Lemonade will be provided.

All are invited.

Mother Jenn: Faith, the Caterpillar and the Monarch

“There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly." - R. Buckminster Fuller

The monarch butterfly is a perfect gift from God. Their tiny design is delightful and every individual, from egg to caterpillar to chrysalis to butterfly, strives for one thing – to be the best monarch that it can be.

As Christians, we can’t miss the symbolism of death and resurrection, as the caterpillar transforms first into a gooey death, only to be reborn as a spectacular butterfly. But we can also see this messy transformation as a perfect metaphor of the Christian life. We clumsy things, we walk through life, eventually die, and are transformed into some perfect new life in Christ, hoping to live a life as the best human we can be.


And it is a great symbol for stewardship. Our gift, which may seem small compared to the needs of the church, grows as it is combined with the gifts of others. And as these gifts come together, they merge and emerge as the perfect gift for the work of the church. And as we steward these gifts, they will be a part of the best work as the church that we can be.

Sometimes, it can be hard to see the butterfly when you see that awkward caterpillar poking around, looking for milkweed. But when we look closely, we can see the perfection of this creation that God made. And we can be thankful for its single-mindedness to be the best monarch it can be.


As the stewardship drive begins, I pray that our gifts be perfect and that they may do the work of the church in the way that God intends. 

Grace and peace,

Mother Jenn+

Weed Patrol Working Saturday Around Churchyard Trees

We'll be weeding this Saturday, so put on your gardening gloves and get to work around the churchyard trees. You can help protect the trees in the churchyard for the next two Saturdays at 9:00 a.m.

After we weed this Saturday, on Oct. 5 we will spread the mulch – for good tree health and a beautiful churchyard. Bring shovels, spades and garden gloves. In October, bring wheelbarrows if you can.

Refreshments will be provided.

Help BackSnack Serve Hungry Kids This Fall

BackSnack needs help delivering food packs to elementary schools on Wednesday or Thursday mornings through the school year. 

Schoolchildren take BackSnack packages filled with nutritious, child-friendly food home over the weekend. BackSnack could use help servicing Cordley, 19th and Vermont; Schwegler, 21st and Ousdahl; Prairie Park, 2711 Kensington Rd. on the east side; Woodlawn, 508 Elm St. north of the river; Deerfield, Peterson and Lawrence Avenue; and Sunflower, 27th and Inverness.

Even if you do not have kids in school, we’d love your help. Contact Tod Sutton (785-312-1238) or Greg Hazen (785-813-1614) to volunteer or for further details.

Make Me an Instrument

We will discuss the final part of the Make Me an Instrument of Peace video series on Wednesday at 7:15 p.m.

  • Oct. 2, part 5, Sacred Space for Debate with Marcus Halley


Thursday, September 26

10:00 a.m. – Trinity Treasures

4:00 p.m. – PEO – Katie Kramer

Friday, September 27


6:00 a.m. – Pump 'n' Pray

6:00 p.m. – AA meeting

7:30 p.m. – NA meeting


Saturday, September 28

9:00 a.m. – Library committee

10:00 a.m. – Food Pantry

8:00 p.m. – AA meeting


Sunday, September 29

8:00 a.m. – Holy Eucharist: Rite One

8:45 a.m. – Coffee Hour

10:30 a.m. – Holy Eucharist: Rite Two – Children's Sunday School and Nursery – also on livestream

11:30 a.m. – Stewardship kickoff and Coffee Hour

12:10 p.m. – Choristers rehearsal

6:00 p.m. – Boy Scouts

Monday, September 30

6:00 a.m. – Pump 'n' Pray

Tuesday, October 1

1:00 p.m. – Food Pantry

5:30 p.m. – Anchor Women

6:00 p.m. – Dinner at Canterbury House

7:30 p.m. – Lawrence Tango Group

Wednesday, October 2

6:00 a.m. – Pump 'n' Pray

10:30 a.m. – Wednesday Morning Women's Bible Study

4:00 p.m. – Friendship Circle

5:30 p.m. – Wednesday Dinner – Parish Hall

6:30 p.m. – Wednesday Evening Prayer – Parish Hall and on livestream

7:15 p.m. – Make Me and Instrument of Peace

7:30 p.m. – NA meeting

Thursday, October 3

10:00 a.m. – Trinity Treasures

Friday, October 4


6:00 a.m. – Pump 'n' Pray 

6:00 p.m. – AA meeting 

7:30 p.m. – NA meeting

Saturday, October 5

9:00 a.m. – Library committee 

10:00 a.m. – Food Pantry 

8:00 p.m. – AA meeting


Sunday, October 6

8:00 a.m. – Holy Eucharist: Rite One

8:45 a.m. – Coffee Hour

10:30 a.m. – Holy Eucharist: Rite Two – Children's Sunday School and Nursery – also on livestream

11:30 a.m. – Coffee Hour

12:10 p.m. – Choristers rehearsal

For calendar details, see the Trinity website.

Reminder, if [Message clipped] is displayed at the end of this message, please click on the View entire message link to see our complete newsletter.

Churchyard weeding and mulching

Saturday, Sept. 28 and Oct. 5, 9 a.m.

Stewardship Launch with Forum

Sunday, Sept. 29


Make Me an Instrument of Peace

7:15 Wednesday, Oct. 2

Blessing of the Animals

Oct. 5, 1:00 p.m.

Outdoor Worship with Baptism

Sunday, Oct. 6, 10:30 a.m.

Confirmation and visit

of Bishop Cathleen Bascom

Sunday, Dec. 15

How May We Pray for You?


The Prayer Chain prays daily for those who are ill, suffering or troubled; who have died; or who wish to offer praise and thanksgivings. Prayer Chain members find that their own private prayer life with God also deepens during this daily practice.


To add a person’s name to the prayer list or to become a Prayer Chain member, please call the parish office at 785-843-6166, or email: Prayers@trinitylawrence.org


We pray for those who need healing: Ed, Brian, Karsyn, Jeff, Stacey, Linda, Charles, David, Luke, Terri, Annie, Kane, Don, Joanna, Amy, Sandee, Dennes, Jan, Diane, Leonora, Andrea, Michael, Calvin, Tuesday, Vashti, Nancy, Darrell, Ann, Sydney, John, Mike, Whitney, Henry, Mary, Maria, Arceile, Margie, Becky, Peter, Jan


We pray for those with unnamed requests: Isaac, Lisa, Brylan, Alli, Mary, Shahad, Becky, Jim and Barbara, Lorne, the Ebeling family


We pray for the departed: Rosetta Lambert, Judy Sieg, James Glaser, Mark Rockwell, JD Souther, Donna Jo “Jody” Ebeling

We would like to know about hospitalizations, illnesses or special needs you are experiencing. Please call Deacon Deborah S. Burns or the church office so that we can help.

Pastoral Care Team


The Pastoral Care Team is ready to serve you.

  • Do you need prayer, a ride, a meal, or just some company?
  • Would you like to receive Holy Communion in your home?

You can call the church office, 785-843-6166, to let us know how we can help, or send an email to info@trinitylawrence.org with your confidential request.


We are eager to offer compassionate, confidential help, so please give us a call.

Historic Designation Application on Track

Our submission to the State Historic Preservation Office is still on track thanks to the hard work of Dale Nimz, our preservation consultant on this project. Dale's goal is to submit our application by November so they have time to review it prior to submission to the Historic Review Board in either February or June. (They only meet three times a year.)

If you have any questions about this effort feel free to contact Linda McCoy or April Dwyer by calling the office at 785-843-6166.

—Linda McCoy

Refugee Sponsors Prepare for Arrivals. Lawrence Interfaith Refugee and Immigrant Ministry, along with Assistance for Immigrants and Refugees, expects to sponsor a family or individuals coming to Lawrence. They have secured a $10,000 grant and need to put together committees to help with transportation, cultural adjustment, shopping, moving and identifying housing (both temporary/initial and permanent). Contact Chuck Olcese chuckolcese@gmail.com if you'd like to help.

Trinity Interfaith Food Pantry would especially appreciate donations of cereal and soup through the month of September. It's been difficult getting these important food items from the regular supplier.

Bishop Seabury Academy enrollment for 2025-2026 is open and will remain open until classes are filled. Seabury is located at 4120 Clinton Parkway in Lawrence. More info: seaburyacademy.org or contact Lisa Leroux-Smith, director of admissions, at lisalerouxsmith@seaburyacademy.org.

Make Me an Instrument of Peace. We are watching and talking about a video series to examine how to have productive discussions on polarizing issues. The series concludes Wednesday at 7:15 p.m. in the parish hall.

Settlement in food kitchen case. St. Timothy's Episcopal Church has won a lawsuit against the city of Brookings, Oregon. The city had passed a law limiting food kitchens to only offering free food twice a week, but St. Timothy's was providing meals four times a week. They sued on the premise of religious freedom. The city must pay a settlement of $400,000, most of it to cover the church's legal fees. Mother Jenn suggests donations to the Homeless Resource Center (recently rebranded from DARE). Put Homeless Resource Center in the memo line on your check or online donation, and we will write one large check for the center. 

Meals for Canterbury House. You can sign up online to support the campus ministry at KU Canterbury House by providing a meal for the house's Tuesday evening get-togethers. The volunteer sign-up link is https://volunteersignup.org/TCPRE.

LINK Sees Increasing Need

Trinity and St. Margaret's served the largest number of people so far this year at the Lawrence Interdenominational Nutrition Kitchen earlier this month – 128 people.

Thank you to those that provided food to serve and especially to those who helped prepare and serve food, wash dishes and clean up.

We need more people to help with this ministry. We could have used four more people to help with serving and dish washing.

Trinity and St. Margaret's next serve at LINK on Tuesday, Nov. 19.

—Garth Burns

TEST Tidbits: Motivating Environmental Action

Did you enjoy being in natural settings recently? Did the experience encourage you to want to learn more about your observations?

Experiencing and learning about the natural world, added to our awe and thankfulness for creation, should be enough to make us want to do our part in preserving and protecting this creation and gift from God. Despite good intentions, we get busy and old habits are heard to break.  

Calculating our carbon footprint (see sources) and making a check list of actions we have done for the home and energy use, garden/yard, transportation and purchasing habits are all helpful. Additionally, we can treat all creatures, land, air and water with care and consideration (think pesticides and plastics). Motivations abound! Now we all must “roll up our sleeves” and turn good intentions into real actions.

Earth Steward Action: Share “how to” actions with friends.

Sources: Examples of calculators: https://www.sustainislandhome.org  and https://www.interfaithpowerandlight.org/coolcongregations 

All TEST Tidbits here: https://www.trinitylawrence.org/test-tidbits

Karin Feltman: From Nepal

Hi everyone! We are working hard in the sewing center this week to make some special order items for my upcoming TEAM conference in Kathmandu (some gift bags for our childcare workers, and "cornhole" bean bags for the kids playtime).

After that, we will be making replacement items for the things we have sold on our website and for upcoming Christmas markets. Right now that is keeping us busy, but it is not enough work to keep us sewing for the rest of the year. Please pray for more orders.

I will be returning to Kathmandu on Oct. 1 in preparation for the conference, so prayers for travel and for a meaningful experience for our team in Nepal.

Thank you,


Worship with Us

... .. ............. .........

Sunday, September 29 – Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Wednesday, October 2

Have News to Share in The Corner?

Please send your brief articles – 150 words or less –

to corner@trinitylawrence.org by noon Wednesday each week.

Our newsletters are available on our website and Facebook page.

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The Rev. Jennifer Allen, Priest-in-Charge

Deborah S. Burns, Deacon • Stephen L. Segebrecht, Deacon • Rob Schwaller, Deacon

Office Hours 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday to Thursday — Phone 785-843-6166

Email office@trinitylawrence.orgFacebook @TrinityLawrenceKS