The Corner
Trinity's e-newsletter for the week of February 9, 2020
Set us free, O God, from the bondage of our sins, and give us the liberty of that abundant life which you have made known to us in your Son our Savior Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.  Amen.
Here are the latest opportunities to strengthen
your faith and connect with the community.
Fifth Sunday
after Epiphany
Sunday, February 9, 2020

8:00 a.m. - Rite I, Holy Eucharist  
Lector: Tod Sutton
Chalice: Gail Griffin, Nancy Pauw
Intercessor: Diana Dyal
Usher: Greg Hazen

10:30 a.m. - Rite II, Holy Eucharist
Lectors: Barbara Cook, Karen Keim
Chalice: Janine Cox, Kim Mandle
Intercessor: Austin Turney
Verger: Glenna Kleinkauf
Acolytes: Abigail Baldwin, Ellie Seybold, Lauren Seybold
Ushers: John Broholm, Alison Myers-Arenth, Craig Myers-Arenth, Kimberly Patterson


ENTRANCE HYMN (594) God of grace and God of glory (Cwm Rhondda) 

SEQUENCE HYMN (488) Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart (Slane) 

ANTHEM In Meeting, We Are Blessed (Troy Robertson)

OFFERTORY HYMN (380 v3) Praise God from whom all blessings ( Old 100th)

COMMUNION HYMN (667) Sometimes a light surprises (Light)

CLOSING HYMN (126) The people who in darkness walked (Dundee) 

POSTLUDE Sonata II: Allegro maestoso e vivace (Felix Mendelssohn) 

Altar Guild:
Katie Becker, Nora Clark, Cheryl Flessing, Dru Sampson, Bonnie Briscoe, Holly Hulburt, Gail Griffin

Flower Guild:
Terry Mandle

  Altar Flowers

This Sunday's Altar Flowers are given to the Glory of God
 The Liturgy of the Word

View the complete lectionary reading at
Upcoming Event: Trinity Youth Group
Date: Sunday, Feb. 9
Time: 6-7:30 p.m.
Location:  Parish Hall
We will be meeting in the Parish Hall this week. See full article below for details.

Upcoming Event: Trinity Women's Group
Date: Tuesday, Feb. 11
Time: 7 p.m.
Location:  Parish Hall
Description: We are having a women's group formation meeting for a monthly evening dinner gathering. See details in the full article following.

Upcoming Event: Holy
Date: Thursday, Feb. 13
Time: 5:30 p.m.
Location: Mama's Tamale Shop, 616 W. 9th Street. 
Description: We will sample different tamales, and you can order drinks to enjoy. A history of mama and her tamales will make for a very interesting evening. Cost is the normal $5.

Further details in the full article.
From the Rector's desk...

“How dear to me is your dwelling, O Lord of hosts!
My soul has a desire and longing for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh rejoice in the living God.”

The first verse of Psalm 84, heard last Sunday, presents a joyful, almost ecstatic feeling of the psalmist to be in the presence of God. At its most basic level, the reader could infer that the psalmist is excited to be in the temple in Jerusalem, the religious center of Judaism for centuries, and that likely was the initial intention. Certainly that dovetails with the story in the Gospel of the Presentation of Our Lord, in which Mary and Joseph take Jesus to the temple.

But for those of us living after the destruction of the temple during the Siege of Jerusalem in 70 CE, what real significance does this psalm have for us?

For me, it is a matter of a certain perspective. Many of us have seen, even own, plaques or paintings or cross-stitch artistry saying, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord,” a quote from Joshua 24:15. But what if rather than just serving the Lord, we understood that we were building our homes within the Lord; that our dwelling was not where God was invited in, like a long-term house guest, but that we lived the entirety of our lives within the dwelling place of God? Imagine a home where God’s loving presence, God’s forgiveness and grace, God’s purpose and plan for our lives permeated every room, every day, every decision? That rather than build something around God’s love, we built something within it? We could join the psalmist in saying, “Happy are the people whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on the pilgrims' way.”

We would understand also, then, that the love of God extends beyond that which is familiar and comfortable, beyond the confines of our homes, to the places where so many other people dwell. As a community of faith, rather than a long outpost, we could discover together the vision of God’s holy kingdom of people drawn together in strength, hope, and gratitude.

Yours in Christ,
Fr. Rob+
Long newsletter this week. If you do not see the "This Week at Trinity" at the bottom of the newsletter, there should be an expand button to click to view our complete newsletter.
Adult Forum

The Adult Forum is the study of the Book of Job. Join us as we start to explore Job chapter by chapter. This week we will review Job 1-2 and explore the possible dates and provenance of its authorship. The Adult Forum meets in the Jackson Kemper Room Sunday mornings at 9:30.
burning candle
We would like to know about hospitalizations, illnesses or special needs you are experiencing. Please call Father Rob, Deacon Deborah Burns, the Church office or a Vestry member so that we can help.
Middle and Senior High
Youth Group

This week at Youth Group we will be exploring what really matters to us! We will be doing a value finder activity and talking about how that impacts what we want to do with our time and our lives, and how our faith can help shape our decision making!

Trinity Youth Group meets every Sunday evening at 6 p.m. during the school year in our Parrish Hall with a monthly excursion off site. Youth 6 to 12 grade are welcome to join Sunday evenings and to bring a guest. Please spread the word.
Women's Evening Gathering

There has been interest shared on starting an evening meal gathering fashioned like the men’s Holy Stir-It meetings. 

We will meet this Tuesday February 11 at 7:00 p.m. in the Parrish Hall to decide a good time and day of the week for our monthly gathering at a local restaurant for a meal and fellowship. Whether we would like to meet each month at the same restaurant or rotate to different restaurants.  Meeting shouldn’t last more than an hour. 

If you have further questions about this first meeting, please contact Patti Anderson at or
Mary Perkins at .
BackSnack Update

As schools move to the second semester, the BackSnack program wanted to pause and thank all who have made this school year so successful. We were especially honored to receive $1,000 from the Trinity Endowment Committee. This money will be used to provide fruit to supplement the snacks from Harvesters. Our special thanks go to our volunteer drivers, those who pack the boxes and all those who pray for this program. Our work with students depends on your support. 
We would also like to thank Wes Nellis, the produce manager at Checkers, who is a champion of the BackSnack program. Wes watches out for produce that we can immediately put to good use and helps us make your donation dollars stretch for the good of all. We congratulate Wes on his recent nomination as Retail Produce Manager of the Year. 

Back Snack Fact: Currently 450 kids a week are served by the BackSnack program.  
Forward Day by Day for February, March, and April is ready in the track racks. Let it be part of your daily life whenever you take time to pray and meditate. Contemplate the passage of scripture. Then see the connection to the other passages referred to. Read the meditation and perhaps make your own. Pray for the people of the diocese for the day. Imagine how those Anglicans are praying.
Super Bowling 2020

Trinity Youth Group had a fun time bowling, mingling and watching the Super Bowl last Sunday evening.

Trinity Youth Group meets every Sunday evening at 6 p.m. during the school year in our Parrish Hall with a monthly excursion. Youth 6 to 12 grade are welcome to join Sunday evenings and to bring a guest.
Prayer Chain

To add a person's name to the prayer list or to become a prayer chain member, please contact the parish office... Prayers... or call 785-843-6166; or Carol Hatton, Prayer Chain coordinator (

The Prayer Chain prays daily for those who are ill, suffering or troubled; who have died; or who wish to offer praise and thanksgivings. Prayer Chain members find that their own private prayer life with God also deepens during this daily practice.

Pray for those who are ill: 
Eleanor, DJ, Karen, Rita, Baby Carter, George, Billy, Steve, Doug, Jimmie, Dianne, Peter, Mike, Amy, Becka, Terry, Crystal, Judith, Christy, Elise, Laird, Olivia, Amy, Julie, Raymond, Melissa, Ruth, Ann, Carol, Betsy, Kim, Keegan, Don, Tina, Royah-Marie

Pray for those with special intentions: 
Davis, Dane and Natalie, Karen, Paton, Bernadine, Stephanie, Mary, Polly, the Van Schmus family, Dan and Amanda, Pam, Matthew, Emily, Dick, Aaron, Cassandra, Matt, Jan, Alix, Karen, 
 Josh, Jessica, Cathy, the Lester family, Addison

Pray for those in the hospital: Neil Diamond, Christina, Arienne, Mary Jane

Pray for the departed:  Arlie Funk, Janet Boring, Betty Thompson, Jane Johnson, Lorraine Kaufman, Leroy Leland, Miller Stayrook,
Linda Rye-beck, Richard Thornton, Mark Rockwell, Steve Golightly, Father Evan Hawkins, Betty Thompson 
Join Us for Amazing Tamales!

Trinity's men's group Holy Stir-It will be meeting at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 13, at Mama's Tamale Shop, 616 W. 9th Street. 

We will sample different tamales, and you can order drinks to enjoy. A history of mama and her tamales will make for a very interesting evening. Cost is the normal $5.

RSVP to and hope to see y'all next Thursday at 5:30 p.m. !!! 

Deacon Steve 
TEST Tidbits: Environmental Rollbacks – A Snapshot Review

At the end of 2019 a report came out listing the Trump administration’s efforts to roll back, amend or eliminate federal regulations that were thought to hold back economic growth, especially in fossil fuel or large industrial businesses. This report was led by the Harvard Law School’s Environmental Regulation Rollback Tracker, the Columbia Law school’s Climate Deregulation Tracker, the Brookings Institution and various science reporters gathering information from the EPA, Interior Department and the Trump administration. Below are their findings. They divided them into regulations that were officially reversed or amended, regulations still in progress, and the total regulations under the headings of air pollution, drilling/extraction, infrastructure, animals, toxic substances/safety, water pollution and other. 

Fifty-eight rollbacks were officially reversed; 37 are still in progress. This makes a total of 95. Twenty-five rollbacks were attempted concerning air pollution – 16 were reversed, and nine are pending. Under the heading of drilling/extraction, 19 rollbacks were attempted – 10 reversed, and nine are pending. Under the heading of infrastructure, 12 were attempted – 11 were reversed, and one is pending. Under animals (most dealing with extinction or habitats), 10 were attempted – seven were reversed and three are pending. Concerning toxic substances/safety issues, eight were attempted – five were reversed and three are pending. Under water pollution and other issues, 10 were attempted– four were reversed, and six are pending. In the other category, 11 were attempted – five have been reversed and six are pending. These rollbacks already contribute to increased greenhouse gas emissions, will cause premature deaths in our population and will continue to affect our efforts to deal with climate change and the resulting costs of increased damage from floods, fires and severe storms. Thanks to many environmental entities for leading litigation to stall or reverse these rollback attempts.  

It would take too much room here to list all the rollbacks. Some of the most damaging are the Clean Power Plan rollback, the effort to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord, the rollbacks on regulating methane leaks, the lifting of bans on drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, loosening of regulations dealing with offshore drilling safety (remember the Deepwater oil disaster?) and rejection of a ban on chlorpyrifos, a chemical proven to cause developmental disabilities in children, as well as regulations on water health and animal extinction and habitat issues. Creation care and protection of vulnerable populations (human, animal or plant) are in the best interests of all.

EARTH STEWARD ACTION:  Take time to go to one of the sources and leaf through the extent of regulation reductions and pass on this information to friends and relatives so all are informed of the changes
DACA Presentation

On Feb. 12 at 7:30 p.m., a panel discussion on "DACA, the Supreme Court and why you should care" will be offered at the Lawrence Public Library, featuring:

Lua Yuille , professor of law and affiliated professor at the KU Center for Latin American & Caribbean Studies;

Alejandra Hernandez-Castro , program coordinator, Heartland CAMP scholarship program at KU;

Lydia Diebolt , director of Centro Hispano. 

Sponsored by the Lawrence Interfaith Refugee and Immigrant Ministry ( ) and Lawrence Public Library.
Mustard Seeds Weekend Retreat

When: Friday, Feb. 21, 7 p.m. to Sunday, Feb. 23, noon. New or younger musicians who want to try us out may choose to attend for Saturday only, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (or if you can’t attend the whole weekend, this is also an option)
Where: Good Shepherd, Wichita

Who: High School students who are interested in playing at youth events (junior high students may attend with Youth Missioner permission)

What: Leadership games, hang-out time, and most importantly, time to practice worship songs and maybe even record a few! The Mustard Seeds will provide the music for the 9 a.m. service and will play the offertory anthem at the 11 a.m. service.

Cost: $25 ($30 after Feb. 15); $15 for Saturday only
Registration form:  register online via UltraCamp

The full article explaining Mustard Seed weekend can be found on the Diocese website at
Volunteer Corner

Looking for something to do to help your Church? We have a few positions currently open. Please contact Cathy if you are able to spare a few hours at

Sunday School Assistants – Assist Susan once a month with our children during Sunday School class time.

Funeral Reception Coordinator – Bonnie Briscoe coordinates the funeral service, and this position helps coordinate the volunteers who provide a small reception following funerals. Many people frequently bring in cookies, etc., as an act of compassion and hospitality, but we need someone to coordinate those efforts.

Vestry Clerk –   This position takes notes for our Vestry meetings and Annual Parish meeting. Please contact Steven King at to fill this important position with our Vestry.
Reminder that articles for our newsletter should be sent to by noon Wednesday each week.

Our newsletters are available on our website and Facebook page.
Vestry Meetings

The next scheduled Vestry meetings are:

February Vestry Retreat
March 23
April 20

Meetings are open to all. The minutes of each meeting are posted to the church bulletin board and Trinity Vestry Minutes. Your Vestry can be contacted at

Minutes through October have been added to our website.
Save the Dates

Mustard Seeds Weekend Retreat
Friday, Feb. 21, 7 p.m. to Sunday, Feb. 23, noon
Good Shepherd, Wichita

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Feed
Tuesday, Feb. 25, 5- 7 p.m.
Parish Hall

Ash Wednesday Services
Wednesday, Feb. 26, noon and 7 p.m.

Episcopal Summer Mega Camp  
Sunday, May 31, 2:30 p.m. to Saturday, June 6, 11 a.m.
Camp Wood YMCA, Elmdale, Kansas

Trinity Vestry 2020
Rob Baldwin, Rector 785-424-4312
Steve King ‘21, Senior Warden 913-645-3135
Richard Lungstrum, Junior Warden ‘20 785-760-5447
Jennifer Attocknie ‘20 785-760-2938
Elizabeth Miller, Treasurer ‘20 785-766-8175
Dave Severance ‘20, 785-691-7261
Betsi Anderson ‘21 785-843-9083
Leslie Foust ‘21 785-979-1829
Camille Olcese ‘21 620-704-4180
John Broholm ‘22 785-766-7002
Donna Griffin, ‘22 785-865-6039
Linda McCoy ‘22 785-550-6743
Bill Perkins ‘22 785-331-4401

Ministry Opportunities

Thursday, February 6
10 a.m., Trinity Treasures
9 p.m., Tea and Compline at Canterbury House

Friday, February 7
6 a.m., Pump 'n' Pray

Saturday, February 8
9 a.m., Organ Practice
10 a.m., Food Pantry

Sunday, February 9
8 a.m., Holy Eucharist, Rite I
9:30 a.m., Adult Forum
10:30 a.m., Holy Eucharist, Rite II
11:30 a.m., Coffee Hour
6-7:30 p.m., Youth Group in Parrish Hall

Monday, February 10
6 a.m., Pump 'n' Pray

Tuesday, February 11
10:30 a.m., Staff meeting
1 p.m., Food Pantry
7 p.m., Women's Group

Wednesday, February 12
6 a.m., Pump 'n' Pray
6 p.m., Evening Dinner
6:30 p.m., Evening Prayer

Thursday, February 13
9:30 a.m., Brandon Woods Eucharist
10 a.m., Trinity Treasures
5:30 p.m., Holy Stir -It
9 p.m., Tea and Compline at Canterbury House

Friday, February 14
6 a.m., Pump 'n' Pray

Saturday, February 15
9 a.m., Organ Practice
10 a.m., Food Pantry
7:00 p.m., Board Games and Beer

Sunday, February 16
Discretionary Sunday
8 a.m., Holy Eucharist, Rite I
9:30 a.m., Adult Forum
10:30 a.m., Holy Eucharist, Rite II
11:30 a.m., Coffee Hour
6-7:30 p.m., Youth Group in Parish Hall
1011 Vermont St. Lawrence, Kansas 66044
Office hours: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday
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