The Corner
Trinity's e-newsletter for the week of February 2, 2020
Almighty and everliving God, we humbly pray that, as your only-begotten Son was this day presented in the temple, so we may be presented to you with pure and clean hearts by Jesus Christ our Lord; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Here are the latest opportunities to strengthen
your faith and connect with the community.
The Presentation of
Our Lord
Sunday, February 2, 2020

8:00 a.m. - Rite I, Holy Eucharist  
Lector: Sidney Sutton
Chalice: Leslie Foust, Andrew Hoyt
Intercessor: Marian Wilbur
Usher: Derek Pauw

10:30 a.m. - Rite II, Holy Eucharist
Lectors: Margie Lawrence, Jennifer Attocknie
Chalice: Will Chaney,
Janine Cox
Intercessor: Kimberly Patterson
Verger: Brian Haupt
Acolytes: Ari Myers-Arenth,
Caroline Schmidt,
Claire Schmidt
Ushers: David Griffin, Gail Griffin, David Severance,
Vashti Winterburg


ENTRANCE HYMN (556) Rejoice, ye pure in heart (Marion)

SEQUENCE HYMN (497) How bright appears the Morning (Wie schön leuchtet)

OFFERTORY HYMN (380 v3) Praise God from whom all blessings ( Old 100th)

COMMUNION HYMN (34) Christ, mighty Savior (Innisfree Farm)  

CLOSING HYMN (436) Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates (Truro)

Altar Guild:
Katie Becker, Nora Clark, Cheryl Flessing, Dru Sampson, Bonnie Briscoe, Holly Hulburt, Gail Griffin

Flower Guild:
Connie Price

  Altar Flowers

This Sunday's Altar Flowers are given to the Glory of God
 The Liturgy of the Word

View the complete lectionary reading at
Upcoming Event: Chili and Cinnamon Rolls
Date: Sunday, Feb. 2
Time: 11:30 a.m.
Location: Parish Hall
Description: Join us for our annual Super Bowl Chili and Cinnamon Roll get together after the service. Vegetarian chili will be available. Free will offering going to TIFP.

Upcoming Event: Super Bowling
Date: Sunday, Feb. 2
Time: 6 p.m.
Location: Royal Crest Lanes,
933 Iowa St.
Description: Bowling party for our 6 to 12 graders. See details in the full article.

Upcoming Event: Women's Lunch Group
Date: Monday, Feb. 3
Time: noon
Location: Perkins Restaurant & Bakery, 1711 W. 23rd St.
Description: Women meeting for lunch and fellowship. Dutch treat. All are welcome.

Upcoming Event: Christian Classics
Date: Wednesday, Feb. 5
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Location: Trinity Library
Description: Christian Classics will discuss "The Essential Writings of Christian Mysticism ," edited by Bernard McGinn. All are welcome to attend.
From the Rector's desk...

In the last week there has been a suspected case of coronavirus at Lawrence Memorial Hospital, with the patient having recently traveled from China. That patient is in quarantine and at the time of the writing of this article the virus has not been definitively identified.

However, it brings back into our common discourse the question of safe practices associated with our Eucharistic traditions, especially the use of a common cup. Theologically the common cup is a central element of the Eucharistic experience, in the notion of “one bread, one cup,” and the Book of Common Prayer says only one chalice should be on the altar during the liturgy. It is worth noting, however, that we as Christians have largely abandoned the “one loaf” policy out of logistical issues, so the concept is more theological and liturgical rather than rigidly mandatory.

But the issue is not a new one for the Episcopal Church, and in my own life I have seen the denomination wrestle with the question as HIV/AIDS came into public awareness, and later SARS, and then H1N1 or the “swine flu.” I found a 2009 letter from the bishop of the Diocese of New York, in response to H1N1, to be particularly helpful in spelling out some common sense practices. Here is an excerpt:
  • There is very little risk in the use of a common cup if a clean purificator is used appropriately. This means wiping both the outside and the inside of the lip of the cup, with a clean part of the purificator, each time the cup is administered. It is suggested that more than one purificator be readily available for the chalice bearers in larger congregations.
  • It is imperative that Eucharistic ministers have clean hands when administering the bread. It is suggested that the lavabo be of an adequate size to accommodate some soapy water in which the hands can be truly cleansed and then rinsed by the pouring of additional water. The use of an alcohol hand sanitizer is also recommended.
  • Intinction by the communicant is strongly discouraged. If communicants have a personal preference for this manner of receiving the Sacrament, it should be only the clergy, who have utilized the lavabo, who intinct the host.
  • When intinction is the preferred method of receiving Communion the priest or deacon should take the wafer directly from the ciborium, not the communicant’s hand, to avoid introducing that person’s germs into the chalice.
  • Silver has a mildly antimicrobial effect which is beneficial but it is not sufficient without the above-mentioned precautions.
  • Receiving the Sacrament “in one kind” has always been, and continues to be, an acceptable alternative for communicants. While we promote the use of the common cup, we also want to offer this option for those who prefer it since it too has ancient precedent in our spiritual life. Indeed this entire message is designed to retain our inclusive community with its rich heritage of commonality.
In light of this, I will be adding the use of hand sanitizer to the washing regimen before the Eucharistic Prayer, but I would especially encourage people to use sound judgement and common sense. If you are showing symptoms of any potentially infectious disease, please use restraint both in the participation of the Eucharist and the passing of the Peace. Remember that it is possible to receive a blessing, or just the bread, as an alternative to the traditional bread-and-wine participation. Mostly, be smart, use good judgement, and stay safe.

Yours in Christ,
Fr. Rob+
Long newsletter this week. If you do not see the "This Week at Trinity" at the bottom of the newsletter, there should be an expand button to click to view our complete newsletter.
Adult Forum

The Adult Forum is the study of the Book of Hebrews. Join us as we explore the Letter to the Hebrews from the New Testament chapter by chapter. This week we will review Hebrews 13 and recap. The Adult Forum meets in the Jackson Kemper Room Sunday mornings at 9:30.
burning candle
We would like to know about hospitalizations, illnesses or special needs you are experiencing. Please call Father Rob, Deacon Deborah Burns, the church office or a Vestry member so that we can help.
BackSnack Update

As schools move to the second semester, the BackSnack program wanted to pause and thank all who have made this school year so successful. We were especially honored to receive $1,000 from the Trinity Endowment Committee. This money will be used to provide fruit to supplement the snacks from Harvesters. Our special thanks go to our volunteer drivers, those who pack the boxes and all those who pray for this program. Our work with students depends on your support. 
We would also like to thank Wes Nellis, the produce manager at Checkers, who is a champion of the BackSnack program. Wes watches out for produce that we can immediately put to good use and helps us make your donation dollars stretch for the good of all. We congratulate Wes on his recent nomination as Retail Produce Manager of the Year. 

Back Snack Fact: Currently 450 kids a week are served by the BackSnack program.  
Prayer Chain

To add a person's name to the prayer list or to become a prayer chain member, please contact the parish office... Prayers... or call 785-843-6166; or Carol Hatton, Prayer Chain coordinator (

The Prayer Chain prays daily for those who are ill, suffering or troubled; who have died; or who wish to offer praise and thanksgivings. Prayer Chain members find that their own private prayer life with God also deepens during this daily practice.

Pray for those who are ill: 
Eleanor, DJ, Karen, Rita, Baby Carter, George, Billy, Steve, Doug, Jimmie, Dianne, Peter, Mike, Amy, Becka, Terry, Crystal, Judith, Christy, Elise, Laird, Olivia, Amy, Julie, Raymond, Melissa, Ruth, Ann, Carol, Betsy, Kim, Keegan

Pray for those with special intentions: 
Davis, Dane and Natalie, Karen, Paton, Bernadine, Stephanie, Mary, Polly, the Van Schmus family, Dan and Amanda, Pam, Matthew, Emily, Dick, Aaron, Cassandra, Matt, Jan, Alix, Karen, Josh, Jessica
Pray for those in the hospital: Neil Diamond, Christina, Arienne,
Mary Jane

Pray for the departed:  Kobe Bryant and his daughter, Jay Harker, Bertha Born, Chris Anderson
Super Bowling Sunday

Trinity Youth Group will go Super Bowling on Feb. 2. We will meet at Royal Crest Lanes, 933 Iowa St., at 6 p.m. The football game is broadcast to various screens but the real action will be down the lanes. If you have further questions, please contact Will Chaney at 205-913-1189.

Youth in grades 6 through 12 are invited to attend and to bring a friend. Please spread the word.
TEST Tidbits: Yes, Spring Is Coming and So Are the Bees

Perhaps the worst of winter is over– or not. But, it is close to being nice enough to get out favorite catalogs and garden books and begin planning for veggies and flowers. It is especially important to plan for bees.

Did you know that bee pollination is responsible for about one-third of the food we eat, including fruits, nuts and vegetables? According to the Natural History PANORAMA flyer, there are 25,000 species of bees worldwide, and a single worker bee visits up to several thousand flowers a day. A honeybee can fly as fast as 15 miles per hour and up to 6 miles from the hive. You can learn more if you and your children visit the Natural History Museum’s Discovery Day on pollinators from 10 to noon on Friday, May 22. It is a morning filled with hands-on activities and fun for the whole family. Best part– it is free. Also, please remember, there is a live beehive on the museum’s 6th floor. For more information call 785-864-4450. Museum hours are 9-5 Tuesday through Saturday, and noon to 4 on Sundays. Closed Mondays. PANORAMA is full of lots of other fun events at the museum. If you did not get a flyer in the mail, call and get one. If you don’t have a handy child, borrow one for the day.

If you follow the site, you will get a list of plants that will attract bees. Popular flowers you might plant are the aster, black eyed Susan, and purple cornflower. That same site will ask you to use organic starts and untreated seeds that will be safer for the bees. It is especially important to stay clear of all brands that have neonics hiding inside. Here are a few of the most popular brand names: Flagship, Flower, Rose & Shrub Care, Caravan, Grub-No-More, Merit, Pronto – and the list goes on. However, there are alternatives. Please ask your garden store manager. Bees and other pollinators are so important to our food supply and for the beauty of flowers we all love to see in our yards. Do your part in keeping them happy.  

EARTH STEWARD ACTION:  Begin planning a bee-friendly garden or container garden today. Monitor any chemicals you use for the yard. See the list online or on the church bulletin board.

SOURCES: and the colorful flyer sent out by the Friends of The Earth organization, as well as PANORAMA--Spring Calendar of Events for KU Natural History Museum & Biodiversity Institute (2020) 
Mustard Seeds Weekend retreat

When: Friday, February 21, 7 p.m. to Sunday, Feb. 23, noon. New or younger musicians who want to try us out may choose to attend for Saturday only, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (or if you can’t attend the whole weekend, this is also an option)
Where: Good Shepherd, Wichita

Who: High School students who are interested in playing at youth events (junior high students may attend with Youth Missioner permission)

What: Leadership games, hang-out time, and most importantly, time to practice worship songs and maybe even record a few! The Mustard Seeds will provide the music for the 9 a.m. service and will play the offertory anthem at the 11 a.m. service.

Cost: $25 ($30 after Feb. 15); $15 for Saturday only
Registration form:  register online via UltraCamp

The full article explaining Mustard Seed weekend can be found on the Diocese website at
S upport Bishop Seabury Academy
Purchase Your Grocery Cards through BSAP
Each month Bishop Seabury Academy Parents provides the opportunity for parents, staff and friends to purchase gift cards to local grocers HyVee, Checkers, the Community Mercantile, Natural Grocers and Sprouts. 

The grocery card program is the primary funding source for BSAP. The cards are sold at face value and BSAP receives a discount on their purchase.
BSAP receives 6% of the card value from HyVee, Checkers and the Merc, and 5% from Natural Grocers and Sprouts. 

BSAP needs to have your order by the 15th of every month to include it in the following month's orders. For example, order by 10/15, and your cards will be available on 11/1 with Betsy at the school office.

See the link below for detailed info.
Volunteer Corner

Looking for something to do to help your Church? We have a few positions currently open. Please contact Cathy if you are able to spare a few hours at

Sunday School Assistants – Assist Susan once a month with our children during Sunday School class time.

Funeral Reception Coordinator – Bonnie Briscoe coordinates the funeral service, and this position helps coordinate the volunteers who provide a small reception following funerals. Many people frequently bring in cookies, etc., as an act of compassion and hospitality, but we need someone to coordinate those efforts.

Vestry Clerk –   This position takes notes for our Vestry meetings and Annual Parish meeting. Please contact Steven King at to fill this important position with our Vestry.
Forward Day by Day for February, March, and April is ready in the track racks. Let it be part of your daily life whenever you take time to pray and meditate. Contemplate the passage of scripture. Then see the connection to the other passages referred to. Read the meditation and perhaps make your own. Pray for the people of the diocese for the day. Imagine how those Anglicans are praying.
Reminder that articles for our newsletter should be sent to by noon Wednesday each week.

Our newsletters are available on our website and Facebook page.
Vestry Meetings

The next scheduled Vestry meetings are:

February Vestry Retreat
March 23
April 20

Meetings are open to all. The minutes of each meeting are posted to the church bulletin board and Trinity Vestry Minutes. Your Vestry can be contacted at

Minutes through October have been added to our website.
Save the Dates

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Feed
Tuesday, Feb. 25, 5- 7 p.m.
Parish Hall

Mustard Seeds Weekend retreat
Friday, Feb. 21, 7 p.m. to Sunday, Feb. 23, noon
Good Shepherd, Wichita

Ash Wednesday Services
Wednesday, Feb. 26, noon and 7 p.m.

Episcopal Summer Mega Camp  
Sunday, May 31, 2:30 p.m. to Saturday, June 6, 11 a.m.
Camp Wood YMCA, Elmdale, Kansas

Trinity Vestry 2020
Rob Baldwin, Rector 785-424-4312
Steve King ‘21, Senior Warden 913-645-3135
Richard Lungstrum, Junior Warden ‘20 785-760-5447
Jennifer Attocknie ‘20 785-760-2938
Elizabeth Miller, Treasurer ‘20 785-766-8175
Dave Severance ‘20, 785-691-7261
Betsi Anderson ‘21 785-843-9083
Leslie Foust ‘21 785-979-1829
Camille Olcese ‘21 620-704-4180
John Broholm ‘22 785-766-7002
Donna Griffin, ‘22 785-865-6039
Linda McCoy ‘22 785-550-6743
Bill Perkins ‘22 785-331-4401

Ministry Opportunities

Thursday, January 30
10 a.m., Trinity Treasures
1:30, p.m., Women's Quest-ioning
9 p.m., Tea and Compline at Canterbury House

Friday, January 31
6 a.m., Pump 'n' Pray

Saturday, February 1
9 a.m., Organ Practice
10 a.m., Food Pantry

Sunday, February 2
8 a.m., Holy Eucharist, Rite I
9:30 a.m., Adult Forum
10:30 a.m., Holy Eucharist, Rite II
11:30 a.m., Coffee Hour
6-7:30 p.m., Youth Group at Royal Lanes

Monday, February 3
6 a.m., Pump 'n' Pray
Noon, Women's Lunch Group

Tuesday, February 4
10:30 a.m., Staff meeting
1 p.m., Food Pantry

Wednesday, February 5
6 a.m., Pump 'n' Pray
6 p.m., Evening Dinner
6:30 p.m., Evening Prayer
7:30 p.m., Christian Classics

Thursday, February 6
10 a.m., Trinity Treasures
9 p.m., Tea and Compline at Canterbury House

Friday, February 7
6 a.m., Pump 'n' Pray

Saturday, February 8
9 a.m., Organ Practice
9:30 a.m., Reserved
10 a.m., Food Pantry

Sunday, February 9
8 a.m., Holy Eucharist, Rite I
9:30 a.m., Adult Forum
10:30 a.m., Holy Eucharist, Rite II
11:30 a.m., Coffee Hour
Noon, Friendship Circle Meeting
6-7:30 p.m., Youth Group in Parrish Hall
1011 Vermont St. Lawrence, Kansas 66044
Office hours: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday
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