The Corner
Trinity's e-newsletter for the week of July 14th 2019
O Lord, mercifully receive the prayers of your people who call upon you, and grant that they may know and understand what things they ought to do, and also may have grace and power faithfully to accomplish them; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Here are the latest opportunities to strengthen
your faith and connect with the community.
Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, July 14th, 2019

8:00 a.m. - Rite I, Holy Eucharist  

Chalice Bearers: Donna Olson, Gail Griffin
Lector: Eleanor Symons
Intercessor: Carol Hatton
Usher: Andrew Hoyt

10:30 a.m. - Rite II, Holy Eucharist
Chalice Bearers: Kim Mandle, Andrew Hoyt
Lectors: Anne Patterson, Rachel Schwaller
Intercessor:Austin Turney
Verger: Glenna Kleinkauf
Acolytes: Dylan and Max Eldridge; Geme Ajekwu
Ushers:    Bob Sanner, Jennifer Sanner, Bruce Roberts, 
Harlanne Roberts

Altar Guild:
Melinda McKnight, Gail Van Loenen, Barbara Haverty, Karen Keim, Jennifer Sanner; Debbie Pitts


Entrance Hymn: 657 Love divine, all loves excelling (Hyfrydol)

Sequence Hymn: 529 In Christ there is no East or West (McKee)

Offertory Hymn: 380 (v. 3)
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow (Old 100th)

Communion Hymn: 341 For the bread which you have broken (Omni die)

Closing: Hymn: 344 Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing (Sicilian Mariners)

  Altar Flowers

Altar flowers for this Sunday are to the glory of God and the celebration of Robert Procter's blessed life.
 The Liturgy of the Word

See the complete lectionary reading at www.lectionarypage.n et .
Upcoming Event: Friendship
Date: July 14th Circle
Time: 12:00 p.m.
Location: The Friendship Circle will meet after church at noon in the library on Sunday, July 14. We will choose a restaurant to visit for lunch. For those who are interested, we will go to Liberty Hall and see the movie
“Pavarotti.” All parishioners are welcome to join us. Please RSVP to Susan Ralston ([email protected])

Upcoming Event: LINK Service
Date:  July 16th
Time:  12:00 p.m
Location: First Christian Church 1000 Kentucky
Description: Trinity and St. Margaret's Episcopal Church will serve with the Lawrence Interdenominational Nutrition Kitchen (LINK).

Upcoming Event: Family Play Time
Date:  Wednesdays
Time:  3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Location: Trinity Nursery
Description: All families are welcome, ages 0-3 years old. Older siblings also welcome. Stop by anytime to play and visit! Light refreshments provided. Hope to see you there!
From the Rector's desk..

This may look a little bit like those “back to school” sales you are already seeing in stores, but we are already doing some major planning for the upcoming school year. The two biggest items on the list are hiring a new Christian Formation staff person and renovating the lower level of the parish hall.

The new Christian Formation staff person will be in charge of children’s Christian education programs including Sunday School, seasonal special events like the Christmas pageant, and other various ministries. This staff person will work closely with the youth minister, children’s music director, and myself throughout the year. If you know of anyone who would love a friendly, supportive, and meaningful work environment and would be a great addition to the Trinity family, please let me know!

Second, we are in the process of re-visioning the space in the lower level. A while ago the area was vandalized, especially the carpeted floors, and as we make those repairs the Vestry and I agree that it is time for us to think about how to best use that space. Ideally that area should serve Trinity’s needs, especially for its educational programs. That means a space that is useful, attractive, and easy to maintain. There is a task force assembled to work on this project, but we are always interested in hearing your ideas, so feel free to approach me or one of the members of your Vestry with your thoughts.

As always, Trinity is a congregation that seeks to love all of our members, including our youngest who are not only the future of the church, but vital members of the church today.
Adult Form

The Adult Forum looks at the First Epistle to Timothy

While traditionally attributed to Paul as a letter written to his protégé in Ephesus, modern scholars now think that the First Epistle to Timothy (or 1 Timothy as it is sometimes written) was composed in the late-first to early-second century AD. The letter contains themes of what to avoid and what to repair in the Church, including some instruction that is controversial in our own time. Join us as we explore this book of the New Testament for the next six weeks in the Adult Forum Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM in the downstairs Jackson Kemper Room.
Reminder that articles for our newsletter should be sent to [email protected] by Wednesday noon each week. The newsletters are also available on our website and Facebook page.
Vestry Meetings

Vestry meeting are held the fourth Mondays of each month. The next scheduled meetings are:

July 22nd, August 26th,
September 23rd

All meetings are open to the congregation and July's will start at 7:00 p.m. The minutes of each meeting are posted to the Church bulletin board and Trinity Vestry Minutes...

Minutes through May have been added to our website.

Prayer Chain

To add a person's name to the prayer list or to become a prayer chain member, please contact the parish office.. Prayers... ; or call 785-843-6166) or Carol Hatton, Prayer Chain coordinator ( [email protected] ) .

The Prayer Chain prays daily for those who are ill, suffering, troubled, have died, or wish to offer praise and thanksgivings. Prayer Chain members find that their own private prayer life with God also deepens during this daily practice.

Pray for those who are ill: 
Laura, Gwenyth, Velta Rose, Mike, Richard, Ann, Larrie, Carra, Glenna, Oliva, DJ

Prayer for those with special intentions:  
Aron, Ingrid, Jennifer, Matt, the Van Schmus family

Prayer for those in the hospital:
Richard, Dick, Monica, Griffin, Edith, Neil, Gail, Kathy, Trudy, Karen

Pray for the departed: Donnis Graham, Charles Kramer, Karen McBride, Carolyn Stauffer, Robert Ralstin, Robert Procter
Summer Sunday School teachers needed!

You’ll get a complete lesson plan with activities, games, and lessons to work with, and the great feeling that comes from shaping the faith lives of our youngest members while having fun at the same time! The sign-up sheet is located in the atrium of the church, or you can contact Fr. Rob at [email protected]

On Tuesday, July 16th, Trinity Episcopal Church and St. Margaret's Episcopal Church will serve with the Lawrence Interdenominational Nutrition Kitchen (LINK) at the First Christian Church (1000 Kentucky).

Please sign up in the parish hall to provide casseroles, milk, salads, fruit (especially bananas), and bread. Signup sheets will be available on Sunday, July 14th.

We will be needing additional assistants since this is during school vacation! People to cook casseroles that will serve 10-12, people to bring food of other types, and really importantly, people to join us in the kitchen (down the stairs on 10th Street, just off the alley between Vermont and Kentucky) at noon on that Tuesday.

The gold standard for casseroles is a hot casserole in an aluminum foil pan delivered at noon. If you can't make that arrangement, we are happy to have food left in the kitchen at Trinity on Sunday and we will swoop in a take it to LINK on Tuesday. Orean Kent shops for LINK on Monday; if you would prefer to have her pick up your donation, you can get cash or a check to her before then.

Orean Kent ([email protected] or 842-8021) and Catherine Hale Robins are co-chairs for LINK; you may contact Orean to let her know what you are bringing or if you have questions.

Everyone is abuzz about the coming 5G network and devices. People will be even more connected to one another, devices will be much faster (10 times faster than 4G), more un-served areas will have better connectivity. There will be more jobs and a bright future for all of the manufacturers of new devices. So, what could possibly be even slightly off about such a good thing?

Some health researchers and weather data collectors and scientists that study high frequency radio waves are sounding the alarm. By the size of the investments already put into 5 G networks, their voices might be lost in the rush for the next big thing. 

For the complete article, please click here..

EARTH STEWARD ACTION: Be aware consumers. Look into the question of 5G. If you consider it problematic, —advocate for more research.
SOURCES:,, (favorable to 5G)

Visit the Trinity website for full and past articles 
News From Nepal

First, a brief health update- I am recovering from my surgeries slowly but surely. There is still a lot of swelling and bruising all over my body, and the pain in the arm incisions is pretty intense, but I am becoming more mobile and increasing in endurance a little each day. I am able to walk about a mile and a half at a time (over 45 minutes) and have been driving short distances to my PT appointments. It feels good to get back to some semblance of "normal." I will be returning to KS this coming weekend, so please be praying for comfortable and pain-free travel. I also plan to be at STM this Sunday, but won't really be hugging anyone because of the pain. No offense- I will hug you soon! :)  

On a ministry note, the women's group have received their loans for their micro businesses and are off and running! I am attaching picture's of Maichang's new chicken coop and chickens. She will be doing an egg/meat business, if all goes well. She is a believer who attends my church in the village. Her mother recently died, and her father is raising the family and doing all of the cultivating/growing of the foods they eat, but her income from the tailoring group (and now this business) is the sole income for their family. Please pray for success! 

Lastly, please pray for my heart. Not physically, but emotionally. As you know, my Nepali father committed suicide last year as I was en route to Nepal from the US, and I just received word this week that the very first girl from the safe house that I ever mentored in Nepal has also taken her life. Loving people is messy, at best, but situations like this are just heartbreaking. I take solace in knowing that she was a child of God and we will meet again one day. 

See you soon! 
Ministry Opportunities

Friday, July 12th
6:00 a.m., Pump 'n' Pray
6:00 p.m., Area Clergy Dinner

Saturday, July 13th
10:00 a.m., Organ Practice
10:00 a.m., Robert Procter Funeral

Sunday, July 14th
8:00 a.m., Holy Eucharist, Rite I
9:30 a.m., Adult Forum
10:30 a.m., Holy Eucharist, Rite II
11:30 a.m., Coffee Hour
12:00 p.m., Friendship Circle Gathering

Monday, July 15th
6:00 a.m., Pump 'n' Pray

Tuesday, July 16th
10:30 a.m, Staff Meeting
12:00 p.m., LINK Service
2:00 p.m., Food Pantry

Wednesday, July 17th
6:00 a.m., Pump 'n' Pray
3:00 p.m., Family Play Time
6:00 p.m., Evening Dinner
6:45 p.m., Evening Prayers

Thursday, July 18th
10:00 a.m., Trinity Treasures

Friday, July 19th
6:00 a.m., Pump 'n' Pray

Saturday, July 20th
10:00 a.m., Organ Practice
7:00 p.m., Board Games and Beer

Sunday, July 21st
Discretionary Sunday
8:00 a.m., Holy Eucharist, Rite I
9:30 a.m., Adult Forum
10:30 a.m., Holy Eucharist, Rite II
11:30 a.m., Coffee Hour
12:00 p.m.,  Alphabet Soup Parent's Group

1011 Vermont St. Lawrence, Kansas 66044