The Corner
Trinity's e-newsletter for the week of May 3, 2020
O God, whose Son Jesus is the good shepherd of your people: Grant that when we hear his voice we may know him who calls us each by name, and follow where he leads; who, with you and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Here are the latest opportunities to strengthen
your faith and connect with the community.
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Fourth Sunday of Easter
10:30 a.m.
Morning Prayer

 The Liturgy of the Word

Livestream link:

Bulletin link:

View the complete lectionary readings at

Wednesday, May 6, 2020
7 p.m. - Evening Prayer

Livestream Link:

Bulletin link:
Upcoming Event: Trinity Youth Group
Date: Sunday, May 3
Time: 4:30 p.m.
Location: Zoom
Description: We will use Zoom to meet online and join the weekly Diocese Youth Group's online meeting.

Meeting ID:  560 802 994

Upcoming Event: Anchor Women
Date: Tuesday, May 5
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: Zoom
Description: Our mission is to have a community of women of various ages and backgrounds to share thoughts, stories, highlights, fun and laughter. For more information reach out to Patti Anderson ( [email protected]  785-766-2453) or Mary Perkins ( [email protected]  785-550-4401).

See item below for more information about this new group.

Upcoming Event: Children's Story Time with Susan
Date: Tuesday and Thursday
Time: 10 a.m.
Location: Livestream
Description:  Susan Hires reads picture books and children's literature, with some beekeeping when weather permits.

Upcoming Event: Friendship Circle
Date: Wednesday, May 6
Time: 4 p.m.
Location: Zoom
Description:   If you would like to join us, please contact Susan Ralston at  [email protected]  for an invitation.  The Friendship Circle welcomes those who are widowed, divorced, single, or who are seeking friendship from parishioners. All are welcome.

Upcoming Event: Evening Prayer Service
Date: Wednesday, May 6
Time: 7 p.m.
Location: Livestream
Description: Join us via for Evening Prayer each week. Livestream:
From the Rector's Desk...

I’m continuing with my survey of Church history, architecture, music, and liturgy this week with the period of the rise of the Roman Church (313-750 CE). It is during this time that secular authority took on a new and dramatic role in the life of the Christian faith.

But first, some backstory. The emperor Diocletian divided the Roman Empire in half in 293 CE, with a primary emperor, “Augustus,” in the West, and an assistant emperor, “Caesar,” in the East. In 312 CE Constantine, who had been the Augustus of the West, took control of the entirety of the empire by defeating his Caesar. There is a story recorded in historical texts of that prior to the battle of Maxentius, Constantine was instructed in a dream to place a Christian symbol on the shields of his soldiers. His victory at Maxentius confirmed his faith in Christianity, and while all religions continued to have the right to exist under his rule, the Christian religion gained special privileges.

As such, the Christian Church went from being located in people’s homes to being located in structures that resembled palaces. In fact, one of the most common church designs, the basilica (literally translated “the hall of the king”), was based on a design for governmental buildings. The basilica had a long, rectangular shape with a main entrance on one of the short ends and a hemispherical wall on the other, usually covered by a dome. Under the circular end, called an “apse,” the clergy would be seated around a central altar and baptismal font while participants sat in benches along the long aisle leading from one end to another.

This era also saw the introduction of liturgical music, still mostly chanted, that we continue to use today, including the Kyrie, the Gloria, and the Sanctus.  These hymns had been used widely in the eastern portion of the empire in daily offices, but they appeared in western liturgies by the fifth centure. Because there was still not the musical notation forms we are familiar with in today’s culture, these hymns were memorized by specialized musicians, with parishioners joining in the refrains and responses.

But perhaps the most significant change that occurred in Christianity under Constantine was the canonization of the Christian scriptures (aka the “New Testament”) and the beginning of standardizing some aspects of theology, illustrated in the Nicene Creed. Often overlooked is the creation of hymnals, calendars of the saints, and liturgical instruction that also occurred during this time.

Just as church buildings became more ornate, the vessels of the service also became more ornate and reflected a greater reverence for the bread and the wine. Special dishes, such as the paten (the plate for holding the bread during the service) and the pyx (a container for consecrated bread remaining from the service) appeared. Having one cup was still maintained, but it now had to accommodate large crowds of people, so chalices became large urns with wide bases and handles to assist with drinking. Some of these could be six inches in diameter, and made from precious metals. Full participation in the Eucharist was still maintained, with the remoteness of the bread and wine from the congregation not appearing until the centuries that followed.

Yours in Christ,
Fr. Rob+
Reminder, if you do not see the "This Week at Trinity" at the bottom of the newsletter, there should be an expand button to click to view our complete newsletter.
Family Promise
Family Promise

Currently there is only one family in the temporary housing program, but it could change before our host week which is scheduled for May 3.  

We are asking for monetary donations to help pay for the groceries for the families. It would be easiest if those interested and able to would donate money to Trinity and earmark it to Family Promise. Click here to donate.

Thank you for all of your support. Hoping that we are back to a more normal schedule for our next rotation this summer.

Jamie McNally
Prayer Chain

To add a person's name to the prayer list or to become a prayer chain member, please contact the parish office... Prayers... or call 785-843-6166; or Carol Hatton, Prayer Chain coordinator ( [email protected]).

The Prayer Chain prays daily for those who are ill, suffering or troubled; who have died; or who wish to offer praise and thanksgivings. Prayer Chain members find that their own private prayer life with God also deepens during this daily practice.

Pray for those who are ill: D.J., Bob, Annelise, Ollie, Susan, Karen, and Michael

Pray for those with special intentions: Eleanor, Phoebe, Nicole, Lindsey, Thomas, Katie, and John
Pray for those in the hospital: Jon, Bob, Anne, and Doug

Pray for the departed: Joan Handley, Rev. Susan O’Shay, and Karen Lind
Trinity's Anchor Women

In February an assembly of women came together with a vision of creating a community to provide a place for adult socialization and networking with church members, family and friends. A group was formed and named Anchor Women with Anchor being a part of the Diocesan Shield which represents hope.

In March we gathered for our dinner and shared thoughts, stories, along with fun and laughter. So much fellowship was had that it was agreed to meet on a monthly basis at different venues around Lawrence.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the group is staying connected through Zoom.
Our mission is to have a community of women of various ages and backgrounds to share thoughts, stories, highlights, fun and laughter. We would love to have you join us at 6:30 p.m. May 5 via Zoom. 
For more information, reach out to Patti Anderson ( [email protected]  785-766-2453) and/or Mary Perkins ( [email protected]  785-550-4401).
Corner Changes

As we are apart physically these days, communication is more important than ever to keep our Trinity family connected. The Corner is an important means of communication! If you have an article to submit to The Corner, please keep the length to 150 words or so. This will help to make The Corner as welcoming and readable as possible. Articles will run for two weeks and then will be removed.

And don't forget to read The Corner!
Volunteer Corner

Even though our in-person services are suspended, are you looking for something to do to help your Church once public services start up? Several positions are currently open.

Please contact our office if you are able to spare a few hours at

Facebook Caretaker - Looking for a person to take care of our Facebook Page: changing profile and cover page as the seasons change, creating and adding event pictures to albums, loading videos, and posting special notices of our happenings.

Trinity Youth Group Mentor - Will Chaney will be leaving the Canterbury House and heading back to school. We wish him well and a big thank you for the fine commitment to our middle school and high school kids. If you would like to work with our Youth Group next year, please contact Fr. Rob at [email protected].
TEST Tidbits: Insect Species Decline

Data from a study done by the Entomological Society of Krefeld, Germany conducted from 1989 to 2016 led to a report in the scientific journal called, PLOS One. This report showed a 76% decline in the number of insects collected for that area. 

Alarmed, other entomological groups stepped up their studies of insect decline. The International Union for Conservation of Nature found that the following insect populations were declining: 75% of dragonflies and damselflies, 36% of butterflies and moths, 42% of bees, wasps and ants, 61% of beetles, and 85% of grasshoppers and crickets.  

Three questions (at least) arise from these studies. Question number one: What does this insect decline mean for humans? Elizabeth Kolbert, author of the National Geographic article “Where have all the Insects Gone,” answers by saying, “Every buzzing, crawling, hovering insect is a cog in an ecological machine. Tiny individual efforts add up to colossal benefits for the earth.” 

To read this complete article, please click this link.

EARTH STEWARD ACTION: Please, consider planting pollinator plants in your garden this year and continue lowering your carbon footprint.

All past TEST articles are available on our website at
Photo: With friends, celebrating our birthdays right after the earthquakes in 2012.
News From Nepal

Hi everyone! Sorry for the silence lately- everything's fine, but with the lockdown, I have been losing track of days/time and I keep missing the submission deadline for this news blog. April 12 was the fifth anniversary of the first of the earthquakes in Nepal, but this year, that went largely unnoticed with all that is going on in the world. Nepal is on day 37 of full lockdown, with the proposed end date of May 7 (if no extension).

To read Karin's full article, please go to
Vestry Meetings

The scheduled Vestry meetings are:

May 4, June 1, July 6

Meetings are open to all and are being held on Zoom at this time. The minutes of each meeting are posted to the church bulletin board and Trinity Vestry Minutes. Your Vestry can be contacted at [email protected]

Minutes through March have been added to our website.
Reminder that articles for our newsletter should be sent to [email protected] by noon Wednesday each week.

Our newsletters are available on our website and Facebook page.
Save the Dates

Episcopal Summer
Senior High School Camp  
Sunday, July 12, 2:30 p.m. to
Saturday, July 18, 11 a.m.
Camp Wood YMCA, Elmdale, Kansas

Episcopal Summer
Middle and Elementary School Camp  
Sunday, August 2, 2:30 p.m. to
Saturday, August 8, 11 a.m.
Camp Wood YMCA, Elmdale, Kansas

burning candle
We would like to know about hospitalizations, illnesses or special needs you are experiencing. Please call Fr. Rob, Deacon Deborah Burns, the Church office or a Vestry member so that we can help.
Trinity Vestry 2020
Rob Baldwin, Rector 785-424-4312
Steve King ‘21, Senior Warden 913-645-3135
Richard Lungstrum, Junior Warden ‘20 [email protected]
Jennifer Attocknie ‘20 785-760-2938
Elizabeth Miller, Treasurer ‘20 785-766-8175
Dave Severance ‘20, 785-691-7261
Betsi Anderson ‘21 785-843-9083
Leslie Foust ‘21 785-979-1829
Camille Olcese ‘21 620-704-4180
John Broholm ‘22 785-766-7002
Donna Griffin, ‘22 785-865-6039
Linda McCoy ‘22 785-550-6743
Bill Perkins ‘22 785-331-4401

Ministry Opportunities

Thursday, April 30
10 a.m., Story Time for Kids – Livestream
9 p.m., Tea and Compline at Canterbury House – Livestream

Friday, May 1
6 a.m., Pump 'n' Pray

Saturday, May 2
9 a.m., Organ Practice
10 a.m., Food Pantry

Sunday, May 3
9:30 a.m., Trinity Children's Sunday School – Livestream
10:30 a.m., Morning Prayer and Music Concert – Livestream
4:30 p.m., Youth Group – Zoom

Monday, May 4
6 a.m., Pump 'n' Pray

Tuesday, May 5
10 a.m., Story Time for Kids – Livestream
1 p.m., Food Pantry
6:30 p.m., Trinity Anchor Women - Zoom

Wednesday, May 6
6 a.m., Pump 'n' Pray
4 p.m., Friendship Circle – Zoom
7 p.m., Evening Prayer – Livestream

Thursday, May 7
10 a.m., Story Time for Kids – Livestream
9 p.m., Tea and Compline at Canterbury House – Livestream

Friday, May 8
6 a.m., Pump 'n' Pray

Saturday, May 9
9 a.m., Organ Practice
10 a.m., Food Pantry

Sunday, May 10
9:30 a.m., Trinity Children's Sunday School – Livestream
10:30 a.m., Morning Prayer and Music Concert – Livestream
4:30 p.m., Youth Group – Zoom
1011 Vermont St. Lawrence, Kansas 66044
Office closed due to stay at home
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Twitter @trinity_kansas