
Touchstone for

March 23, 2025

3rd Sunday in Lent

We continue to seek ways to remember and support those affected by the fires in LA. See below for ways to get involved and find support or comfort. Please contact the pastors at if you would like a pastoral call or visit. Most importantly, stay connected with loved ones. We continue to worship weekly at 11:30a.m. both in person and via live Zoom. (See link at very bottom) We also have a weekly yoga class, regular ways to volunteer, a Lenten Book Study, and monthly Soul Collage which meets this Saturday. Details and info below. Join us!

- Pastors Marlene & Jake Pomeroy

“Caring for others in Pasadena and beyond since 1885”          

Scripture Reading:

Luke 13:1-9

At that very time there were some present who told Jesus about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. He asked them, "Do you think that because these Galileans suffered in this way they were worse sinners than all other Galileans? No, I tell you, but unless you repent you will all perish as they did. Or those eighteen who were killed when the tower of Siloam fell on them--do you think that they were worse offenders than all the other people living in Jerusalem? No, I tell you, but unless you repent you will all perish just as they did." Then he told this parable: "A woman had a fig tree planted in her vineyard, and she came looking for fruit on it and found none. So she said to the man working the vineyard, 'See here! For three years I have come looking for fruit on this fig tree, and still I find none. Cut it down! Why should it be wasting the soil?' He replied, “Let it alone for one more year, until I dig around it and put manure on it. If it bears fruit next year, well and good, but if not, you can cut it down.'"


“A Watched Pot” 

As a child I had a hard time waiting for things – Christmas morning was particularly grueling waiting in my room to come out to open gifts!  My mother repeated to me so many times that “a watched pot never boils” – and of course that pot does boil but it seems like it takes forever.  What are each of us waiting for this Lent – some relief, a change, an opportunity, a friend?  We are challenged in this text to look in the opposite direction while we wait – the literal translation of “repent” is to turn 180 degrees. We are to keep our eyes on God – and what we need (maybe different from what we hoped for) will present itself! Come join us at 11:30AM in person or online for worship this Sunday!


 The Rev. John H. Pomeroy

Music from Connie

Our choir will sing an Andre Thomas setting of a Langston Hughes poem. We hope you can join us.

Connie Washburn, Music Director

Also on Sunday March 23rd

We will have a church school class this week and after worship we will gather in the Fellowship Hall for some light snacks.

Liturgist: Christy Furukawa

Zoom computer staff: Dan Komin ; Ushers: Judi Tyler

Church School Teachers: Krysty and Kim

From Ellen

We’ll continue our wonderings in church school this Sunday on big ideas about being God’s people with a focus on the third Habit of the Heart: A Capacity to Hold Tension Creatively, and conversation about learning from the mistakes of others and ourselves. We’ll find out what happened next to Humpty Dumpty in After the Fall, and we’ll remember the power of perseverance with The Magical Yet. Click the links to enjoy the wise 

If you are a Zoom worshipper, you will be able to access the bulletin through a link when you log onto Zoom on Sunday. (See link at bottom of Touchstone.)

Book Discussion Continues

On Sunday, eight of us gathered during coffee hour to consider the first part of the book Healing the Heart of Democracy by Parker J. Palmer. We shared ways in which we were intentional about seeing ourselves in relationship to others whose ideas, background and choices may be very different from our own…and we looked at the limits of being with others who are very different from us. This Thursday from 7-8:30PM we will gather on Zoom to look at Chapters 3 and 4, and share around the question of how and with whom we are able to share with persons who do not share our values - what Palmer refers to as “valuing otherness”. If you would like to join the sharing you are welcome to email Pastor Jake for the Zoom link.

Women's Scholarship 2025

Our 10th Anniversary!

Our Women’s Scholarship Committee has challenged us to raise an additional $10,000 to be used to support women this year… and we are almost there!! We have raised $8,000 and have only $2000 left to go. Can you help us reach our goal? Use this dedicated link to support the Women’s Scholarship Fund:  SUPPORT

The application is on the website and the deadline for completed applications is March 31st. Please urge women of all ages who are attending college or trade school in the Fall to find the application on our website in early March. We will be offering five scholarships of at least $5,000 each in 2025. This is the link to the application:

And please save the date of Saturday May 3rd at 11:00 a.m. for the Annual Scholarship luncheon and RSVP to Yvette in our church office at no later than April 20th. The $20 cost per person for lunch will be collected at the door. Please keep the WSF Committee in your thoughts and prayers: Grace Rinck (Chair), Mary Camacho, Krysty Leckrone, Neva Orr, Bettie Teel and Pastor Marlene.

Lent Continues

Lent is a time when folks traditionally fast from something and embark on a journey of faith for the 40 days between now and Easter. We invite you to explore ways to make this time meaningful that will deepen your faith, soothe your spirit, while still offering something to others. This year we invited you to observe Lent in four areas: 

1.     Fast from taking in too much news either via TV or any other social media. For sure, keep up with what is happening, but fast from hours and hours of taking in news.

2.     Nurture your relationship with God through spiritual practices. Read something, take walks in nature daily, breathe, write down what you are grateful for every day, join the Lenten book group, etc.

3.     Devote some time weekly to some action – help someone, get involved in a movement of justice, make phone calls to your representatives and make your views known about justice and compassion; show up for a public witness, write a check to support an organization. Shop locally. Buy your fresh food at the farmer’s market. Look for ways to preserve the earth.

4.     Practice joy. Knowing that we are justice seekers for the long haul, pace yourself and take time to laugh, play, enjoy a nice meal with others, etc.

-   Your Pastors Jake & Marlene Pomeroy

Eaton Canyon Fire Relief

We continue to receive money to support relief efforts nearby. We will send all monies that come in directly to local folks and organizations. Our Discipleship Ministry is exploring possible ways to send the money that has come in. At this point almost $5,000 has been sent to us to help others. If you have folks asking how they can help, urge them to donate on our website to the link dedicated to support those affected by the Eaton fire. 


Three Ways to Nurture Your Body & Soul

These are ongoing ways to participate in hands-on outreach work and things that nurture your spirit. Join us! Details below.

1. SoulCollage® is a practice that helps us express our inner life by using images from magazines and is deeply intuitive as you put together certain images that you are drawn to. Join us for creativity and community each month. Learn more at

The next SoulCollage® workshop is Sat. March 22nd, 12:30 p.m - 2:00p.m. in person and remotely. Contact leader Rev. Anne for further details and the zoom link:

2. Weekly Monday Yoga Class led by Darby Orr – we meet in the FUMC cloister or the Fellowship Hall (UCC) from 12p.m - 1p.m. 

The next class is March 24th.

NOTE: Darby is a skilled and wise teacher who offers ways to nurture your spirit. He also teaches online classes if you cannot make this one.

Check them out and sign up at:

3. We continue to offer occasional Table Gatherings modeling after Jesus who gathered with folks around tables to share food and drink. We invite folks to open their homes/yards for a meal. It’s a chance to have a potluck together, connect, and catch up on a meaningful level.

If you wish to host one, please reach out to our Membership Chairperson Josh Ashenmiller at

Tangible Ways To Support Community Outreach

Here are some hands-on ways to get involved with helping others.

– Pastors Jake & Marlene

-Friends in Deed

Lu Nguyen who coordinates our outreach with Friends in Deed is in touch with them about additional volunteer needs. For now we will stock the shelves on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month from

2:00 p.m. -3:30 p.m. Please contact coordinator Lu Nguyen at if you want to volunteer.

-Union Station Homeless Services

We have been connected to this organization and serving a monthly meal for decades. We serve a meal the 1st Monday for nine months each year. If you are interested in being on a team or subbing, please contact

Lu Nguyen at

Sermon Podcast


Did you miss a worship service and want to hear the sermon? Please visit and select 'podcasts' from the menu on top of the home page or click below

Sunday Worship Zoom Link


The Revs. Pomeroy are inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting Sunday mornings at 11:30a.m. Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Topic: FCC Worship

Time: This is a recurring meeting

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 857 6492 6605

Office Hours


Sallie is typically in the office from

8:30am-12:30pm on

Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Please email Sallie at for more specific hours.

 You may also leave a message at 626.795.0696

Office Hours


Yvette is typically in Tuesdays, Wednesdays from 3:30pm-6:30pm and Thursdays from 10:00am-2:00pm.

Please email Yvette at if you need any assistance.

You may also leave a message at 626.795.0696

We worship at

11:30 a.m. in the Chapel of First Methodist Church each Sunday and also via Zoom.

We are the First Congregational Church

of Pasadena,

United Church of Christ

Visit Our Website

 Our offices are located at

500 E. Colorado Blvd.,

Pasadena, CA 91101

Telephone: (626) 795-0696