Lent Continues
Lent is a time when folks traditionally fast from something and embark on a journey of faith for the 40 days between now and Easter. We invite you to explore ways to make this time meaningful that will deepen your faith, soothe your spirit, while still offering something to others. This year we invited you to observe Lent in four areas:
1. Fast from taking in too much news either via TV or any other social media. For sure, keep up with what is happening, but fast from hours and hours of taking in news.
2. Nurture your relationship with God through spiritual practices. Read something, take walks in nature daily, breathe, write down what you are grateful for every day, join the Lenten book group, etc.
3. Devote some time weekly to some action – help someone, get involved in a movement of justice, make phone calls to your representatives and make your views known about justice and compassion; show up for a public witness, write a check to support an organization. Shop locally. Buy your fresh food at the farmer’s market. Look for ways to preserve the earth.
4. Practice joy. Knowing that we are justice seekers for the long haul, pace yourself and take time to laugh, play, enjoy a nice meal with others, etc.
- Your Pastors Jake & Marlene Pomeroy