Your Weekly News and Updates
for December 20th, 2021
Sunday services can be viewed live at 9:30am on Facebook AND YouTube, or afterwards with the links found on the website and weekly emails. If you were unable to join us yesterday you can watch the service using this link.
         CHRISTMAS EVE – December 24th
        4pm & 6pm – Family Friendly Candlelight Services
  (childcare available)
            8pm – Contemplative Candlelight Service
      *We will also have a self-guided lighted prayer walk in the courtyard between services
       December 26th – Pajama Sunday
      How to Keep Our Hearts from Shrinking
  Colossians 3: 12-17
       **Wear your coziest Christmas PJs and join us for service!
Christmas in the Park: Rolling Suitcases Needed!
For our unhoused Denver neighbors, having a secure way to transport their belongings from shelter to shelter is a matter of life or death. As winter approaches, there is a palpable sense of urgency among the homeless community. Again this year, Wash Park UMC is partnering with Stigma and After Hours to provide rolling suitcases and backpacks to our homeless neighbors at our December 25th event called "Christmas in the Park." We need your help. If you have rolling suitcases you can donate, please bring them to church on Sunday mornings, or click this link for other donation options. Rolling suitcases are available in abundance at our local Goodwill and ARC thrift store locations as well. If you would prefer to make a monetary donation to our partner organization, Stigma, Wash Park UMC's own Sheri and Matt Salis will use the money to buy rolling suitcases and backpacks. Let's make this the most abundant Christmas in the Park event yet!

Matt Salis
Author, soberevolution
Executive Director, Stigma
There are lots of ways that you can offer your gifts in service to our congregation – looking for a way to be more involved at WPUMC? Here are a few opportunities:
*Ushering – online or in-person! We schedule individuals for a specific Sunday a month for their ushering “shift”. Online ushering doesn’t require you to be in the building, but to engage with online worship participants. In-person ushering requires your presence, and includes greeting people and helping with offering and communion. Email Rev. Sandi at
*Making Meals! Do you love to cook or offer people food? We coordinate meals for families with new babies, people who have health concerns, and other times when a meal seems to offer a tangible sign of love to our church family. To help out, email Rev. Sandi at
*Sunday Morning Liturgist! If you’d like to help offer a greeting to our worship participants, lead the call to worship and read the scripture, email Rev. Sandi at
There are lots of other ways to volunteer at WPUMC – if there is something specific you’d like to share, or if you are interested in a certain area of leadership, please contact Rev. Sandi at
We have Bags of Hope in the Narthex to be distributed to the homeless. Please grab a couple when you're in the building and bless our neighbors when you're out and about.