Your Weekly News and Updates

for August 22, 2022


Sunday services can be viewed live at 9:30am on Facebook AND YouTube, or afterwards with the links found on the website and weekly emails.

Click here to watch worship from 8/22.  

Summer of Love: Love Wins
 Romans 8: 38-39


We need some painters! On Tuesday, August 30th at 9am we will be getting our paintbrushes out and working on some projects around the building. We could use your help! Please email to let us know you'll be joining.

There are lots of ways that you can offer your gifts in service to our congregation – looking for a way to be more involved at WPUMC? Here are a few opportunities:

*Ushering – online or in-person! We schedule individuals for a specific Sunday a month for their ushering “shift”. Online ushering doesn’t require you to be in the building, but to engage with online worship participants. In-person ushering requires your presence, and includes greeting people and helping with offering and communion. Email Rev. Sandi at
*Making Meals! Do you love to cook or offer people food? We coordinate meals for families with new babies, people who have health concerns, and other times when a meal seems to offer a tangible sign of love to our church family. To help out, email Rev. Sandi at
*Sunday Morning Liturgist! If you’d like to help offer a greeting to our worship participants, lead the call to worship and read the scripture, email Rev. Sandi at

If there is something specific you’d like to share, or if you are interested in a certain area of leadership, please contact Rev. Sandi at
Altar Flowers 2022

If you’d like to sponsor Sunday morning altar flowers in honor of an occasion or in memory of someone, please sign up for a date below. The arrangements cost $45 ($35 for seniors) and you can take them home or give them away after service. We just ask that you return the vases to the Tea Kitchen so that we can reuse them. Make checks out to WPUMC and put altar flowers in the memo line or pay via Venmo @Michelle-Hoskins-17.
Please enter the occasion or person to be honored in the My Comment field after you click Sign Up.
Sign Up Here!