October 20, 2023

IN THIS ISSUE: President's Message for October | Early Voting Deadlines Coming Up | RSVP for Hybrid Advocacy Community Meeting | Blue Jackets Game with the CMA | Ohio PHP Offering Free Trainings for New SMBO Confidential Monitoring Program

President's Message:

October 2023

CMA's President, Dr. Mehran Mostafavifar, is back for this month's President's Message. This one's all about Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the upcoming election, and asking to hear from our members. Check it out!

Watch Now

Post-Election Advocacy Community Hybrid Meeting | Nov 8th

The CMA's Advocacy Community's Co-Chairs, Dr. Chris Brown, and Bill Cotton will host a post-election hybrid meeting on Wednesday, November 8th at 6:00 p.m. All CMA members are invited.


This meeting will review the results, potential implications, and possible next steps for the two statewide ballot issues - reproductive rights/abortion and legalization of marijuana use.  


Additionally, the meeting will look at future legislative considerations by the Ohio General Assembly on healthcare issues including insurance coverage, access, and scope of practice issues.


Please contact Lisa Oyer if you have a specific item to be included on the agenda and to RSVP for this meeting.

Click Here to RSVP

November Election | Early Voting Deadlines Coming Up

The CMA’s Board of Directors encourages members to vote on this November’s Constitution Amendment on Reproductive Rights, the Initiated Statute on Recreational Marijuana, and all local candidates/issues.


Early voting opportunities exist for those who want to vote prior to Election Day on November 7th. There are two early voting options that are available to registered voters:



Prior to the November 7th Election Day, Ohio provides designated hours early voting options at your local County Board of Elections. The remaining days and times are set for all counties in the state:

  • October 20: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
  • October 23-27: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
  • October 30: 7:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.
  • October 31: 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.
  • November 1-3: 7:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.
  • November 4: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
  • November 5: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Click here to find the details, including the voting location addresses, for early voting in any Central Ohio county.


Mail-In Absentee Ballot:

All requests for mail-in ballots must be received by local boards of elections within the next 10 days – October 31st is the deadline.

To request an absentee ballot from your county board of elections and get all the details on this process, click here.

Let us Know: Blue Jackets Game with the CMA

Calling all physicians and their families!

CMA wants to help you celebrate the New Year! We want to celebrate your work in healthcare by buying a block of seats during the Blue Jackets Healthcare appreciation game days in January.

Please fill out the poll below to let us know which one of the two days would work best for you and your family.

We hope to see you there!

Preferred Date for Blue Jackets Game with the CMA
Tuesday, January 2, 2024 - 7 pm
Friday, January 19, 2024 - 7 pm

Join OhioPHP for FREE virtual trainings about the State Medical Board of Ohio’s New Confidential Monitoring Program

In October, the State Medical Board of Ohio (SMBO) launched a new Confidential Monitoring Program for licensees to access safe and confidential services through OhioPHP for burnout, mental health, or substance use disorders. 

These trainings will cover topics such as:

  • How to access the Confidential Monitoring Program
  • Who is eligible for the Confidential Monitoring Program
  • Differences between the new Confidential Monitoring Program and the One-Bite Program

Who should attend this training?

  • Licensees of the SMBO
  • Employers of healthcare professionals
  • Employees of Employee Assistance Programs
  • Human Resource Professionals

To register for these trainings, click the button below

Register Now

From Our Sponsors: GBQ

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Share your expertise with Central Ohio’s news organizations

Sign-up today to be a physician expert for the CMA's Media Contact List - Destiney Davis, our PR & Communications Specialist, will reach out with more details.

Sign Up


Sedgwick - CMA’s BWC group rating program offering premium discounts

Columbus Medical Association | 614-240-7410 | www.ColumbusMedicalAssociation.org


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