Board of Directors Unanimously Passed Resolution of Witness in Support of the Rights of Trans and Non-binary People
In its September meeting, the NHCUCC Board of Directors unanimously passed a Resolution of Witness in support of the rights of trans and non-binary folk. This Resolution comes in the wake of an increase in anti-trans legislation, both around the nation and in the state of New Hampshire. Trans and non-binary folk, who are already vulnerable to harassment - as well as workplace, housing, and healthcare discrimination - have been demonized as dangerous and predatory; trans youth have been characterized as innocent victims of "woke" politics. All of this, in the end, dehumanizes our neighbors who are trans or non-binary, in ways that fly in the face of the Gospel.

As a Conference, we stand against policies that serve to dehumanize and vilify entire cohorts of people. And we acknowledge that we ourselves often have work to do, to fully incorporate our trans kindred into our own communities and congregations. But our call is to the striving, and to grace, more than it is to immediate perfection. So we commit ourselves together to love and justice for our trans and non-binary neighbors, whom we are called to love as ourselves.

Often, though not always, Resolutions of Witness come before the gathered Annual Meeting for discussion and vote. In this instance, the Board felt passing the Resolution was a natural extension of the Open and Affirming commitment the Conference has held for decades. Additionally, it felt inappropriate to debate publicly the rights of a vulnerable minority. Indeed, this is, in part, why the resolution was necessary in the first place. That trans and nonbinary folks are human beings deserving of dignity and basic rights is simply the truth of our faith: that we are all made in the image and likeness of God, and that nothing can separate us from God's love and grace.
Candidate for the Position of Associate Conference Minister to be Elected at the New Hampshire Conference Annual Meeting
The Reverend Sara Marean
The New Hampshire Conference Board of Directors and Conference Minister, the Reverend Gordon Rankin, recommend to the 221st Annual Meeting of the New Hampshire Conference the election of the Reverend Sara Marean to serve as our next Associate Conference Minister. 

Reverend Marean is a graduate of Earlham College and Harvard University Divinity School. She was Ordained in 2001. Reverend Marean has served churches in Minnesota and Massachusetts. For the past eight years, she has served as Pastor at the First Congregational Church (FCC) of Wilmot (NH), UCC.
Reverend Marean has been active in the life of the Conference serving for the past several years on the Wider Church Relations Ministry Team. She has demonstrated passion for the Ukama Partnership and has visited our UCCZ colleagues in Zimbabwe. She also helped lead FCC Wilmot through the process of becoming the New Hampshire Conference’s second Racial Justice Church.

The Associate Conference Minister Search Advisory Team noted Reverend Marean’s pastoral heart, her commitment to justice of all types, and how her faith shines through all she does. She will bring to her work as part of the Conference Staff a vision and passion for what the church is and what it will be. She writes in her profile: “I am deeply passionate about the church. As I see the world around us crack and certain populations lash out at others, I have come to believe ever more deeply in the necessity of church. Our denomination is a voice in a world of hate calling for love. As our nation and world become ever more divided, and extremist voices become ever more prevalent, the UCC has the ability to speak forcefully and emphatically for a faith based on compassion, justice for all God’s children, the sacred nature of the earth on which we live, and systems built on equality.”

Delegates and Authorized Ministers will have the opportunity to attend a virtual Meet and Greet with Reverend Marean on Tuesday, October 11 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. She will also be available to greet those who are attending the Annual Meeting in person from 8:00 to 8:45 am on October 15th at the Grappone Center. Reverend Marean will be our preacher for the Annual Meeting opening worship service. The election will take place later in the morning session of the Meeting. 

With a favorable election, Reverend Marean is expected to start as our Associate Conference Minister early in 2023. 
Please Remember in Your Prayers...
Let us pray for our world, caught in a web of anger and violence, especially for the many who suffer from violence from weapons. This week, let us pray for families of the children killed by gun violence in Thailand. May we also continue to pray for the many who have lost loved ones to violence in the past, and for whom every mention of shootings renews the pain in their own hearts.

O God, in your tender mercy,
Hear our prayers!
Across Our Conference
The Rev. Beth Simmons concluded her ministry as Designated Term Pastor of the Washington Congregational Church, United Church of Christ at the end of September.

The Rev. Beth Simmons has accepted the invitation of the First Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, in Hancock, to become their Pastor and Teacher. Beth began her ministry at Hancock on October 2, 2022.

The Rev. Neil Wilson has announced his resignation from the role of Pastor and Teacher of the Laconia Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, and his retirement from active ministry. Neil’s last Sunday at Laconia will be October 23, 2022.

The Southwest Association of the New Hampshire Conference of the United Church of Christ will gather at the United Church in Acworth, United Church of Christ, to install Ms. Maureen Adams as Pastor and Teacher at 3:00 PM on Sunday, October 30, 2022.

The Rockingham Association of the New Hampshire Conference of the United Church of Christ will gather at the Newfields Community Church for a Service of Installation for the Rev. Cheryl Stromski at 2:00 PM on Sunday, October 30, 2022.

Mr. Jonah Mayer has accepted the invitation of the Bartlett Union Congregational Church, UCC, to be their Settled Minister. Mr. Mayer expects to begin his ministry at Bartlett later in November, 2022.

The Southwest Association will hold its Annual Meeting on Sunday, November 06, 2022 at 1:00 PM via Zoom.

The Grafton Orange Sullivan Association will hold its Fall Meeting on Sunday, November 6, 2022 at 2:00 PM via Zoom.
Conference Minister
Associate Conference Minister

Sunday Schedule: October 16, 2022

Rev. Gordon Rankin will be preaching at Northwood Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, where the Rev. Renee Rouse serves as Pastor and Teacher.
Weekly News
The Weekly News is published to promote the mission and ministry of the New Hampshire Conference of the United Church of Christ.

These announcements are intended to be brief, timely, and of a general interest to our Conference readers. Supportive links are provided whenever they are available. We encourage you to forward these materials to others in your church using the link below and to share them in your bulletins and local church newsletters.

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